File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:21:42
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 TrackerDTCProducer_params = cms.PSet ( 0004 0005 InputTag = cms.InputTag( "TTStubsFromPhase2TrackerDigis", "StubAccepted" ), # original TTStub selection 0006 BranchAccepted = cms.string ( "StubAccepted" ), # label for prodcut with passed stubs 0007 BranchLost = cms.string ( "StubLost" ), # label for prodcut with lost stubs 0008 CheckHistory = cms.bool ( False ), # checks if input sample production is configured as current process 0009 UseHybrid = cms.bool ( True ), # use Hybrid or TMTT as TT algorithm 0010 EnableTruncation = cms.bool ( True ) # enable emulation of truncation, lost stubs are filled in BranchLost 0011 0012 )
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