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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 from  PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.common_cff import *
0003 from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.simpleCandidateFlatTableProducer_cfi import simpleCandidateFlatTableProducer
0004 from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.simpleSingletonCandidateFlatTableProducer_cfi import simpleSingletonCandidateFlatTableProducer
0005 from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.simpleHTXSFlatTableProducer_cfi import simpleHTXSFlatTableProducer
0007 ##################### User floats producers, selectors ##########################
0009 mergedGenParticles = cms.EDProducer("MergedGenParticleProducer",
0010     inputPruned = cms.InputTag("prunedGenParticles"),
0011     inputPacked = cms.InputTag("packedGenParticles"),
0012 )
0014 genParticles2HepMC = cms.EDProducer("GenParticles2HepMCConverter",
0015     genParticles = cms.InputTag("mergedGenParticles"),
0016     genEventInfo = cms.InputTag("generator"),
0017     signalParticlePdgIds = cms.vint32(),
0018 )
0020 genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx = cms.EDProducer("GenParticles2HepMCConverter",
0021      genParticles = cms.InputTag("mergedGenParticles"),
0022      genEventInfo = cms.InputTag("generator"),
0023      signalParticlePdgIds = cms.vint32(25), ## for the Higgs analysis
0024 )
0027 particleLevel = cms.EDProducer("ParticleLevelProducer",
0028     src = cms.InputTag("genParticles2HepMC:unsmeared"),
0030     doJetClustering = cms.bool(False), # Not needed as Rivet jets aren't used currently
0031     usePromptFinalStates = cms.bool(True), # for leptons, photons, neutrinos
0032     excludePromptLeptonsFromJetClustering = cms.bool(False),
0033     excludeNeutrinosFromJetClustering = cms.bool(True),
0035     particleMinPt  = cms.double(0.),
0036     particleMaxEta = cms.double(5.), # HF range. Maximum 6.0 on MiniAOD
0038     lepConeSize = cms.double(0.1), # for photon dressing
0039     lepMinPt    = cms.double(1.),
0040     lepMaxEta   = cms.double(2.5),
0042     jetConeSize = cms.double(0.4),
0043     jetMinPt    = cms.double(10.),
0044     jetMaxEta   = cms.double(999.),
0046     fatJetConeSize = cms.double(0.8),
0047     fatJetMinPt    = cms.double(170.),
0048     fatJetMaxEta   = cms.double(999.),
0050     phoIsoConeSize = cms.double(0.4),
0051     phoMaxRelIso = cms.double(0.5),
0052     phoMinPt = cms.double(1.),
0053     phoMaxEta = cms.double(2.5),
0054 )
0056 rivetProducerHTXS = cms.EDProducer('HTXSRivetProducer',
0057    HepMCCollection = cms.InputTag('genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx','unsmeared'),
0058    LHERunInfo = cms.InputTag('externalLHEProducer'),
0059    ProductionMode = cms.string('AUTO'),
0060 )
0063 ##################### Tables for final output and docs ##########################
0064 rivetLeptonTable = simpleCandidateFlatTableProducer.clone(
0065     src = cms.InputTag("particleLevel:leptons"),
0066     cut = cms.string("pt > 10"),
0067     name= cms.string("GenDressedLepton"),
0068     doc = cms.string("Dressed leptons from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer"),
0069     externalVariables = cms.PSet(
0070         hasTauAnc = ExtVar(cms.InputTag("tautagger"),bool, doc="true if Dressed lepton has a tau as ancestor"),
0071         ),
0072     variables = cms.PSet(
0073         P4Vars,
0074         pdgId = Var("pdgId", int, doc="PDG id"),
0075     )
0076 )
0078 rivetPhotonTable = simpleCandidateFlatTableProducer.clone(
0079     src = cms.InputTag("particleLevel:photons"),
0080     cut = cms.string("pt > 10"),
0081     name= cms.string("GenIsolatedPhoton"),
0082     doc = cms.string("Isolated photons from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer"),
0083     variables = cms.PSet(
0084         P4Vars
0085     )
0086 )
0088 tautagger = cms.EDProducer("GenJetTauTaggerProducer",
0089     src = rivetLeptonTable.src,
0090 )
0092 rivetMetTable = simpleSingletonCandidateFlatTableProducer.clone(
0093     src = cms.InputTag("particleLevel:mets"),
0094     name = cms.string("FiducialMET"),
0095     doc = cms.string("MET from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer in fiducial volume abs(eta)<5"),
0096     variables = cms.PSet(PTVars),
0097 )
0099 HTXSCategoryTable = simpleHTXSFlatTableProducer.clone(
0100     src = cms.InputTag("rivetProducerHTXS","HiggsClassification"),
0101     name = cms.string("HTXS"),
0102     doc = cms.string("HTXS classification"),
0103     variables=cms.PSet(
0104         stage_0 = Var("stage0_cat",int, doc="HTXS stage-0 category"),
0105         stage_1_pTjet30 = Var("stage1_cat_pTjet30GeV",int, doc="HTXS stage-1 category (jet pt>30 GeV)"),
0106         stage_1_pTjet25 = Var("stage1_cat_pTjet25GeV",int, doc="HTXS stage-1 category (jet pt>25 GeV)"),
0107         stage1_1_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_1_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1 category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
0108         stage1_1_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_1_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1 category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
0109         stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1-fine category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
0110         stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1-fine category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
0111         stage1_2_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_2_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2 category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
0112         stage1_2_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_2_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2 category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
0113         stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2-fine category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
0114         stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2-fine category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
0115         Higgs_pt = Var("higgs.Pt()",float, doc="pt of the Higgs boson as identified in HTXS", precision=14),
0116         Higgs_y = Var("higgs.Rapidity()",float, doc="rapidity of the Higgs boson as identified in HTXS", precision=12),
0117         njets30 = Var("jets30.size()","uint8", doc="number of jets with pt>30 GeV as identified in HTXS"),
0118         njets25 = Var("jets25.size()","uint8", doc="number of jets with pt>25 GeV as identified in HTXS"),
0119         # Temporary fix: add variables to perform STXS 1.3 classification with nanoAOD on-the-fly
0120         V_pt = Var("V_pt",float, doc="pt of the vector boson as identified in HTXS", precision=14),
0121         Mjj = Var("Mjj",float, doc="invariant mass of the dijet (pt>30) system as identified in HTXS", precision=14),
0122         ptHjj = Var("ptHjj",float, doc="pt of the dijet(pt>30)-plus-higgs system as identified in HTXS", precision=14),
0123         dPhijj = Var("dPhijj",float, doc="DeltaPhi between jets (pt>30) in dijet system as identified in HTXS", precision=12),
0124    )
0125 )
0127 lheInfoTable = cms.EDProducer("LHETablesProducer",
0128      lheInfo = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("externalLHEProducer"), cms.InputTag("source")),
0129      precision = cms.int32(14),
0130      storeLHEParticles = cms.bool(True)
0131  )
0133 particleLevelTask = cms.Task(mergedGenParticles,genParticles2HepMC,particleLevel,tautagger,genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx,rivetProducerHTXS)
0134 particleLevelTablesTask = cms.Task(rivetLeptonTable,rivetPhotonTable,rivetMetTable,HTXSCategoryTable,lheInfoTable)