File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:21:34
0001 #include "L1Trigger/Phase2L1ParticleFlow/interface/corrector.h"
0003 #include <iostream>
0004 #include <sstream>
0005 #include <cstdio>
0006 #include <cstdlib>
0007 #include <cassert>
0008 #include <unordered_map>
0009 #include <TFile.h>
0010 #include <TKey.h>
0011 #include <TH1.h>
0012 #include <TH2.h>
0013 #include <TAxis.h>
0015 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0016 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/CPUTimer.h"
0017 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0018 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/FileInPath.h"
0019 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0021 #include "DataFormats/L1TParticleFlow/interface/PFCluster.h"
0022 #else
0023 #include <filesystem>
0024 #include <sstream>
0025 #include <stdexcept>
0026 #endif
0034 l1tpf::corrector::corrector(const std::string &filename, float emfMax, bool debug, bool emulate)
0035 : emfMax_(emfMax), emulate_(emulate) {
0036 if (!filename.empty())
0037 init_(filename, "", debug, emulate);
0038 }
0040 l1tpf::corrector::corrector(
0041 const std::string &filename, const std::string &directory, float emfMax, bool debug, bool emulate)
0042 : emfMax_(emfMax), emulate_(emulate) {
0043 if (!filename.empty())
0044 init_(filename, directory, debug, emulate);
0045 }
0047 l1tpf::corrector::corrector(TDirectory *src, float emfMax, bool debug, bool emulate)
0048 : emfMax_(emfMax), emulate_(emulate) {
0049 init_(src, debug);
0050 }
0052 void l1tpf::corrector::init_(const std::string &filename, const std::string &directory, bool debug, bool emulate) {
0053 std::string resolvedFileName = filename;
0054 if (filename[0] != '/') {
0055 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0056 resolvedFileName = edm::FileInPath(filename).fullPath();
0057 #else
0058 resolvedFileName = std::filesystem::absolute(filename);
0059 #endif
0060 }
0061 TFile *lFile = TFile::Open(resolvedFileName.c_str());
0062 if (!lFile || lFile->IsZombie()) {
0063 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0064 throw cms::Exception("Configuration", "cannot read file " + filename);
0065 #else
0066 throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read file " + filename);
0067 #endif
0068 }
0070 TDirectory *dir = directory.empty() ? lFile : lFile->GetDirectory(directory.c_str());
0071 if (!dir) {
0072 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0073 throw cms::Exception("Configuration", "cannot find directory '" + directory + "' in file " + filename);
0074 #else
0075 throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find directory '" + directory + "' in file " + filename);
0076 #endif
0077 }
0078 init_(dir, debug);
0079 if (emulate)
0080 initEmulation_(dir, debug);
0082 lFile->Close();
0083 }
0085 void l1tpf::corrector::init_(TDirectory *lFile, bool debug) {
0086 TH1 *index = (TH1 *)lFile->Get("INDEX");
0087 if (!index) {
0088 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0089 throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
0090 << "invalid input file " << lFile->GetPath() << ": INDEX histogram not found.\n";
0091 #else
0092 std::stringstream ss;
0093 ss << "invalid input file " << lFile->GetPath() << ": INDEX histogram nit found.\n";
0094 throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
0095 #endif
0096 }
0097 index_.reset((TH1 *)index->Clone());
0098 index_->SetDirectory(nullptr);
0100 is2d_ = index_->InheritsFrom("TH2");
0102 std::unordered_map<std::string, TGraph *> graphs;
0103 TKey *key;
0104 TIter nextkey(lFile->GetListOfKeys());
0105 while ((key = (TKey *)nextkey())) {
