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0001 // Original Author:  Emmanuelle Perez,40 1-A28,+41227671915,
0002 //         Created:  Tue Nov 12 17:03:19 CET 2013
0004 // system include files
0005 #include <memory>
0007 // user include files
0008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/EDProducer.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0014 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
0015 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Vertex.h"
0016 #include "DataFormats/L1TCorrelator/interface/TkHTMiss.h"
0017 #include "DataFormats/L1TCorrelator/interface/TkHTMissFwd.h"
0019 using namespace l1t;
0021 class L1TkHTMissProducer : public edm::stream::EDProducer<> {
0022 public:
0023   explicit L1TkHTMissProducer(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0024   ~L1TkHTMissProducer() override;
0026 private:
0027   virtual void beginJob();
0028   void produce(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0029   virtual void endJob();
0031   // ----------member data ---------------------------
0032   const float jetMinPt_;            // [GeV]
0033   const float jetMaxEta_;           // [rad]
0034   const bool doVtxConstrain_;       // require vertex constraint
0035   const bool useCaloJets_;          // Determines whether or not calo jets are used
0036   const bool primaryVtxConstrain_;  // use event primary vertex instead of leading jet (if doVtxConstrain)
0037   const float deltaZ_;              // for jets [cm] (if DoTvxConstrain)
0038   const unsigned int minNtracksHighPt_;
0039   const unsigned int minNtracksLowPt_;
0040   const float minJetEtLowPt_;  // for track jets, minimum et required, depending on number of low pT tracks
0041   const float minJetEtHighPt_;
0042   const bool displaced_;  // Use prompt/displaced tracks
0043   const edm::EDGetTokenT<VertexCollection> pvToken_;
0044   const edm::EDGetTokenT<TkJetCollection> jetToken_;
0045 };
0047 L1TkHTMissProducer::L1TkHTMissProducer(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0048     : jetMinPt_((float)iConfig.getParameter<double>("jet_minPt")),
0049       jetMaxEta_((float)iConfig.getParameter<double>("jet_maxEta")),
0050       doVtxConstrain_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doVtxConstrain")),
0051       useCaloJets_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useCaloJets")),
0052       primaryVtxConstrain_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("primaryVtxConstrain")),
0053       deltaZ_((float)iConfig.getParameter<double>("deltaZ")),
0054       minNtracksHighPt_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("jet_minNtracksHighPt")),
0055       minNtracksLowPt_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("jet_minNtracksLowPt")),
0056       minJetEtLowPt_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("jet_minJetEtLowPt")),
0057       minJetEtHighPt_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("jet_minJetEtHighPt")),
0058       displaced_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("displaced")),
0059       pvToken_(consumes<VertexCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1VertexInputTag"))),
0060       jetToken_(consumes<TkJetCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1TkJetInputTag"))) {
0061   if (useCaloJets_)
0062     produces<TkHTMissCollection>("TkCaloHTMiss");
0063   else if (displaced_)
0064     produces<TkHTMissCollection>("L1TrackerHTMissExtended");
0065   else
0066     produces<TkHTMissCollection>("L1TrackerHTMiss");
0067 }
0069 L1TkHTMissProducer::~L1TkHTMissProducer() {}
0071 void L1TkHTMissProducer::produce(edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0072   using namespace edm;
0073   std::unique_ptr<TkHTMissCollection> MHTCollection(new TkHTMissCollection);
0075   // L1 primary vertex
0076   edm::Handle<VertexCollection> L1VertexHandle;
0077   iEvent.getByToken(pvToken_, L1VertexHandle);
0079   // L1 track-trigger jets
0080   edm::Handle<TkJetCollection> L1TkJetsHandle;
0081   iEvent.getByToken(jetToken_, L1TkJetsHandle);
0082   std::vector<TkJet>::const_iterator jetIter;
0084   if (!L1TkJetsHandle.isValid() && !displaced_) {
0085     LogError("TkHTMissProducer") << "\nWarning: TkJetCollection not found in the event. Exit\n";
0086     return;
0087   }
0089   if (!L1TkJetsHandle.isValid() && displaced_) {
0090     LogError("TkHTMissProducer") << "\nWarning: TkJetExtendedCollection not found in the event. Exit\n";
0091     return;
0092   }
0094   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0095   // if primaryVtxConstrain_, use the primary vertex instead of z position from leading jet
0096   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0097   float evtZVtx = 999;
0098   bool foundVtx = false;
0099   edm::Ref<VertexCollection> L1VtxRef;  // null reference
0101   if (useCaloJets_) {
0102     if (doVtxConstrain_ && primaryVtxConstrain_) {
0103       if (!L1VertexHandle.isValid()) {
0104         LogError("L1TkHTMissProducer") << "\nWarning: VertexCollection not found in the event. Exit\n";
0105         return;
0106       } else {
0107         std::vector<Vertex>::const_iterator vtxIter = L1VertexHandle->begin();
0108         // by convention, the first vertex in the collection is the one that should
0109         // be used by default
0110         evtZVtx = vtxIter->z0();
0111         foundVtx = true;
0112         int ivtx = 0;
0113         edm::Ref<VertexCollection> vtxRef(L1VertexHandle, ivtx);
0114         L1VtxRef = vtxRef;
0115       }
0116     }  //endif primaryVtxConstrain_
0118     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0119     // using z position of leading jet to define "event vertex"
0120     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0121     float zvtx_jetpt = -1.0;  //pt of jet determining the event vertex
0122     float jetVtxMax = 99.;    //find z position of leading jet that has a z vertex!
