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0001 #include <cassert>
0002 #include <iostream>
0003 #include <algorithm>
0004 #include <bitset>
0006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0008 #include "L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlap/interface/OMTFConfiguration.h"
0009 #include "L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlap/interface/OMTFSorter.h"
0011 #include "L1Trigger/RPCTrigger/interface/RPCConst.h"
0012 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0013 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0014 AlgoMuon OMTFSorter::sortSingleResult(const OMTFResult& aResult) {
0015   OMTFResult::vector1D pdfValsVec = aResult.getSummaryVals();
0016   OMTFResult::vector1D nHitsVec = aResult.getSummaryHits();
0017   OMTFResult::vector1D refPhiVec = aResult.getRefPhis();
0018   OMTFResult::vector1D refEtaVec = aResult.getRefEtas();
0019   OMTFResult::vector1D hitsVec = aResult.getHitsWord();
0020   OMTFResult::vector1D refPhiRHitVec = aResult.getRefPhiRHits();
0022   assert(pdfValsVec.size() == nHitsVec.size());
0024   unsigned int nHitsMax = 0;
0025   unsigned int pdfValMax = 0;
0026   unsigned int hitsWord = 0;
0027   int refPhi = 1024;
0028   int refEta = -10;
0029   int refLayer = -1;
0030   int refPhiRHit = 1024;
0032   AlgoMuon sortedResult(pdfValMax, refPhi, refEta, refLayer, hitsWord, nHitsMax);
0034   ///Find a result with biggest number of hits
0035   for (auto itHits : nHitsVec) {
0036     if (itHits > nHitsMax)
0037       nHitsMax = itHits;
0038   }
0040   if (!nHitsMax)
0041     return sortedResult;
0043   for (unsigned int ipdfVal = 0; ipdfVal < pdfValsVec.size(); ++ipdfVal) {
0044     if (nHitsVec[ipdfVal] == nHitsMax) {
0045       if (pdfValsVec[ipdfVal] > pdfValMax) {
0046         pdfValMax = pdfValsVec[ipdfVal];
0047         refPhi = refPhiVec[ipdfVal];
0048         refEta = refEtaVec[ipdfVal];
0049         refLayer = ipdfVal;
0050         hitsWord = hitsVec[ipdfVal];
0051         refPhiRHit = refPhiRHitVec[ipdfVal];
0052       }
0053     }
0054   }
0056   sortedResult.setDisc(pdfValMax);
0057   sortedResult.setPhi(refPhi);
0058   sortedResult.setEta(refEta);
0059   sortedResult.setRefLayer(refLayer);
0060   sortedResult.setHits(hitsWord);
0061   sortedResult.setQ(nHitsMax);
0062   sortedResult.setPhiRHit(refPhiRHit);
0064   return sortedResult;
0065 }
0066 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0067 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0068 AlgoMuon OMTFSorter::sortRefHitResults(const OMTFProcessor::resultsMap& aResultsMap, int charge) {
0069   unsigned int pdfValMax = 0;
0070   unsigned int nHitsMax = 0;
0071   unsigned int hitsWord = 0;
0072   int refPhi = 9999;
0073   int refEta = 999;
0074   int refLayer = -1;
0075   int refPhiRHit = 9999;
0076   Key bestKey;
0078   //  std::cout <<" ====== sortRefHitResults: " << std::endl;
0079   for (const auto& itKey : aResultsMap) {
0080     if (charge != 0 && itKey.first.theCharge != charge)
0081       continue;  //charge==0 means ignore charge
0082     AlgoMuon val = sortSingleResult(itKey.second);
0083     ///Accept only candidates with >2 hits
0084     if (val.getQ() < 3)
0085       continue;
0087     if (val.getQ() > (int)nHitsMax) {
0088       nHitsMax = val.getQ();
0089       pdfValMax = val.getDisc();
0090       refPhi = val.getPhi();
0091       refEta = val.getEta();
0092       refLayer = val.getRefLayer();
0093       hitsWord = val.getHits();
0094       refPhiRHit = val.getPhiRHit();
0095       bestKey = itKey.first;
0096       //      std::cout <<" sorter, byQual, now best is: "<<bestKey << std::endl;
0097     } else if (val.getQ() == (int)nHitsMax && val.getDisc() > (int)pdfValMax) {
0098       pdfValMax = val.getDisc();
0099       refPhi = val.getPhi();
0100       refEta = val.getEta();
0101       refLayer = val.getRefLayer();
0102       hitsWord = val.getHits();
0103       refPhiRHit = val.getPhiRHit();
0104       bestKey = itKey.first;
0105       //      std::cout <<" sorter, byDisc, now best is: "<<bestKey << std::endl;
0106     } else if (val.getQ() == (int)nHitsMax && val.getDisc() == (int)pdfValMax &&
0107                itKey.first.number() < bestKey.number()) {
0108       //      itKey.first.thePtCode < bestKey.thePtCode){
0109       pdfValMax = val.getDisc();
0110       refPhi = val.getPhi();
0111       refEta = val.getEta();
0112       refLayer = val.getRefLayer();
0113       hitsWord = val.getHits();
0114       refPhiRHit = val.getPhiRHit();
0115       bestKey = itKey.first;
0116       //      std::cout <<" sorter, byNumb, now best is: "<<bestKey << std::endl;
0117     }
0118   }
0120   AlgoMuon candidate(pdfValMax, refPhi, refEta, refLayer, hitsWord, nHitsMax, 0, bestKey.thePtCode, bestKey.theCharge);
0122   candidate.setPhiRHit(refPhiRHit);  // for backward compatibility
0123   candidate.setPatternNumber(bestKey.number());
0125   //  std::cout <<" return: " << candidate << std::endl;
0126   return candidate;
0127 }
0128 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0129 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0130 void OMTFSorter::sortRefHitResults(const std::vector<OMTFProcessor::resultsMap>& procResults,
0131                                    std::vector<AlgoMuon>& refHitCands,
0132                                    int charge) {
0133   //  for(auto itRefHit: procResults) refHitCands.push_back(sortRefHitResults(itRefHit,charge));
0134   for (unsigned int iRefHit = 0; iRefHit < procResults.size(); iRefHit++) {
0135     AlgoMuon mu = sortRefHitResults(procResults[iRefHit], charge);
0136     mu.setRefHitNumber(iRefHit);
0137     refHitCands.push_back(mu);
0138   }
0139 }
0140 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0141 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0142 bool OMTFSorter::checkHitPatternValidity(unsigned int hits) {
0143   ///FIXME: read the list from configuration so this can be controlled at runtime.
