File indexing completed on 2024-12-20 03:13:58
0001 #include <L1TriggerConfig/CSCTFConfigProducers/interface/CSCTFConfigProducer.h>
0002 #include <FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h>
0004 #include <cerrno>
0005 #include <cstdio>
0006 #include <fstream>
0007 #include <iostream>
0008 #include <memory>
0010 CSCTFConfigProducer::CSCTFConfigProducer(const edm::ParameterSet& pset) {
0011 const char* name[12] = {"registersSP1",
0012 "registersSP2",
0013 "registersSP3",
0014 "registersSP4",
0015 "registersSP5",
0016 "registersSP6",
0017 "registersSP7",
0018 "registersSP8",
0019 "registersSP9",
0020 "registersSP10",
0021 "registersSP11",
0022 "registersSP12"};
0024 for (int sp = 0; sp < 12; sp++) {
0025 std::vector<std::string> regs = pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >(name[sp]);
0026 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator line = regs.begin(); line != regs.end(); line++)
0027 registers[sp] += *line + "\n";
0028 }
0030 alignment = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("alignment");
0031 ptLUT_path = pset.getParameter<std::string>("ptLUT_path");
0032 setWhatProduced(this, &CSCTFConfigProducer::produceL1MuCSCTFConfigurationRcd);
0033 setWhatProduced(this, &CSCTFConfigProducer::produceL1MuCSCTFAlignmentRcd);
0034 setWhatProduced(this, &CSCTFConfigProducer::produceL1MuCSCPtLutRcd);
0035 }
0037 std::unique_ptr<L1MuCSCTFConfiguration> CSCTFConfigProducer::produceL1MuCSCTFConfigurationRcd(
0038 const L1MuCSCTFConfigurationRcd& iRecord) {
0039 edm::LogInfo("L1-O2O: CSCTFConfigProducer") << "Producing "
0040 << " L1MuCSCTFConfiguration from PSET";
0042 std::unique_ptr<L1MuCSCTFConfiguration> config = std::make_unique<L1MuCSCTFConfiguration>(registers);
0043 return config;
0044 }
0046 std::unique_ptr<L1MuCSCTFAlignment> CSCTFConfigProducer::produceL1MuCSCTFAlignmentRcd(
0047 const L1MuCSCTFAlignmentRcd& iRecord) {
0048 edm::LogInfo("L1-O2O: CSCTFConfigProducer") << "Producing "
0049 << " L1MuCSCTFAlignment from PSET";
0051 std::unique_ptr<L1MuCSCTFAlignment> al = std::make_unique<L1MuCSCTFAlignment>(alignment);
0052 return al;
0053 }
0055 std::unique_ptr<L1MuCSCPtLut> CSCTFConfigProducer::produceL1MuCSCPtLutRcd(const L1MuCSCPtLutRcd& iRecord) {
0056 edm::LogInfo("L1-O2O: CSCTFConfigProducer") << "Producing "
0057 << " L1MuCSCPtLut from PSET";
0059 std::unique_ptr<L1MuCSCPtLut> pt_lut = std::make_unique<L1MuCSCPtLut>();
0061 if (!ptLUT_path.empty()) {
0062 readLUT(ptLUT_path, (unsigned short*)pt_lut->pt_lut, 1 << 21);
0063 } else {
0064 throw cms::Exception("Undefined pT LUT")
0065 << "CSCTFConfigProducer is unable to generate LUTs on the fly.\n"
0066 "Specify full LUT file names or just avoid using CSCTFConfigProducer by uncommenting PTLUT "
0067 "parameter sets in L1Trigger/CSCTrackFinder configuration."
0068 << std::endl;
0069 }
0070 return pt_lut;
0071 }
0073 void CSCTFConfigProducer::readLUT(std::string path, unsigned short* lut, unsigned long length) {
0075 if (path.find(".bin") != std::string::npos) {
0076 std::ifstream file(path.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
0077*)lut, length * sizeof(unsigned short));
0078 if (
0079 throw cms::Exception("Reading error") << "CSCTFConfigProducer cannot read " << length << " words from " << path
0080 << " (errno=" << errno << ")" << std::endl;
0081 if ((unsigned int)file.gcount() != length * sizeof(unsigned short))
0082 throw cms::Exception("Incorrect LUT size")
0083 << "CSCTFConfigProducer read " << (file.gcount() / sizeof(unsigned short)) << " words from " << path
0084 << " instead of " << length << " (errno=" << errno << ")" << std::endl;
0085 file.close();
0086 } else {
0087 std::ifstream file(path.c_str());
0088 if (
0089 throw cms::Exception("Cannot open file")
0090 << "CSCTFConfigProducer cannot open " << path << " (errno=" << errno << ")" << std::endl;
0091 unsigned int address = 0;
0092 for (address = 0; !file.eof() && address < length; address++)
0093 file >> lut[address];
0094 if (address != length)
0095 throw cms::Exception("Incorrect LUT size")
0096 << "CSCTFConfigProducer read " << address << " words from " << path << " instead of " << length << std::endl;
0097 file.close();
0098 }
0099 LogDebug("CSCTFConfigProducer::readLUT") << " read from " << path << " " << length << " words" << std::endl;
0100 }