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0002 from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
0005 class AutoHandle( Handle, object ):
0006     '''Handle + label.'''
0008     handles = {}
0010     def __init__(self, label, type, mayFail=False, fallbackLabel=None, lazy=True,disableAtFirstFail=True):
0011         '''Note: label can be a tuple : (module_label, collection_label, process)'''
0012         self.label = label
0013         self.fallbackLabel = fallbackLabel
0014         self.type = type
0015         self.mayFail = mayFail
0016         self.lazy = lazy
0017         self.isLoaded = False
0018         self.autoDisable = disableAtFirstFail;
0019         self.disabled= False
0020         Handle.__init__(self, self.type)
0021     def product(self):
0022         if not self.isLoaded :
0023                 self.ReallyLoad(self.event)
0024                 self.isLoaded=True
0025         return super(AutoHandle,self).product()
0027     def Load(self, event):  #is actually a reset state
0028         self.event=event
0029         self.isLoaded=False
0030         if self.lazy==False: self.ReallyLoad(self.event)
0032     def ReallyLoad(self, event):
0033         '''Load self from a given event.
0035         Call this function, and then just call self.product() to get the collection'''
0036         if self.disabled : #if autodisable kicked in, we do not even try getbylabel
0037              return
0038         try:
0039             event.getByLabel( self.label, self)
0040             if not self.isValid(): raise RuntimeError    
0041         except RuntimeError:
0042             Handle.__init__(self, self.type) # must re-init, since otherwise after a failure it becomes unusable
0043             errstr = '''
0044             Cannot find collection with:
0045             type = {type}
0046             label = {label}
0047             '''.format(type = self.type, label = self.label)
0048             if not self.mayFail and self.fallbackLabel == None:
0049                 if self.autoDisable : # if auto disable we disable at first failure
0050                    self.disabled=True
0051                    print("Disabling as there is no fallback ",self.label,self.type,"at first failure")
0052                 raise Exception(errstr)
0053             if self.fallbackLabel != None:
0054                 try:
0055                     event.getByLabel( self.fallbackLabel, self)
0056                     if not self.isValid(): raise RuntimeError
0057                     ## if I succeeded, swap default and fallback assuming that the next event will be like this one
0058                     self.fallbackLabel, self.label = self.label, self.fallbackLabel
0059                 except RuntimeError:
0060                     Handle.__init__(self, self.type) # must re-init, since otherwise after a failure it becomes unusable
0061                     errstr = '''
0062                     Cannot find collection with:
0063                     type = {type}
0064                     label = {label} or {lab2}
0065                     '''.format(type = self.type, label = self.label, lab2 = self.fallbackLabel)
0066                     if not self.mayFail:
0067                         if self.autoDisable : # if auto disable we disable at first failure
0068                             self.disabled=True
0069                             print("Disabling after fallback ",self.label,self.type,"at first failure")
0070                         raise Exception(errstr)
0071         if not self.isValid() :
0072             if self.autoDisable : # if auto disable we disable at first failure
0073                  self.disabled=True
0074                  print("Disabling ",self.label,self.type,"at first failure")
0075                  return