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0001 # Global Track Trigger
0002 This section describes several componenets of the Global Track Trigger, the CMS subsystem downstream of Level-1 Track Finding, which performs Level-1 vertex-finding for the L1 Correlator Layer 1 (for PF Candidate / PUPPI reconstruction) and globally builds track-only objects such as Jets, HT, MET, mesons (including $\phi$ and $\rho$), etc to be sent to the Global Trigger.
0004 ## Data Flow Overview
0006 The current design of the GTT involves several steps. Universally, a GTTInputConversion step which performs such conversions as $\frac{1}{R}$ to $p_T$ and $tan(\lambda)$ to $\eta$, occurs first. Currently in emulation, this takes information from the 96-bit [TrackWord]( and overwrites the corresponding fields with the GTT converted values, leaving the Track in a non-canonical state. In [firmware](, the HLS code for the Track [struct]( represents this non-canonical state as separate fields, rather than a single 96-bit word. Afterward InputConversion, multiple TrackSelection (TS) modules are configured/instantiated, potentially 1 for each downstream algorithm, such as VertexFinding (VF), Displaced Vertexing, TrackJets (and thus TrackHT/TrackMissingHT), TrackMET, mesons, $W~\it{to}~3\pi$, and so on. The VertexFinder takes selected tracks and uses (as baseline/extension) a histogramming method to identify the Primary Vertex (PV), weighted either with track $p_T$ (baseline) or a Neural Net score (extended). Downstream, multiple modules of TrackVertexAssociation (TVA) are run (in the baseline, a simple cut-based algo, and in extended algorithm/E2E, a track-association network discriminant cut), taking selected tracks from an appropriate TS modules, the PV from VF, and outputting vertex-associated tracks. These are inputs to JetFinding (JF), meson finding, MET, and other algorithms. In firmware, the outputs from vertex-finding are streamed to the L1 Correlator Layer 1, and all algorithms (including vertex-finding) outputs are sent to the L1 Global Trigger.
0008 ### GTT Input Conversion
0009 Input conversion handles the change from 1/R (really q/R) to $p_T$ and $tan(\lambda)$ to $\eta$. In LibHLS, this is controlled with a few constants that denote how many integer and fixed-float bits should be used. In emulation, constants are located inside the GTT plugin under ConversionBitWidths.
0010 LibHLS $\eta$ [module]( and $p_T$ [module](
0011 CMSSW [plugin](
0013 #### Status (October 2024)
0014 The Input conversion in Firmware centrally stores conversion constants and consistently uses the central GTT format (struct) for tracks. Meanwhile, the emulator is in a somewhat different spot, with a low-granularity conversion of $p_T$ with 7 integer bits and 3 float bits (currently consistent with firmware). For reading the $p_T$ back, different algorithms make different assumptions about the width of the datatype, either the actual ap_fixed<10,7> with 7 integer bits, or ap_fixed<14,9>. This works because of a bit-shift that 0-pads the 2 least significant bits of the actual ap_fixed<10,7> data stored in the previoius canonical L1T $\frac{1}{R}$ word; ergo the least significant integer bits are aligned under either interpretation. The $p_T$ conversion also uses an 10-bit LUT to map track values from the ap_int datatype to ap_fixed, which means that the least significant bits are ignored, dropping 2**2 in resolution. Because of the non-linear conversion, this produces strong discretization of high $p_T$ tracks. A possible remediation of this would involve either splitting the LUT so that a more granular version is applied to high $p_T$ tracks, or equivalently residual/correction-LUTs to adjust the response where needed. Either approach should require a modest increase in LUT resources but improve the conversion loss. Additionally, studies on $\phi$ mesons and reconstructing $B_s$ from them indicates that the $\eta$ conversion is a significant source of error, but also the $p_T$ appears to have biases (which may have a charge dependence). The latter indicates that there may be an inconsistent use of half-bin shifting in calculations somewhere. The $\eta$ conversion uses a 128-sized LUT (7 bits, owing to symmetry in the transform, it's cut in half relative to a simple calculation), into an ap_fixed<8,3> datatype; the LUT should be increased by a factor of 2^3 at least to ap_fixed<11,3>, improving the granularity significantly for $\phi$ meson reconstruction.
0016 ### Vertex Finder (VF)
0017 #### FastHisto (FH) - Baseline Algorithm
0018 This version of the algorithm serves as the baseline from TDR studies. This uses a histogram (256 bins as of 2023) which is filled with track $p_T$ as weights. A single vertex is chosen by a sliding-window algorithm which finds the consecutive bins (currently 3) containing the maximum $p_T$-sum (using a flat kernel). An inversion LUT which is built to store the mapping from $p_T$ to $\frac{1}{p_T}$ is used in combination with a window-bin-indexed weighted-sum of per-bin $p_T$-sums is used to calculate the $p_T$-weighted location of the peak, and this is stored as the vertex $z_0$ position. The $p_T$-sum from the window is denoted as the sumPt of the vertex.
