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0001 #include "L1Trigger/L1TMuonEndCap/interface/DebugTools.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/L1TMuonSubsystems.h"
0004 namespace emtf {
0006   void dump_fw_raw_input(const l1t::EMTFHitCollection& out_hits, const l1t::EMTFTrackCollection& out_tracks) {
0007     // from interface/Common.h
0008     constexpr int MIN_ENDCAP = 1;
0009     constexpr int MAX_ENDCAP = 2;
0010     constexpr int MIN_TRIGSECTOR = 1;
0011     constexpr int MAX_TRIGSECTOR = 6;
0013     for (int endcap = MIN_ENDCAP; endcap <= MAX_ENDCAP; ++endcap) {
0014       for (int sector = MIN_TRIGSECTOR; sector <= MAX_TRIGSECTOR; ++sector) {
0015         const int es = (endcap - MIN_ENDCAP) * (MAX_TRIGSECTOR - MIN_TRIGSECTOR + 1) + (sector - MIN_TRIGSECTOR);
0017         // _____________________________________________________________________
0018         // This prints the hits as raw text input to the firmware simulator
0019         // "12345" is the BX separator
0021         std::cout << "==== Endcap " << endcap << " Sector " << sector << " Hits ====" << std::endl;
0022         std::cout << "bx e s ss st vf ql cp wg id bd hs" << std::endl;
0024         bool empty_sector = true;
0025         for (const auto& h : out_hits) {
0026           if (h.Sector_idx() != es)
0027             continue;
0028           empty_sector = false;
0029         }
0031         for (int ibx = -3 - 5; (ibx < +3 + 5 + 5) && !empty_sector; ++ibx) {
0032           for (const auto& h : out_hits) {
0033             if (h.Subsystem() == L1TMuon::kCSC) {
0034               if (h.Sector_idx() != es)
0035                 continue;
0036               if (h.BX() != ibx)
0037                 continue;
0039               int bx = 1;
0040               int endcap = (h.Endcap() == 1) ? 1 : 2;
0041               int sector = h.PC_sector();
0042               int station = (h.PC_station() == 0 && h.Subsector() == 1) ? 1 : h.PC_station();
0043               int chamber = h.PC_chamber() + 1;
0044               int strip = (h.Station() == 1 && h.Ring() == 4) ? h.Strip() + 128 : h.Strip();  // ME1/1a
0045               int wire = h.Wire();
0046               int valid = 1;
0047               std::cout << bx << " " << endcap << " " << sector << " " << h.Subsector() << " " << station << " "
0048                         << valid << " " << h.Quality() << " " << h.Pattern() << " " << wire << " " << chamber << " "
0049                         << h.Bend() << " " << strip << std::endl;
0051             } else if (h.Subsystem() == L1TMuon::kRPC) {
0052               if (h.Sector_idx() != es)
0053                 continue;
0054               if (h.BX() + 6 != ibx)
0055                 continue;  // RPC hits should be supplied 6 BX later relative to CSC hits
0057               // Assign RPC link index. Code taken from src/
0058               int rpc_sub = -1;
0059               int rpc_chm = -1;
0060               if (!h.Neighbor()) {
0061                 rpc_sub = ((h.Subsector_RPC() + 3) % 6);
0062               } else {
0063                 rpc_sub = 6;
0064               }
0065               if (h.Station() <= 2) {
0066                 rpc_chm = (h.Station() - 1);
0067               } else {
0068                 rpc_chm = 2 + (h.Station() - 3) * 2 + (h.Ring() - 2);
0069               }
0071               int bx = 1;
0072               int endcap = (h.Endcap() == 1) ? 1 : 2;
0073               int sector = h.PC_sector();
0074               int station = rpc_sub;
0075               int chamber = rpc_chm + 1;
0076               int strip = (h.Phi_fp() >> 2);
0077               int wire = (h.Theta_fp() >> 2);
0078               int valid = 2;  // this marks RPC stub
0079               std::cout << bx << " " << endcap << " " << sector << " " << 0 << " " << station << " " << valid << " "
0080                         << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << wire << " " << chamber << " " << 0 << " " << strip << std::endl;
0081             }
0082           }  // end loop over hits
0084           std::cout << "12345" << std::endl;
0085         }  // end loop over bx
0087         // _____________________________________________________________________
0088         // This prints the tracks as raw text output from the firmware simulator
0090         std::cout << "==== Endcap " << endcap << " Sector " << sector << " Tracks ====" << std::endl;
0091         std::cout << "bx e s a mo et ph cr q pt" << std::endl;
0093         for (const auto& t : out_tracks) {
0094           if (t.Sector_idx() != es)
0095             continue;
0097           std::cout << t.BX() << " " << (t.Endcap() == 1 ? 1 : 2) << " " << t.Sector() << " " << t.PtLUT().address
0098                     << " " << t.Mode() << " " << (t.GMT_eta() >= 0 ? t.GMT_eta() : t.GMT_eta() + 512) << " "
0099                     << t.GMT_phi() << " " << t.GMT_charge() << " " << t.GMT_quality() << " " << t.Pt() << std::endl;
0100         }  // end loop over tracks
0102       }  // end loop over sector
0103     }  // end loop over endcap
0104   }
0106 }  // namespace emtf