0106 if (strncmp(key->GetName(), "eta_", 4) == 0) {
0107 TGraph *gr = (TGraph *)key->ReadObj();
0108 if (!gr->TestBit(TGraph::kIsSortedX))
0109 gr->Sort();
0110 graphs[key->GetName()] = gr;
0111 }
0112 }
0114 neta_ = index_->GetNbinsX();
0115 nemf_ = (is2d_ ? index_->GetNbinsY() : 1);
0116 corrections_.resize(neta_ * nemf_);
0117 std::fill(corrections_.begin(), corrections_.end(), nullptr);
0118 char buff[32];
0119 for (unsigned int ieta = 0; ieta < neta_; ++ieta) {
0120 for (unsigned int iemf = 0; iemf < nemf_; ++iemf) {
0121 if (is2d_) {
0122 snprintf(buff, 31, "eta_bin%d_emf_bin%d", ieta + 1, iemf + 1);
0123 } else {
0124 snprintf(buff, 31, "eta_bin%d", ieta + 1);
0125 }
0126 TGraph *graph = graphs[buff];
0127 if (debug) {
0128 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0129 edm::LogPrint("corrector") << " eta bin " << ieta << " emf bin " << iemf << " graph " << buff
0130 << (graph ? " <valid>" : " <nil>") << "\n";
0131 #else
0132 std::cout << " eta bin " << ieta << " emf bin " << iemf << " graph " << buff
0133 << (graph ? " <valid>" : " <nil>") << "\n";
0134 #endif
0135 }
0136 if (graph) {
0137 corrections_[ieta * nemf_ + iemf] = (TGraph *)graph->Clone();
0138 }
0139 if (std::abs(index_->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ieta + 1)) > 3.0) {
0140 break;
0141 }
0142 }
0143 }
0144 }
0146 void l1tpf::corrector::initEmulation_(TDirectory *lFile, bool debug) {
0147 std::unordered_map<std::string, TH1 *> hists;
0148 TKey *key;
0149 TIter nextkey(lFile->GetListOfKeys());
0150 while ((key = (TKey *)nextkey())) {
0151 if (strncmp(key->GetName(), "emul_eta", 8) == 0) {
0152 TH1 *hist = (TH1 *)key->ReadObj();
0153 hists[key->GetName()] = hist;
0154 }
0155 }
0157 neta_ = index_->GetNbinsX();
0158 correctionsEmulated_.resize(neta_);
0159 std::fill(correctionsEmulated_.begin(), correctionsEmulated_.end(), nullptr);
0160 char buff[32];
0161 for (unsigned int ieta = 0; ieta < neta_; ++ieta) {
0162 snprintf(buff, 31, "emul_eta_bin%d", ieta + 1);
0163 TH1 *hist = hists[buff];
0164 if (debug)
0165 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0166 edm::LogPrint("corrector") << " eta bin " << ieta << " hist " << buff << (hist ? " <valid>" : " <nil>") << "\n";
0167 #else
0168 std::cout << " eta bin " << ieta << " hist " << buff << (hist ? " <valid>" : " <nil>") << "\n";
0169 #endif
0170 if (hist) {
0171 correctionsEmulated_[ieta] = (TH1 *)hist->Clone();
0172 correctionsEmulated_[ieta]->SetDirectory(nullptr);
0173 }
0174 }
0175 }
0177 l1tpf::corrector::corrector(const TH1 *index, float emfMax)
0178 : index_((TH1 *)index->Clone("INDEX")),
0179 is2d_(index->InheritsFrom("TH2")),
0180 neta_(index->GetNbinsX()),
0181 nemf_(is2d_ ? index->GetNbinsY() : 1),
0182 emfMax_(emfMax) {
0183 index_->SetDirectory(nullptr);
0184 corrections_.resize(neta_ * nemf_);
0185 std::fill(corrections_.begin(), corrections_.end(), nullptr);
0186 }
0188 l1tpf::corrector::~corrector() {
0189 for (TGraph *&p : corrections_) {
0190 delete p;
0191 p = nullptr;
0192 }
0193 corrections_.clear();
0194 for (TH1 *&p : correctionsEmulated_) {
0195 delete p;
0196 p = nullptr;
0197 }
0198 correctionsEmulated_.clear();
0199 }
0201 l1tpf::corrector::corrector(corrector &&corr)
0202 : index_(std::move(corr.index_)),
0203 corrections_(std::move(corr.corrections_)),
0204 correctionsEmulated_(std::move(corr.correctionsEmulated_)),
0205 is2d_(corr.is2d_),
0206 neta_(corr.neta_),
0207 nemf_(corr.nemf_),
0208 emfMax_(corr.emfMax_),
0209 emulate_(corr.emulate_) {}
0211 l1tpf::corrector &l1tpf::corrector::operator=(corrector &&corr) {
0212 std::swap(is2d_, corr.is2d_);
0213 std::swap(neta_, corr.neta_);