0019 LibHLS [module](
0020 VertexFinder class [interface](, [src](, and [plugin]( with CMSSW default configuration [here]( The Simulation tag is 'l1tVertexFinder' whereas the emulator is usually grabbed via 'l1tVertexFinderEmulator.'
0021 #### End-to-end Neural Network (E2E) - Extended Algorithm
0022 The End-to-end Neural Network is a beyond-baseline version of the algorithm. It uses the same structure as FastHisto, but replaces weighting tracks by their $p_T$ with a DNN discriminant score. This produces an improved vertex-finding efficiency and resolution over FH. This is trained in tandem with TrackAssociationNetworks to replace the cut-based TrackVertexAssociation algorithm typically paired with FH.
0024 #### Status as of October 2024
0025 The FastHisto (Emulation) algorithm has bit-level agreement with the firmware using several thousand events from $t\bar{t}$ simulation (200 PileUp). The algorithm can handle mulitple vertices. In LibHLS/firmware, only one vertex is enabled to reduce resource usage. An implementation detail is that the $p_T$ sum per bin is calculated untruncated in both firmware and emulation, but prior to the vertex-finding portion (sliding window algo), the precision is reduced. Of the fields proposed for the vertex, only the valid bit, the sumPt, and the $z_0$ position are filled; all other fields, including the quality field, the nTracks in/out PV are 0-filled. A design shortcoming is that the number of bins is a compile-time constant, but runtime-configurable constants passed into the configuration as `FH_HistogramParameters` indicate the minimum and maximum $z$ position for the histogram, and the 3rd parameter must divide this range appropriately to match the number of bins in firmware. For example, `FH_HistogramParameters = cms.vdouble(-20.46912512, 20.46912512, 0.15991504)` is appropriate for 256 bins as currently used.
0027 ### Track Selection (TS)
0029 In CMSSW GTT emulation the [plugin]( is defined within the L1TTrackMatch subpackage, and configured with default settings [here]( In firmware, the HLS code is concentrated in this LibHLS [module](
0031 #### Status as of October 2024
0032 The TrackSelection is partially desynchronized with the Firmware at HLS level. The firmware currently runs 3 duplicates of TS for VF, JF, and MET. The emulation default is not necessarily synchronized (per algorithm), and some of the capabilities in Emulation are not yet propagated back to HLS firmware code, notably for any track MVA quality cuts.
0034 ### Track Vertex Association (TVA) - Baseline (cut-based) Implementation
0035 CMSSW [plugin](
0036 CMSSW [config](
0037 LibHLS [module](
0039 #### Status as of October 2024
0040 The Baseline TVA module is extremely simple, primarily cutting on the $\Delta~z$ between the PV and the selected tracks from the upstream TS module.
0042 ### Jet Finding (JF)
0043 Jet finding uses a 2-layer clustering algorithm. The firmware is written in Verilog, and the emulator can be found in CMSSW in the central [plugin](, [configuration](, and common [header](
0045 #### Status as of October 2024
0046 The output of the emulator does not exactly match the firmware currently. An ongoing PR exists to fix several discrepancies, including a missing valid bit in emulation, and the binning of the $\eta-\phi$ plane.
0048 ### HT and Missing HT (HT)
0049 The HT / Missing HT modules only exist in Emulation currently, with plans for an HLS implementation in Firmware in the near future. The CMSSW [plugin]( and associated [configuration](
0051 #### Status as of October 2024
0052 The (Missing)HT Emulator currently uses a centrally defined [data format]( which only permits storing either the scalar or vector-sum in a (potentially) bit-accurate way. In other subsystems (e.g. L1Calo), this is addressed by storing two variations of the datatype, one where the scalar sum is stored in a hardware-accurate way, and another with the vector sum. Currently GTT only stores one copy, and the vector sum is stored as a float, while the scalar sum, phi, and number of jets are stored as integers.
0054 ### MET
0055 CMSSW [plugin](
0056 CMSSW [configuration](
0057 LibHLS [module](
0059 #### Status as of October 2024
0060 The MET module has bit-accurate agreement between firmware and emulation. The LUT converting the track global $\phi$ value to a $cos(\phi)$ or $sin(\phi)$ value was reduced to a size of 1024 in order to meet firmware timing constraints. This is accomplished with a single LUT in combination with trigonometric identities to avoid separate $cos(\phi)$ and $sin(\phi)$ LUTs. Similar to the (Missing)HT module, only part of the output is stored in a potentially bit-accurate way in emulation (in this case, the vector sum, being the true MET, along with the phi and number of tracks)
0062 ### Phi and Rho Meson Finding
0063 These currently exist as simulation+emulation studies in private CMSSW branches, with ongoing work to create HLS-based firmware modules.
