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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 cleanPatTracks = cms.EDProducer("PATGenericParticleCleaner",
0004     src = cms.InputTag("REPLACE_ME"), 
0006     # preselection (any string-based cut on pat::GenericParticle)
0007     preselection = cms.string(''),
0009     # overlap checking configurables
0010     checkOverlaps = cms.PSet(
0011         muons = cms.PSet(
0012            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanPatMuons"),
0013            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
0014            preselection        = cms.string(""),
0015            deltaR              = cms.double(0.3),
0016            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(True), # remove them if the use the same reco::Track
0017            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
0018            requireNoOverlaps   = cms.bool(True), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
0019         ),
0020         electrons = cms.PSet(
0021            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanPatElectrons"),
0022            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
0023            preselection        = cms.string(""),
0024            deltaR              = cms.double(0.3),
0025            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
0026                                                   # as electrons have reco::GsfTrack, not reco::Track
0027            pairCut             = cms.string("0.5 < < 1.5"),  # let's do a check on relative P_T
0028                                                                             # 'part' is the generic particle, 'ele' the electron
0029            requireNoOverlaps   = cms.bool(True), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
0030         ),
0031     ),
0033     # finalCut (any string-based cut on pat::GenericParticle)
0034     finalCut = cms.string(''),
0035 )