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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.JetCorrFactorsProducer_cfi as _mod
0004 # module to produce jet correction factors associated in a valuemap
0005 patJetCorrFactors = _mod.JetCorrFactorsProducer.clone(
0006     ## the use of emf in the JEC is not yet implemented
0007     emf = False,
0008     ## input collection of jets
0009     src = "ak4PFJetsCHS",
0010     ## payload postfix for testing
0011     payload = 'AK4PFchs',
0012     ## correction levels
0013     levels = [
0014         ## tags for the individual jet corrections; when
0015         ## not available the string should be set to 'none'
0016         'L1FastJet', 'L2Relative', 'L3Absolute',#'L5Flavor', 'L7Parton'
0017     ],
0018     ## define the type of L5Flavor corrections for here. These can
0019     ## be of type 'J' for dijet derived, or of type 'T' for ttbar
0020     ## derived.
0021     flavorType = 'J',
0022     ## in case you are using JPT jets you must have specified the L1Offset
0023     ## corrections by a dedicated L1JPTOffset correction level. This dedi-
0024     ## cated correction level has an ordinary L1Offset or L1FastJet corrector
0025     ## as input, which needs to be specified via this additional parameter
0026     extraJPTOffset = "L1FastJet",
0027     ## in case that L1Offset or L1FastJet corrections are part
0028     ## of the parameter levels add the optional parameter
0029     ## primaryVertices here to specify the primary vertex
0030     ## collection, which was used to determine the L1Offset
0031     ## or L1FastJet correction from. This parameter will ONLY
0032     ## be read out if the correction level L1Offset or
0033     ## L1FastJet is found in levels.
0034     useNPV = True,
0035     primaryVertices = 'offlinePrimaryVertices',
0036     ## in case that L1FastJet corrections are part of the
0037     ## parameter levels add the optional parameter rho
0038     ## here to specify the energy density parameter for
0039     ## the corresponding jet collection (this variable is
0040     ## typically taken from kt6PFJets).
0041     useRho = True,
0042     rho = 'fixedGridRhoFastjetAll',
0043 )
0045 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.pp_on_AA_cff import pp_on_AA
0046 pp_on_AA.toModify(patJetCorrFactors,
0047                                            useNPV = False,
0048                                            useRho = False,
0049                                            levels = ['L2Relative','L3Absolute'],
0050                                            payload = "AK4PF",
0051                                            src = "akCs4PFJets",
0052                                        )