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0001 #ifndef FitResolSlices_cc
0002 #define FitResolSlices_cc
0004 #include ""
0005 #include "TFile.h"
0006 #include "TH1F.h"
0007 #include "TROOT.h"
0009 /**
0010  * This class can be used to fit the X slices of a TH1 histogram using RooFit.
0011  * It uses the FitXslices class to do the fitting.
0012  */
0013 class FitResolSlices : public FitSlices
0014 {
0015  public:
0016   void fit(const TString & inputFileName = "0_MuScleFit.root", const TString & outputFileName = "ResolCheck_0.root",
0017        const TString & signalType = "gaussian",
0018        const double & xMean = 0., const double & xMin = -1., const double & xMax = 1.,
0019        const double & sigma = 0.03, const double & sigmaMin = 0., const double & sigmaMax = 0.1,
0020        const TString & histoBaseName = "hResolPtGenVSMu_ResoVS", const TString & histoBaseTitle = "ResolPtVs",
0021        TFile * externalOutputFile = 0)
0022   {
0023     gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE);
0025     TFile * inputFile = new TFile(inputFileName, "READ");
0027     TFile * outputFile = externalOutputFile;
0028     if( outputFile == 0 ) {
0029       outputFile = new TFile(outputFileName, "RECREATE");
0030     }
0031     outputFile->mkdir(histoBaseName);
0032     outputFile->cd(histoBaseName);
0033     TDirectory * dir = (TDirectory*)outputFile->Get(histoBaseName);
0035     fitSlice(histoBaseName+"Pt", histoBaseTitle+"Pt",
0036              xMean, xMin, xMax, sigma, sigmaMin, sigmaMax,
0037              signalType, "",
0038              inputFile, dir);
0040     fitSlice(histoBaseName+"Eta", histoBaseTitle+"Eta",
0041          xMean, xMin, xMax, sigma, sigmaMin, sigmaMax,
0042          signalType, "",
0043          inputFile, dir);
0045     if( externalOutputFile == 0 ) {
0046       outputFile->Write();
0047       outputFile->Close();
0048     }
0049   }
0050 };
0052 #endif