File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:22:45
0003 if [ $
0004 then
0005 echo "Error, usage is:"
0006 echo " N K Q (WD)"
0007 echo "Where"
0008 echo " - N is the total number of events"
0009 echo " - K is the number of events per job"
0010 echo " - Q is the name of the queue where the jobs will be submitted"
0011 echo " - WD is the dir where \"cmsenv\" is done"
0012 echo " (optional, default is \"pwd\")"
0013 exit
0014 fi
0016 N=$1
0017 K=$2
0018 Q=$3
0019 WDir=`pwd`
0020 if [ $
0021 then
0022 WDir=$4
0023 fi
0025 let "NJOBS=$N/$K"
0026 if [ $NJOBS -eq 0 ]
0027 then
0028 echo "Error: N($N) < K($K). Total events must be >= number of events per job"
0029 fi
0031 DirName="`pwd`/StatErrors_`\date +%y%m%d"_"%H%M%S`"
0032 if [ ! -d $DirName ]
0033 then
0034 mkdir $DirName
0035 fi
0037 echo "Creating and submitting $NJOBS new jobs to queue $Q"
0039 for i in `seq $NJOBS`
0040 do
0041 echo "Creating and submitting job $i..."
0042 let "skip=$K*($i-1)"
0044 cat | sed s/SUBSAMPLEFIRSTEVENT/${skip}/g | sed s/SUBSAMPLEMAXEVENTS/$K/g | sed s/MAXEVENTS/$N/g > ${DirName}/TreeSplitter_${i}
0045 cat singleJob.lsf | sed s?TEMPLATECMSDIR?${WDir}?g | sed s?TEMPLATEOUTDIR?${DirName}?g | sed s?JOBINDEX?${i}?g > ${DirName}/singleJob_${i}.lsf
0046 cd ${DirName}
0047 chmod +x singleJob_${i}.lsf
0048 bsub -o tmp_${i}.log -q ${Q} singleJob_${i}.lsf
0049 cd -
0050 done