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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 patPFParticles = cms.EDProducer("PATPFParticleProducer",
0004     # General configurables
0005     pfCandidateSource = cms.InputTag("noJet"),
0007     # MC matching configurables
0008     addGenMatch = cms.bool(False),
0009     genParticleMatch = cms.InputTag(""),   ## particles source to be used for the MC matching
0010                                            ## must be an InputTag or VInputTag to a product of
0011                                            ## type edm::Association<reco::GenParticleCollection>
0012     embedGenMatch = cms.bool(False),       ## embed gen match inside the object instead of storing the ref
0014     # add user data
0015     userData = cms.PSet(
0016       # add custom classes here
0017       userClasses = cms.PSet(
0018         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0019       ),
0020       # add doubles here
0021       userFloats = cms.PSet(
0022         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0023       ),
0024       # add ints here
0025       userInts = cms.PSet(
0026         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0027       ),
0028       # add candidate ptrs here
0029       userCands = cms.PSet(
0030         src = cms.VInputTag('')
0031       ),
0032       # add "inline" functions here
0033       userFunctions = cms.vstring(),
0034       userFunctionLabels = cms.vstring()
0035     ),
0037     # Efficiencies
0038     addEfficiencies = cms.bool(False),
0039     efficiencies    = cms.PSet(),
0041     # resolution
0042     addResolutions  = cms.bool(False),
0043     resolutions     = cms.PSet(),
0044 )