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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ## string added as general entry for modeul definition here and use in
0004 preselection = cms.string(
0005     'tauID("decayModeFinding") > 0.5 &'
0006     ' tauID("byLooseCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr3Hits") > 0.5 &'
0007     ' tauID("againstMuonTight3") > 0.5 &'
0008     ' tauID("againstElectronVLooseMVA6") > 0.5'
0009     )
0011 cleanPatTaus = cms.EDProducer("PATTauCleaner",
0012     src = cms.InputTag("selectedPatTaus"),
0014     # preselection (any string-based cut on pat::Tau)
0015     preselection =  cms.string(
0016     'tauID("decayModeFinding") > 0.5 &'
0017     ' tauID("byLooseCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr3Hits") > 0.5 &'
0018     ' tauID("againstMuonTight3") > 0.5 &'
0019     ' tauID("againstElectronVLooseMVA6") > 0.5'
0020     ),
0022     # overlap checking configurables
0023     checkOverlaps = cms.PSet(
0024         muons = cms.PSet(
0025            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanPatMuons"),
0026            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
0027            preselection        = cms.string(""),
0028            deltaR              = cms.double(0.3),
0029            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
0030            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
0031            requireNoOverlaps   = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
0032         ),
0033         electrons = cms.PSet(
0034            src       = cms.InputTag("cleanPatElectrons"),
0035            algorithm = cms.string("byDeltaR"),
0036            preselection        = cms.string(""),
0037            deltaR              = cms.double(0.3),
0038            checkRecoComponents = cms.bool(False), # don't check if they share some AOD object ref
0039            pairCut             = cms.string(""),
0040            requireNoOverlaps   = cms.bool(False), # overlaps don't cause the electron to be discared
0041         ),
0042     ),
0044     # finalCut (any string-based cut on pat::Tau)
0045     finalCut = cms.string('pt > 18. & abs(eta) < 2.3'),
0046 )