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0001 #include <iostream>
0002 #include <fstream>
0004 #include "CondTools/L1TriggerExt/interface/L1ConfigOnlineProdBaseExt.h"
0005 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion.h"
0006 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionRcd.h"
0007 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionO2ORcd.h"
0008 #include "L1Trigger/L1TCommon/interface/TriggerSystem.h"
0009 #include "L1Trigger/L1TCommon/interface/XmlConfigParser.h"
0010 #include "OnlineDBqueryHelper.h"
0012 #include "xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp"
0013 using namespace XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE;
0015 class L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd
0016     : public L1ConfigOnlineProdBaseExt<L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionO2ORcd, L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion> {
0017 private:
0018   const bool transactionSafe;
0019   const edm::ESGetToken<L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion, L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionRcd> baseSettings_token;
0021 public:
0022   std::unique_ptr<const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion> newObject(const std::string& objectKey,
0023                                                            const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionO2ORcd& record) override;
0025   L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0026   ~L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd(void) override = default;
0027 };
0029 void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
0030   if (from.empty())
0031     return;
0032   size_t start_pos = 0;
0033   while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
0034     str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
0035     start_pos += to.length();
0036   }
0037 }
0039 void removeAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
0040   if (from.empty())
0041     return;
0042   size_t start_pos = 0;
0043   while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
0044     size_t end_pos = str.find(to) + to.length();
0045     int length = end_pos - start_pos;
0046     str.replace(start_pos, length, "");
0047   }
0048 }
0050 L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd::L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0051     : L1ConfigOnlineProdBaseExt<L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionO2ORcd, L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion>(iConfig),
0052       transactionSafe(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("transactionSafe")),
0053       baseSettings_token(wrappedSetWhatProduced(iConfig).consumes()) {}
0055 std::unique_ptr<const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion> L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd::newObject(
0056     const std::string& objectKey, const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionO2ORcd& record) {
0057   const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionRcd& baseRcd = record.template getRecord<L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionRcd>();
0058   auto const& baseSettings = baseRcd.get(baseSettings_token);
0060   if (objectKey.empty()) {
0061     edm::LogError("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd")
0062         << "Key is empty, returning empty L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion";
0063     if (transactionSafe)
0064       throw std::runtime_error("SummaryForFunctionManager: OMTF  | Faulty  | Empty objectKey");
0065     else {
0066       edm::LogError("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd")
0067           << "returning unmodified prototype of L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion";
0068       return std::make_unique<const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion>(baseSettings);
0069     }
0070   }
0072   edm::LogInfo("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd")
0073       << "Producing L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion for key = " << objectKey;
0075   std::string payload, hw_fake;
0076   std::string algoV_string, layersV_string, patternsV_string, synthDate;
0078   try {
0079     payload = l1t::OnlineDBqueryHelper::fetch({"CONF"}, "OMTF_CLOBS", objectKey, m_omdsReader)["CONF"];
0081   } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
0082     edm::LogError("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd") << e.what();
0083     if (transactionSafe)
0084       throw std::runtime_error(std::string("SummaryForFunctionManager: OMTF  | Faulty  | ") + e.what());
0085     else {
0086       edm::LogError("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd")
0087           << "returning unmodified prototype of L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion";
0088       return std::make_unique<const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion>(baseSettings);
0089     }
0090   }
0091   // for debugging dump the configs to local files
0092   {
0093     std::ofstream output(std::string("/tmp/").append(objectKey.substr(0, objectKey.find('/'))).append(".xml"));
0094     output << objectKey;
0095     output.close();
0096   }
0098   // finally push all payloads to the XML parser and construct the TrigSystem object
0099   l1t::XmlConfigParser xmlRdr;
0100   l1t::TriggerSystem parsedXMLs;
0102   try {
0103     // no need to read all the HW settings, just define a dummy processor
0104     hw_fake = "<system id=\"OMTF\">  </system>";
0105     xmlRdr.readDOMFromString(hw_fake);
0106     parsedXMLs.addProcessor("processors", "processors", "all_crates", "all_slots");
0107     xmlRdr.readRootElement(parsedXMLs);
0109     // INFRA payload needs some editing to be suitable for the standard XML parser
0110     replaceAll(payload, "infra", "algo");
0111     removeAll(payload, "<context id=\"daq", "</context>");
0112     removeAll(payload, "<context id=\"OMTF", "</context>");
0113     xmlRdr.readDOMFromString(payload);
0114     xmlRdr.readRootElement(parsedXMLs);
0116     parsedXMLs.setConfigured();
0118   } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
0119     edm::LogError("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd") << e.what();
0120     if (transactionSafe)
0121       throw std::runtime_error(std::string("SummaryForFunctionManager: OMTF  | Faulty at parsing XML  | ") + e.what());
0122     else {
0123       edm::LogError("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd")
0124           << "returning unmodified prototype of L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion";
0125       return std::make_unique<const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion>(baseSettings);
0126     }
0127   }
0129   std::map<std::string, l1t::Parameter> conf = parsedXMLs.getParameters("processors");
0130   algoV_string = conf["algorithmVer"].getValueAsStr();
0131   layersV_string = conf["layersVer"].getValueAsStr();
0132   patternsV_string = conf["patternsVer"].getValueAsStr();
0133   synthDate = conf["synthDate"].getValueAsStr();
0135   unsigned algoV, layersV, patternsV;
0136   std::stringstream ssalgoV, sslayersV, sspatternsV;
0137   ssalgoV << std::hex << algoV_string.c_str();
0138   ssalgoV >> algoV;
0139   sslayersV << std::hex << layersV_string.c_str();
0140   sslayersV >> layersV;
0141   sspatternsV << std::hex << patternsV_string.c_str();
0142   sspatternsV >> patternsV;
0143   auto retval = std::make_unique<const L1TMuonOverlapFwVersion>(algoV, layersV, patternsV, synthDate);
0145   edm::LogInfo("L1-O2O: L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd")
0146       << "SummaryForFunctionManager: OMTF  | OK      | All looks good";
0147   return retval;
0148 }
0150 //define this as a plug-in
0151 DEFINE_FWK_EVENTSETUP_MODULE(L1TMuonOverlapFwVersionOnlineProd);