0214 std::swap(nemf_, corr.nemf_);
0215 std::swap(emfMax_, corr.emfMax_);
0216 std::swap(emulate_, corr.emulate_);
0218 index_.swap(corr.index_);
0219 corrections_.swap(corr.corrections_);
0220 correctionsEmulated_.swap(corr.correctionsEmulated_);
0221 return *this;
0222 }
0224 float l1tpf::corrector::correctedPt(float pt, float emPt, float eta) const {
0225 unsigned int ipt, ieta;
0226 float total = std::max(pt, emPt), abseta = std::abs(eta);
0227 float emf = emPt / total;
0228 if (emfMax_ > 0 && emf > emfMax_)
0229 return total;
0230 ieta = std::min(std::max<unsigned>(1, index_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(abseta)), neta_) - 1;
0231 unsigned int iemf =
0232 is2d_ && abseta < 3.0 ? std::min(std::max<unsigned>(1, index_->GetYaxis()->FindBin(emf)), nemf_) - 1 : 0;
0233 float ptcorr = 0;
0234 if (!emulate_) {
0235 TGraph *graph = corrections_[ieta * nemf_ + iemf];
0236 if (!graph) {
0237 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0238 throw cms::Exception("RuntimeError") << "Error trying to read calibration for eta " << eta << " emf " << emf
0239 << " which are not available." << std::endl;
0240 #else
0241 std::stringstream ss;
0242 ss << "Error trying to read calibration for eta " << eta << " emf " << emf << " which are not available."
0243 << std::endl;
0244 throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
0245 #endif
0246 }
0247 ptcorr = std::min<float>(graph->Eval(total), 4 * total);
0248 } else {
0249 TH1 *hist = correctionsEmulated_[ieta];
0250 if (!hist) {
0251 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0252 throw cms::Exception("RuntimeError")
0253 << "Error trying to read emulated calibration for eta " << eta << " which are not available." << std::endl;
0254 #else
0255 std::stringstream ss;
0256 ss << "Error trying to read emulated calibration for eta " << eta << " which are not available." << std::endl;
0257 throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
0258 #endif
0259 }
0260 ipt = hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(pt);
0261 ptcorr = hist->GetBinContent(ipt);
0262 }
0263 return ptcorr;
0264 }
0266 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0267 void l1tpf::corrector::correctPt(l1t::PFCluster &cluster, float preserveEmEt) const {
0268 float newpt = correctedPt(, cluster.emEt(), cluster.eta());
0269 cluster.calibratePt(newpt, preserveEmEt);
0270 }
0271 #endif
0273 void l1tpf::corrector::setGraph(const TGraph &graph, int ieta, int iemf) {
0274 char buff[32];
0275 if (is2d_) {
0276 snprintf(buff, 31, "eta_bin%d_emf_bin%d", (unsigned int)(ieta + 1), (unsigned int)(iemf + 1));
0277 } else {
0278 snprintf(buff, 31, "eta_bin%d", (unsigned int)(ieta + 1));
0279 }
0280 TGraph *gclone = (TGraph *)graph.Clone(buff);
0281 delete corrections_[ieta * nemf_ + iemf];
0282 corrections_[ieta * nemf_ + iemf] = gclone;
0283 }
0285 void l1tpf::corrector::writeToFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &directory) const {
0286 TFile *lFile = TFile::Open(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
0287 TDirectory *dir = directory.empty() ? lFile : lFile->mkdir(directory.c_str());
0288 writeToFile(dir);
0289 lFile->Close();
0290 }
0292 void l1tpf::corrector::writeToFile(TDirectory *dest) const {
0293 TH1 *index = (TH1 *)index_->Clone();
0294 index->SetDirectory(dest);
0295 dest->WriteTObject(index);
0297 for (const TGraph *p : corrections_) {
0298 if (p != nullptr) {
0299 dest->WriteTObject((TGraph *)p->Clone(), p->GetName());
0300 }
0301 }
0303 for (const TH1 *p : correctionsEmulated_) {
0304 if (p != nullptr) {
0305 dest->WriteTObject((TH1 *)p->Clone(), p->GetName());
0306 }
0307 }
0308 }