0065 ### $W~\it{to}~3\pi$ (W3pi)
0066 CMSSW [TkTriplet](
0067 CMSSW [plugin](
0068 CMSSW [configuration](
0069 LibHLS [module](
0071 ### GTTFileReader, GTTFileWriter
0072 [reader](
0073 [writer](
0074 These plugins make use of the subsystem-agnostic BoardDataReader and BoardDataWriter classes, respectively, specified in the reader's [interface]( and [src]( files, and likewise for the writer [interface]( and [src](
0075 The GTT configuration constants are mostly gathered in the [GTTInterface.h]( which specifies how link inputs/frames map to given collections of objects for pattern-buffer writing and reading. For example, whether vertices are placed in link 3 or link 0 to GT for a given board, and at which starting frame they may appear, is encoded in these maps. Similarly other collections like jets, displaced jets, MET, HT link and frame position encoding are specified in this file.
0077 ## Emulation Pattern (Buffer) Files
0079 A git [submodule]( stores fixed copies of the emulation buffer / pattern files for use in [LibHLS](, using git [LFS](
0081 ### Generating pattern files
0082 A script in the CMSSW L1Trigger/DemonstratorTools/test/gtt folder contains a configuration to export and import pattern file buffers into CMSSW.
0083 [script](
0084 Typical usage looks like:
0085 ```
0086 cmsRun maxEvents=1008 format=APx inputFiles=L1Trigger/DemonstratorTools/python/
0087 ```
0088 An example configuration as referred to via the `inputFiles` kwarg can be found below, in this README.
0090 ### Loading tracks and vertices from pattern files
0091 Two input kwargs, `tracks` and `vertices` can be passed 3 options each, `donotload`, `load`, and `overwrite` to modify the behavior of patter-file writing. For each collection, the option `donotload` implies that the appropriate collection will be generated or read in from CMSSW collections (this is the default mode). The `load` option instead dictates that pattern files' contents, specified in the inputFiles configuration python file, will be decoded (verifying they can be read back via BoardDataReader class, as configured via GTTFileReader), but then ignored: the final collections will still be read/generated from CMSSW collections generated upstream in TrackFinding, as in the default mode. The final option, `overwrite,` decodes the objects from pattern files and makes these the corresponding collection used in subsequent steps. That is, if `tracks=overwrite` is used, then the tracks passed into the GTTInputConversion and downstream TS, VF, JF, etc. will come from pattern files written in the appropriate `readerformat` (APx, EMPv2, ...). As long as vertices is not set to `overwrite` as well, this will calculate new vertices from these pattern-buffer loaded tracks instead of those from the source root files or generated by the TrackFinder upstream. Similarly, if `vertices=overwrite,` the vertices collection will be read from the pattern files and upstream tracks (regardless of source and `tracks=X` option selected) will be ignored. The readerformat should specify whether the inputs are `APx` or `EMPv2` encoded.
0092 ```
0093 cmsRun maxEvents=1008 format=APx inputFiles=L1Trigger/DemonstratorTools/python/ tracks=overwrite vertices=donotload readerformat=APx
0094 ```
0096 An example of the `inputFiles` configuration including pointers to buffer files follows (the pointers to pattern files can be dropped for workflows that only need to generate buffer files from the default CMSSW collections or upstream TrackFinder):
0098 ```
0099 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0101 maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(-1) )
0102 readFiles = cms.untracked.vstring()
0103 secFiles = cms.untracked.vstring()
0104 source = cms.Source ("PoolSource",fileNames = readFiles, secondaryFileNames = secFiles)
0105 readFiles.extend( [
0106     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/005bc30b-cf79-4b3b-9ec1-a80e13072afd.root',
0107     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/009bd7ba-4295-46ef-a5bc-9eb3d2cd3cf7.root',
0108     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/017a99d2-4636-4584-97d0-d5499c3b453c.root',
0109     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/02020287-a16f-41db-8021-f9bcd272f6c9.root',
0110     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/02ca41cb-9638-4703-88b7-799c30fd2656.root',
0111     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/03171e00-8880-4c09-807a-0c1d5bac2797.root',
0112     '/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/TT_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_L1TFix_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v9-v1/50000/04c836c3-66f4-44d5-a8fd-2faf5e4aa623.root',
0113 ] )
0114 correlator_source = cms.Source ("PoolSource",
0115                                 fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
0116     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_0.txt',
0117     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_1.txt',
0118     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_2.txt',
0119     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_3.txt',
0120     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_4.txt',
0121     ...,
0122     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_54.txt',
0123     'APx/L1GTTOutputToCorrelatorFile_55.txt',
0124     )
0125 )
0126 track_source = cms.Source ("PoolSource",
0127                                 fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
0128     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_0.txt',
0129     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_1.txt',
0130     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_2.txt',
0131     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_3.txt',
0132     ...,
0133     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_60.txt',
0134     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_61.txt',
0135     'APx/L1GTTInputFile_62.txt',
0136     )
0137 )
0138 ```
0139 For loading tracks or vertices from buffers, the outputs from the `` should be placed in a subfolder labeled `APx` relative to that same script.
0141 ### Sidebands in different formats
0142 The APx and EMPv2 have different sideband codes. In LibHLS a script exists which can strip the APx sideband codes from pattern files and write these out as new txt files can be found [here](