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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 l1tTrackSelectionProducer = cms.EDProducer('L1TrackSelectionProducer',
0004   l1TracksInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tGTTInputProducer","Level1TTTracksConverted"),
0005   outputCollectionName = cms.string("Level1TTTracksSelected"),
0006   cutSet = cms.PSet(
0007                     ptMin = cms.double(2.0), # pt must be greater than this value, [GeV]
0008                     absEtaMax = cms.double(2.4), # absolute value of eta must be less than this value
0009                     absZ0Max = cms.double(15.0), # z0 must be less than this value, [cm]
0010                     nStubsMin = cms.int32(4), # number of stubs must be greater than or equal to this value
0011                     nPSStubsMin = cms.int32(0), # the number of stubs in the PS Modules must be greater than or equal to this value
0013                     promptMVAMin = cms.double(-1.0), # MVA must be greater than this value
0014                     reducedBendChi2Max = cms.double(2.25), # bend chi2 must be less than this value
0015                     reducedChi2RZMax = cms.double(5.0), # chi2rz/dof must be less than this value
0016                     reducedChi2RPhiMax = cms.double(20.0), # chi2rphi/dof must be less than this value
0017                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rz/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0018                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rz/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0019                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0020                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0021                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # bend chi2 with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0022                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # bend chi2 with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0023                     ),
0024   processSimulatedTracks = cms.bool(True), # return selected tracks after cutting on the floating point values
0025   processEmulatedTracks = cms.bool(True), # return selected tracks after cutting on the bitwise emulated values
0026   debug = cms.int32(0) # Verbosity levels: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
0027 )
0029 l1tTrackSelectionProducerExtended = l1tTrackSelectionProducer.clone(
0030   l1TracksInputTag = ("l1tGTTInputProducerExtended","Level1TTTracksExtendedConverted"),
0031   outputCollectionName = "Level1TTTracksExtendedSelected",
0032   cutSet = dict(
0033                     ptMin = 3.0, # pt must be greater than this value, [GeV]
0034                     absEtaMax = 2.4, # absolute value of eta must be less than this value
0035                     absZ0Max = 15.0, # z0 must be less than this value, [cm]
0036                     nStubsMin = 4, # number of stubs must be greater than or equal to this value
0037                     nPSStubsMin = 0, # the number of stubs in the PS Modules must be greater than or equal to this value
0039                     promptMVAMin = -1.0, # MVA must be greater than this value 
0040                     reducedBendChi2Max = 2.4, # bend chi2 must be less than this value
0041                     reducedChi2RZMax = 10.0, # chi2rz/dof must be less than this value
0042                     reducedChi2RPhiMax = 40.0, # chi2rphi/dof must be less than this value
0043                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rz/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0044                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rz/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0045                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0046                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0047                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub4 = 999.9, # bend chi2 with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0048                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub5 = 999.9, # bend chi2 with nstub>4 must be less than this value 
0049                     ),
0050   processSimulatedTracks = cms.bool(True), # return selected tracks after cutting on the floating point values
0051   processEmulatedTracks = cms.bool(True), # return selected tracks after cutting on the bitwise emulated values
0052 )
0054 l1tTrackSelectionProducerForJets = l1tTrackSelectionProducer.clone(
0055   cutSet = dict(
0056                     ptMin = 2.0, # pt must be greater than this value, [GeV]
0057                     absEtaMax = 2.4, # absolute value of eta must be less than this value
0058                     absZ0Max = 15.0, # z0 must be less than this value, [cm]
0059                     nStubsMin = 4, # number of stubs must be greater than or equal to this value
0060                     nPSStubsMin = 0, # the number of stubs in the PS Modules must be greater than or equal to this value
0062                     promptMVAMin = 0.1, # MVA must be greater than this value
0063                     reducedBendChi2Max = 999.9, # bend chi2 must be less than this value
0064                     reducedChi2RZMax = 999.9, # chi2rz/dof must be less than this value
0065                     reducedChi2RPhiMax = 999.9, # chi2rphi/dof must be less than this value
0066                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rz/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0067                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rz/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0068                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub4 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0069                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub5 = cms.double(999.9), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0070                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub4 = 999.9, # bend chi2 with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0071                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub5 = 999.9, # bend chi2 with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0072                     ),
0073 )
0075 l1tTrackSelectionProducerExtendedForJets = l1tTrackSelectionProducerExtended.clone(
0076   cutSet = dict(
0077                     ptMin = 2.0, # pt must be greater than this value, [GeV]
0078                     absEtaMax = 2.4, # absolute value of eta must be less than this value
0079                     absZ0Max = 15.0, # z0 must be less than this value, [cm]
0080                     nStubsMin = 4, # number of stubs must be greater than or equal to this value
0081                     nPSStubsMin = 0, # the number of stubs in the PS Modules must be greater than or equal to this value
0083                     promptMVAMin = -1.0, # MVA must be greater than this value
0084                     reducedBendChi2Max = 999.9, # bend chi2 must be less than this value
0085                     reducedChi2RZMax = 999.9, # chi2rz/dof must be less than this value
0086                     reducedChi2RPhiMax = 999.9, # chi2rphi/dof must be less than this value
0087                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub4 = cms.double(5.0), # chi2rz/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0088                     reducedChi2RZMaxNstub5 = cms.double(5.0), # chi2rz/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0089                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub4 = cms.double(6.0), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0090                     reducedChi2RPhiMaxNstub5 = cms.double(35.0), # chi2rphi/dof with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0091                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub4 = cms.double(2.25), # bend chi2 with nstub==4 must be less than this value
0092                     reducedBendChi2MaxNstub5 = cms.double(3.5), # bend chi2 with nstub>4 must be less than this value
0093                     ),
0094 )
0096 l1tTrackSelectionProducerForEtMiss = l1tTrackSelectionProducer.clone()
0098 l1tTrackSelectionProducerExtendedForEtMiss = l1tTrackSelectionProducerExtended.clone()