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Warning, /L1TriggerConfig/Utilities/test/prescale.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <run-settings id="uGT">
0002   <context id="uGtProcessor">
0003     <!-- Initial prescale set -->
0004     <param id="index" type="uint">2</param>
0005     <!-- Prescales sets table -->
0006     <param id="prescales" type="table">
0007       <columns>algo/prescale-index, 0:0e00, 1:0e10, 2, 3, 4:emergency</columns>
0008       <types>string, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint</types>
0009       <rows>
0010       <!-- Algos must match with menu, thus no default row is needed -->
0011         <row>L1_ZeroBias, 15923, 15923, 15923, 15923, 0</row>
0012         <row>L1_BptxPlus_NotBptxMinus, 15923, 15923, 15923, 15923, 0</row>
0013         <row>L1_BptxMinus_NotBptxPlus, 30000, 28000, 24000, 20000, 0</row>
0014         <row>L1_MinimumBiasHF0_OR_BptxAND, 16000, 14000, 12000, 10000, 0</row>
0015         <row>L1_MinimumBiasHF0_AND_BptxAND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0</row>
0016         <row>L1_MinimumBiasHF0_OR, 200, 170, 150, 120, 0</row>
0017         <!-- ... -->
0018       </rows>
0019     </param>
0020   </context>
0021 </run-settings>