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Warning, /PerfTools/MaxMemoryPreload/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # PerfTools/MaxMemoryPreload Description
0003 ## Introduction
0005 This package generated a library that is meant to be LD_PRELOADed along with which
0006 uses `cms::perftools::AllocMonitorRegistry` to register a monitor before an application begins. When the application
0007 ends the monitor reports statistics about the allocations and deallocations.
0009 ## Usage
0011 To use the package, one must issue the following LD_PRELOAD command before running the application (bash version
0012 shown below)
0013 ```
0014 LD_PRELOAD=""
0015 ```
0017 the order is important.
0019 ## Reporting
0020 When the application ends, the monitor will report the following to standard error:
0022 - Total amount of bytes requested by all allocation calls during the job. Note that actual _used_ allocation can be greater than requested as the allocator may require additional memory be assigned.
0023 - The maximum amount of _used_ allocated memory that was in use at one time.
0024 - The amount of _used_ memory allocated during the job that has yet to be reclaimed by calling deallocation.
0025 - Number of calls made to allocation functions.
0026 - Number of calls made to deallocation functions.
0028 This service is multi-thread safe. Note that when run multi-threaded the maximum reported value will vary from job to job.
0030 If a job forks processes, the forked processes will also report the above information.