0144   std::vector<unsigned int> badPatterns = {
0145       99840, 34304, 3075, 36928, 12300, 98816, 98944, 33408, 66688, 66176, 7171, 20528, 33856, 35840, 4156, 34880};
0147   for (auto aHitPattern : badPatterns) {
0148     if (hits == aHitPattern)
0149       return false;
0150   }
0152   return true;
0153 }
0154 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0155 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0156 std::vector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand> OMTFSorter::candidates(unsigned int iProcessor,
0157                                                           l1t::tftype mtfType,
0158                                                           const std::vector<AlgoMuon>& algoCands) {
0159   std::vector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand> result;
0161   for (const auto& myCand : algoCands) {
0162     l1t::RegionalMuonCand candidate;
0163     candidate.setHwPt(myCand.getPt());
0164     candidate.setHwEta(myCand.getEta());
0166     int phiValue = myCand.getPhi();
0167     if (phiValue >= int(nPhiBins))
0168       phiValue -= nPhiBins;
0169     ///conversion factor from OMTF to uGMT scale is  5400/576 i.e. phiValue/=9.375;
0170     phiValue = floor(phiValue * 437. / pow(2, 12));  // ie. use as in hw: 9.3729977
0171     candidate.setHwPhi(phiValue);
0173     candidate.setHwSign(myCand.getCharge() < 0 ? 1 : 0);
0174     candidate.setHwSignValid(1);
0176     unsigned int quality = checkHitPatternValidity(myCand.getHits()) ? 0 | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) : 0 | (1 << 2);
0177     if (abs(myCand.getEta()) == 115 &&
0178         (static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000001110000000").to_ulong() ||
0179          static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000001110000000").to_ulong() ||
0180          static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000000110000000").to_ulong() ||
0181          static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000001100000000").to_ulong() ||
0182          static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000001010000000").to_ulong()))
0183       quality = 4;
0184     if (myOmtfConfig->fwVersion() >= 5) {
0185       if (static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000010000000011").to_ulong() ||
0186           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000100000000011").to_ulong() ||
0187           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000001000000000011").to_ulong() ||
0188           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000010000000000011").to_ulong() ||
0189           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000100000000000011").to_ulong() ||
0190           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("001000000000000011").to_ulong() ||
0191           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("010000000000000011").to_ulong() ||
0192           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000000000000011").to_ulong() ||
0193           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000010000001100").to_ulong() ||
0194           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000100000001100").to_ulong() ||
0195           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000001000000001100").to_ulong() ||
0196           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000010000000001100").to_ulong() ||
0197           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000100000000001100").to_ulong() ||
0198           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("001000000000001100").to_ulong() ||
0199           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("010000000000001100").to_ulong() ||
0200           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000000000001100").to_ulong() ||
0201           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000010000110000").to_ulong() ||
0202           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000000100000110000").to_ulong() ||
0203           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000001000000110000").to_ulong() ||
0204           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000010000000110000").to_ulong() ||
0205           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("000100000000110000").to_ulong() ||
0206           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("001000000000110000").to_ulong() ||
0207           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("010000000000110000").to_ulong() ||
0208           static_cast<unsigned int>(myCand.getHits()) == std::bitset<18>("100000000000110000").to_ulong())
0209         quality = 1;
0210     }
0212     //  if (abs(myCand.getEta()) == 121) quality = 4;
0213     if (abs(myCand.getEta()) == 121)
0214       quality = 0;  // changed on request from HI
0216     candidate.setHwQual(quality);
0218     std::map<int, int> trackAddr;
0219     trackAddr[0] = myCand.getHits();
0220     trackAddr[1] = myCand.getRefLayer();
0221     trackAddr[2] = myCand.getDisc();
0222     candidate.setTrackAddress(trackAddr);
0223     candidate.setTFIdentifiers(iProcessor, mtfType);
0224     if (candidate.hwPt())
0225       result.push_back(candidate);
0226   }
0227   return result;
0228 }
0229 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0230 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////