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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 TrackQualityParams = cms.PSet(# This emulation GBDT is optimised for the HYBRID_NEWKF emulation and works with the emulation of the KF out module
0004                               # It is compatible with the HYBRID simulation and will give equivilant performance with this workflow
0005                               model = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/data/L1_TrackQuality_GBDT_emulation_digitized.json"),
0006                               #Vector of strings of training features, in the order that the model was trained with
0007                               featureNames = cms.vstring(["tanl", "z0_scaled", "bendchi2_bin", "nstub",
0008                                                           "nlaymiss_interior", "chi2rphi_bin", "chi2rz_bin"]),
0009                               tqemu_TanlScale = cms.double( 128.0),
0010                               tqemu_Z0Scale = cms.double( 64.0 ),
0011                               )