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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



Warning, /L1Trigger/TextToDigi/test/data/testElectronsContent.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Contents of the testElectrons_x files, with iso and non-iso equal
0002 testElectrons_0 contains single electrons (iso or non-iso) with one entry per card and one for each region 
0003 testElectrons_1 contains 2 electrons
0004 testElectrons_2 contains 3 electrons
0005 testElectrons_3 contains electrons with rank but no position information
0006 testElectrons_4 contains electrons with equal rank
0007 testElectrons_5 contains electrons with equal rank and phi
0008 testElectrons_6 contains electrons with equal rank, phi and eta
0009 testElectrons_7 contains electrons with 0 rank but still position information