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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 l1tVertexProducer = cms.EDProducer('VertexProducer',                                   
0004   l1TracksInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTrackSelectionProducer", "Level1TTTracksSelected"),
0006   l1VertexCollectionName = cms.string("L1Vertices"), #Emulation postfix is appended when fastHistoEmulation is chosen as the algorithm
0008   # === Vertex Reconstruction configuration
0009   VertexReconstruction = cms.PSet(
0010         # Vertex Reconstruction Algorithm
0011         Algorithm = cms.string("fastHisto"),
0012         # Vertex distance [cm]
0013         VertexDistance = cms.double(.15),
0014         # Assumed Vertex Resolution [cm]
0015         VertexResolution = cms.double(.10),
0016         # Distance Type for agglomerative algorithm (0: MaxDistance, 1: MinDistance, 2: MeanDistance, 3: CentralDistance)
0017         DistanceType  = cms.uint32(0),
0018         # Minimum number of tracks to accept vertex
0019         MinTracks   = cms.uint32(2),
0020         # Compute the z0 position of the vertex with a mean weighted with track momenta
0021         #   0 = unweighted
0022         #   1 = pT weighted
0023         #   2 = pT^2 weighted
0024         WeightedMean = cms.uint32(1),
0025         # Chi2 cut for the Adaptive Vertex Reconstruction Algorithm
0026         AVR_chi2cut = cms.double(5.),
0027         # Do track quality cuts in emulation algorithms
0028         EM_DoQualityCuts = cms.bool(False),
0029         # Track-stubs Pt compatibility cut
0030         FH_DoPtComp = cms.bool(True),
0031         # chi2dof < 5 for tracks with Pt > 10
0032         FH_DoTightChi2 = cms.bool(False),
0033         # fastHisto algorithm histogram parameters (min,max,width) [cm]
0034         # TDR settings: [-14.95, 15.0, 0.1]
0035         # L1TkPrimaryVertexProducer: [-30.0, 30.0, 0.09983361065]
0036         # HLS Firmware: [-14.4, 14.4, 0.4]
0037         # Track word limits (128 binns): [-20.46912512, 20.46912512, 0.31983008]
0038         # Track word limits (256 binns): [-20.46912512, 20.46912512, 0.15991504]
0039         FH_HistogramParameters = cms.vdouble(-20.46912512, 20.46912512, 0.15991504),
0040         # The number of vertixes to return (i.e. N windows with the highest combined pT)
0041         FH_NVtx = cms.uint32(1),
0042         # fastHisto algorithm assumed vertex half-width [cm]
0043         FH_VertexWidth = cms.double(.15),
0044         # Window size of the sliding window
0045         FH_WindowSize = cms.uint32(3),
0046         # Kmeans number of iterations
0047         KmeansIterations = cms.uint32(10),
0048         # Kmeans number of clusters
0049         KmeansNumClusters  = cms.uint32(18),
0050         # DBSCAN pt threshold
0051         DBSCANPtThreshold = cms.double(4.),
0052         # DBSCAN min density tracks
0053         DBSCANMinDensityTracks = cms.uint32(2),
0054         # Minimum pt of tracks used to create vertex [GeV]
0055         VxMinTrackPt = cms.double(2.0),
0056         # Maximum pt of tracks used to create vertex [GeV]
0057         VxMaxTrackPt = cms.double(127.0),
0058         # When the track pt > VxMaxTrackPt, how should the tracks be considered
0059         #   -1 = tracks are valid
0060         #   0 = tracks are mismeasured and ignored/truncated
0061         #   1 = tracks are mismeasured and saturate at VxMaxTrackPt
0062         # Option '0' was used for the TDR, but '1' is used for the firmware
0063         VxMaxTrackPtBehavior = cms.int32(1),
0064         # Maximum chi2 of tracks used to create vertex
0065         VxMaxTrackChi2 = cms.double(100.),
0066         # Minimum number of stubs associated to a track
0067         VxMinNStub = cms.uint32(4),
0068         # Minimum number of stubs in PS modules associated to a track
0069         VxMinNStubPS = cms.uint32(3),
0070         # Track weight NN graph 
0071         TrackWeightGraph = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/VertexFinder/data/NNVtx_WeightModelGraph.pb"),
0072         # Pattern recognition NN graph
0073         PatternRecGraph = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/VertexFinder/data/NNVtx_PatternModelGraph.pb"),
0074     ),
0075   # Debug printout
0076   debug  = cms.uint32(0)
0077 )
0079 l1tVertexFinder = l1tVertexProducer.clone()
0081 l1tVertexFinderEmulator = l1tVertexProducer.clone()
0082 l1tVertexFinderEmulator.VertexReconstruction.Algorithm = cms.string("fastHistoEmulation")
0083 l1tVertexFinderEmulator.l1TracksInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTrackSelectionProducer", "Level1TTTracksSelectedEmulation")