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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 tpFastJets = cms.EDProducer("TPFastJetProducer",
0004     TrackingParticleInputTag = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
0005     MCTruthStubInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTStubAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "StubAccepted"),
0006     tp_ptMin = cms.double(2.0),       # minimum tp pt [GeV]
0007     tp_etaMax = cms.double(2.4),      # maximum tp eta
0008     tp_zMax = cms.double(15.),        # max tp z0 [cm]
0009     tp_nStubMin = cms.int32(4),       # minimum number of stubs
0010     tp_nStubLayerMin = cms.int32(4),  # minimum number of layers with stubs 
0011     coneSize=cms.double(0.4),         # cone size for anti-kt fast jet 
0012 )