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0001 #ifndef L1Trigger_TrackerTFP_LayerEncoding_h
0002 #define L1Trigger_TrackerTFP_LayerEncoding_h
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/data_default_record_trait.h"
0005 #include "L1Trigger/TrackerTFP/interface/LayerEncodingRcd.h"
0006 #include "L1Trigger/TrackerTFP/interface/DataFormats.h"
0007 #include "L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/interface/SensorModule.h"
0009 #include <vector>
0011 namespace trackerTFP {
0013   /*! \class  trackerTFP::LayerEncoding
0014    *  \brief  Class to encode layer ids for Kalman Filter
0015    *          Layers consitent with rough r-z track parameters are counted from 0 onwards.
0016    *  \author Thomas Schuh
0017    *  \date   2020, July
0018    */
0019   class LayerEncoding {
0020   public:
0021     LayerEncoding() {}
0022     LayerEncoding(const DataFormats* dataFormats);
0023     ~LayerEncoding() {}
0024     // Set of layers in each (zT,tanL) digi Bin of each eta sector numbered 0->N
0025     const std::vector<int>& layerEncoding(int binEta, int binZT, int binCot) const {
0026       return;
0027     }
0028     const std::map<int, const tt::SensorModule*>& layerEncodingMap(int binEta, int binZT, int binCot) const {
0029       return;
0030     }
0031     // maybe layers for given ets sector, bin in zT and bin in cotThea
0032     const std::vector<int>& maybeLayer(int binEta, int binZT, int binCot) const {
0033       return;
0034     }
0035     // encoded layer id for given eta sector, bin in zT, bin in cotThea and decoed layer id, returns -1 if layer incositent with track
0036     const int layerIdKF(int binEta, int binZT, int binCot, int layerId) const;
0037     // pattern of maybe layers for given eta sector, bin in zT and bin in cotThea
0038     TTBV maybePattern(int binEta, int binZT, int binCot) const;
0040   private:
0041     // helper class providing run-time constants
0042     const tt::Setup* setup_;
0043     // helper class providing dataformats
0044     const DataFormats* dataFormats_;
0045     // data foramt of variable zT
0046     const DataFormat* zT_;
0047     // data foramt of variable cotTheta
0048     const DataFormat* cot_;
0049     // outer to inner indices: eta sector, bin in zT, bin in cotTheta, layerId
0050     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>> layerEncoding_;
0051     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::map<int, const tt::SensorModule*>>>> layerEncodingMap_;
0052     // outer to inner indices: eta sector, bin in zT, bin in cotTheta, layerId of maybe layers
0053     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>> maybeLayer_;
0054   };
0056 }  // namespace trackerTFP
0058 EVENTSETUP_DATA_DEFAULT_RECORD(trackerTFP::LayerEncoding, trackerTFP::LayerEncodingRcd);
0060 #endif