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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:23:55

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.PATJetUpdater_cfi as _mod
0004 updatedPatJets = _mod.PATJetUpdater.clone(
0005     # input
0006     jetSource = "slimmedJets",
0007     # add user data
0008     userData = dict(
0009       # add custom classes here
0010       userClasses = cms.PSet(
0011         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0012       ),
0013       # add doubles here
0014       userFloats = cms.PSet(
0015         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0016       ),
0017       # add ints here
0018       userInts = cms.PSet(
0019         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0020       ),
0021       # add candidate ptrs here
0022       userCands = cms.PSet(
0023         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0024       ),
0025       # add "inline" functions here
0026       userFunctions = [],
0027       userFunctionLabels = []
0028     ),
0029     # sort
0030     sort                 = True,
0031     # jet energy corrections
0032     addJetCorrFactors    = True,
0033     jetCorrFactorsSource = ["updatedPatJetCorrFactors"],
0034     # btag information
0035     addBTagInfo          = True,   ## master switch
0036     addDiscriminators    = True,   ## addition of btag discriminators
0037     discriminatorSources = [],
0038     # clone tag infos ATTENTION: these take lots of space!
0039     # usually the discriminators from the default algos
0040     # are sufficient
0041     addTagInfos     = False,
0042     tagInfoSources  = [],
0043     printWarning    = True
0044 )