0124     if (doVtxConstrain_ && !primaryVtxConstrain_) {
0125       for (jetIter = L1TkJetsHandle->begin(); jetIter != L1TkJetsHandle->end(); ++jetIter) {
0126         int ibx = jetIter->bx();  // only consider jets from the central BX
0127         if (ibx != 0)
0128           continue;
0130         float tmp_jet_vtx = jetIter->jetVtx();
0131         float tmp_jet_pt = jetIter->pt();
0132         float tmp_jet_eta = jetIter->eta();
0133         if (tmp_jet_pt < jetMinPt_)
0134           continue;
0135         if (std::abs(tmp_jet_eta) > jetMaxEta_)
0136           continue;
0137         if (std::abs(tmp_jet_vtx) > jetVtxMax)
0138           continue;
0140         // find vertex position of leading jet
0141         if (tmp_jet_pt > zvtx_jetpt) {
0142           evtZVtx = tmp_jet_vtx;
0143           zvtx_jetpt = tmp_jet_pt;
0144           foundVtx = true;
0145         }
0146       }  //end loop over jets
0147     }  //endif z position from leading jet
0149     float sumPx_calo = 0;
0150     float sumPy_calo = 0;
0151     float HT_calo = 0;
0153     if (doVtxConstrain_ && !foundVtx)
0154       LogWarning("L1TkHTMissProducer") << "Didn't find any z vertex (based on jet vertices) for this event!\n";
0156     // loop over jets
0157     for (jetIter = L1TkJetsHandle->begin(); jetIter != L1TkJetsHandle->end(); ++jetIter) {
0158       int ibx = jetIter->bx();  // only consider jets from the central BX
0159       if (ibx != 0)
0160         continue;
0162       float tmp_jet_px = jetIter->px();
0163       float tmp_jet_py = jetIter->py();
0164       float tmp_jet_et = jetIter->et();
0165       float tmp_jet_vtx = jetIter->jetVtx();
0166       if (jetIter->pt() < jetMinPt_)
0167         continue;
0168       if (std::abs(jetIter->eta()) > jetMaxEta_)
0169         continue;
0171       // vertex consistency requirement
0172       bool VtxRequirement = false;
0173       if (foundVtx)
0174         VtxRequirement = std::abs(tmp_jet_vtx - evtZVtx) < deltaZ_;
0176       if (!doVtxConstrain_ || VtxRequirement) {
0177         sumPx_calo += tmp_jet_px;
0178         sumPy_calo += tmp_jet_py;
0179         HT_calo += tmp_jet_et;
0180       }
0181     }  //end loop over jets
0183     // define missing HT
0184     float et = sqrt(sumPx_calo * sumPx_calo + sumPy_calo * sumPy_calo);
0185     math::XYZTLorentzVector missingEt(-sumPx_calo, -sumPy_calo, 0, et);
0186     edm::RefProd<TkJetCollection> jetCollRef(L1TkJetsHandle);
0187     TkHTMiss tkHTM(missingEt, HT_calo, jetCollRef, L1VtxRef);
0189     if (doVtxConstrain_ && !primaryVtxConstrain_) {
0190       tkHTM.setVtx(evtZVtx);
0191     }
0193     MHTCollection->push_back(tkHTM);
0194     iEvent.put(std::move(MHTCollection), "L1TkCaloHTMiss");
0195   }
0197   else {  // Using standalone jets
0198     float sumPx = 0;
0199     float sumPy = 0;
0200     float HT = 0;
0202     // loop over jets
0203     for (jetIter = L1TkJetsHandle->begin(); jetIter != L1TkJetsHandle->end(); ++jetIter) {
0204       float tmp_jet_px = jetIter->px();
0205       float tmp_jet_py = jetIter->py();
0206       float tmp_jet_et = jetIter->et();
0207       float tmp_jet_pt = jetIter->pt();
0208       if (tmp_jet_pt < jetMinPt_)
0209         continue;
0210       if (std::abs(jetIter->eta()) > jetMaxEta_)
0211         continue;
0212       if (jetIter->ntracks() < minNtracksLowPt_ && tmp_jet_et > minJetEtLowPt_)
0213         continue;
0214       if (jetIter->ntracks() < minNtracksHighPt_ && tmp_jet_et > minJetEtHighPt_)
0215         continue;
0216       sumPx += tmp_jet_px;
0217       sumPy += tmp_jet_py;
0218       HT += tmp_jet_pt;
0219     }  // end jet loop
0221     // define missing HT
0222     float et = sqrt(sumPx * sumPx + sumPy * sumPy);
0223     math::XYZTLorentzVector missingEt(-sumPx, -sumPy, 0, et);
0224     edm::RefProd<TkJetCollection> jetCollRef(L1TkJetsHandle);
0225     TkHTMiss tkHTM(missingEt, HT, jetCollRef, L1VtxRef);
0227     MHTCollection->push_back(tkHTM);
0228     if (displaced_)
0229       iEvent.put(std::move(MHTCollection), "L1TrackerHTMissExtended");
0230     else
0231       iEvent.put(std::move(MHTCollection), "L1TrackerHTMiss");
0232   }
0233 }  //end producer
0235 void L1TkHTMissProducer::beginJob() {}
0237 void L1TkHTMissProducer::endJob() {}
0239 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(L1TkHTMissProducer);