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0001 #ifndef PFALGO_COMMON_REF_H
0002 #define PFALGO_COMMON_REF_H
0004 #include "DataFormats/L1TParticleFlow/interface/layer1_emulator.h"
0005 #include "pfalgo_types.h"
0007 #include <algorithm>
0008 #include <vector>
0010 namespace edm {
0011   class ParameterSet;
0012   class ParameterSetDescription;
0013 }  // namespace edm
0015 namespace l1ct {
0017   class PFAlgoEmulatorBase {
0018   public:
0019     PFAlgoEmulatorBase(unsigned int nTrack,
0020                        unsigned int nCalo,
0021                        unsigned int nMu,
0022                        unsigned int nSelCalo,
0023                        unsigned int dR2Max_Tk_Mu,
0024                        unsigned int dR2Max_Tk_Calo,
0025                        pt_t tk_MaxInvPt_Loose,
0026                        pt_t tk_MaxInvPt_Tight)
0027         : nTRACK_(nTrack),
0028           nCALO_(nCalo),
0029           nMU_(nMu),
0030           nSELCALO_(nSelCalo),
0031           dR2MAX_TK_MU_(dR2Max_Tk_Mu),
0032           dR2MAX_TK_CALO_(dR2Max_Tk_Calo),
0033           tk_MAXINVPT_LOOSE_(tk_MaxInvPt_Loose),
0034           tk_MAXINVPT_TIGHT_(tk_MaxInvPt_Tight),
0035           debug_(false) {}
0037     virtual ~PFAlgoEmulatorBase();
0039     void loadPtErrBins(
0040         unsigned int nbins, const float absetas[], const float scales[], const float offs[], bool verbose = false);
0041     void loadPtErrBins(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig);
0042     static void addCaloResolutionParameterSetDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription& to);
0044     void setDebug(bool debug = true) { debug_ = debug; }
0046     virtual void run(const PFInputRegion& in, OutputRegion& out) const = 0;
0048     /// moves all objects from out.pfphoton to the beginning of out.pfneutral
0049     virtual void mergeNeutrals(OutputRegion& out) const = 0;
0051   protected:
0052     // config
0053     unsigned int nTRACK_, nCALO_, nMU_;
0054     unsigned int nSELCALO_;
0055     unsigned int dR2MAX_TK_MU_;
0056     unsigned int dR2MAX_TK_CALO_;
0057     pt_t tk_MAXINVPT_LOOSE_, tk_MAXINVPT_TIGHT_;
0059     struct ptErrBin {
0060       glbeta_t abseta;
0061       ptErrScale_t scale;
0062       ptErrOffs_t offs;
0063     };
0064     std::vector<ptErrBin> ptErrBins_;
0066     bool debug_;
0068     // tools
0069     template <typename COV>
0070     int best_match_with_pt_ref(int dR2MAX, const COV& calo, const TkObjEmu& track, const pt_t& trackCaloPtErr) const;
0072     template <typename TV>
0073     void ptsort_ref(int nIn, int nOut, const TV& in, TV& out) const;
0075     pt_t ptErr_ref(const PFRegionEmu& region, const TkObjEmu& track) const;
0077     void pfalgo_mu_ref(const PFInputRegion& in, OutputRegion& out, std::vector<int>& iMu) const;
0079     void fillPFCand(const TkObjEmu& track, PFChargedObjEmu& pf, bool isMu, bool isEle) const;
0080     void fillPFCand(const HadCaloObjEmu& calo, PFNeutralObjEmu& pf, bool isPhoton = false) const;
0081     void fillPFCand(const EmCaloObjEmu& calo, PFNeutralObjEmu& pf, bool isPhoton = true) const;
0082   };
0084 }  // namespace l1ct
0085 //=== begin implementation part
0087 template <typename COV>
0088 int l1ct::PFAlgoEmulatorBase::best_match_with_pt_ref(int dR2MAX,
0089                                                      const COV& calo,
0090                                                      const TkObjEmu& track,
0091                                                      const pt_t& trackCaloPtErr) const {
0092   pt_t caloPtMin = track.hwPt - 2 * trackCaloPtErr;
0093   if (caloPtMin < 0)
0094     caloPtMin = 0;
0095   float ptErr = std::max<float>(Scales::INTPT_LSB, Scales::floatPt(trackCaloPtErr));
0096   ptscale_t dptscale = float(dR2MAX) / (ptErr * ptErr);
0097   int dr2min = 0, ibest = -1;
0098   for (int ic = 0, nCAL = calo.size(); ic < nCAL; ++ic) {
0099     if (calo[ic].hwPt <= caloPtMin)
0100       continue;
0101     int dr2 = dr2_int(track.hwEta, track.hwPhi, calo[ic].hwEta, calo[ic].hwPhi);
0102     if (dr2 >= dR2MAX)
0103       continue;
0104     pt_t dpt = track.hwPt - calo[ic].hwPt;
0105     dr2 += int((dpt * dpt) * dptscale);
0106     if (ibest == -1 || dr2 < dr2min) {
0107       dr2min = dr2;
0108       ibest = ic;
0109     }
0110   }
0111   return ibest;
0112 }
0114 template <typename TV>
0115 void l1ct::PFAlgoEmulatorBase::ptsort_ref(int nIn, int nOut, const TV& in, TV& out) const {
0116   out.resize(nOut);
0117   for (int iout = 0; iout < nOut; ++iout) {
0118     out[iout].clear();
0119   }
0120   for (int it = 0; it < nIn; ++it) {
0121     for (int iout = 0; iout < nOut; ++iout) {
0122       if (in[it].hwPt >= out[iout].hwPt) {
0123         for (int i2 = nOut - 1; i2 > iout; --i2) {
0124           out[i2] = out[i2 - 1];
0125         }
0126         out[iout] = in[it];
0127         break;
0128       }
0129     }
0130   }
0131 }
0133 #endif