File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:23:59
0001 ## import skeleton process 0002 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patTemplate_cfg import * 0003 0004 # verbose flags for the PF2PAT modules 0005 #process.Tracer = cms.Service("Tracer") 0006 0007 runOnMC = True 0008 0009 if runOnMC: 0010 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patInputFiles_cff import filesRelValProdTTbarAODSIM 0011 process.source.fileNames = filesRelValProdTTbarAODSIM 0012 else: 0013 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patInputFiles_cff import filesSingleMuRECO 0014 process.source.fileNames = filesSingleMuRECO 0015 process.GlobalTag.globaltag = cms.string( autoCond[ 'com10' ] ) 0016 0017 # load the PAT config (for the PAT only part) 0018 process.load("PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.producersLayer1.patCandidates_cff") 0019 patAlgosToolsTask.add(process.patCandidatesTask) 0020 #Temporary customize to the unit tests that fail due to old input samples 0021 process.patTaus.skipMissingTauID = True 0022 0023 process.load("PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.selectionLayer1.selectedPatCandidates_cff") 0024 patAlgosToolsTask.add(process.selectedPatCandidatesTask) 0025 0026 # An empty postfix means that only PF2PAT is run, 0027 # otherwise both standard PAT and PF2PAT are run. In the latter case PF2PAT 0028 # collections have standard names + postfix (e.g. patElectronPFlow) 0029 postfix = "PFlow" 0030 jetAlgo = "AK4" 0031 #Define Objects to be excluded from Top Projection. Default is Tau, so objects are not cleaned for taus 0032 excludeFromTopProjection=['Tau'] 0033 0034 # Configure PAT to use PF2PAT instead of AOD sources 0035 # this function will modify the PAT sequences. 0036 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.tools.pfTools import * 0037 usePF2PAT(process,runPF2PAT=True, jetAlgo=jetAlgo, runOnMC=runOnMC, postfix=postfix,excludeFromTopProjection=excludeFromTopProjection) 0038 # to run second PF2PAT+PAT with different postfix uncomment the following lines 0039 # and add the corresponding sequence to path 0040 #postfix2 = "PFlow2" 0041 #jetAlgo2="AK7" 0042 #usePF2PAT(process,runPF2PAT=True, jetAlgo=jetAlgo2, runOnMC=True, postfix=postfix2) 0043 0044 # to use tau-cleaned jet collection uncomment the following: 0045 #getattr(process,"pfNoTau"+postfix).enable = True 0046 0047 # to switch default tau (HPS) to old default tau (shrinking cone) uncomment 0048 # the following: 0049 # note: in current default taus are not preselected i.e. you have to apply 0050 # selection yourself at analysis level! 0051 #adaptPFTaus(process,"shrinkingConePFTau",postfix=postfix) 0052 0053 0054 if not runOnMC: 0055 # removing MC matching for standard PAT sequence 0056 # for the PF2PAT+PAT sequence, it is done in the usePF2PAT function 0057 removeMCMatchingPF2PAT( process, '' ) 0058 0059 # Add PF2PAT output to the created file 0060 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patEventContent_cff import patEventContentNoCleaning 0061 process.out.outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *', 0062 'keep recoPFCandidates_particleFlow_*_*', 0063 'keep *_selectedPatJets*_*_*', 0064 'drop *_selectedPatJets*%s*_caloTowers_*'%(postfix), 0065 'drop *_selectedPatJets_pfCandidates_*', 0066 'keep *_selectedPatElectrons*_*_*', 0067 'keep *_selectedPatMuons*_*_*', 0068 'keep *_selectedPatTaus*_*_*', 0069 'keep *_patMETs*_*_*', 0070 'keep *_selectedPatPhotons*_*_*', 0071 'keep *_selectedPatTaus*_*_*', 0072 ) 0073 0074 ## ------------------------------------------------------ 0075 # In addition you usually want to change the following 0076 # parameters: 0077 ## ------------------------------------------------------ 0078 # 0079 # process.GlobalTag.globaltag = ... ## (according to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideFrontierConditions) 0080 # ## 0081 # process.source.fileNames = ... 0082 # 0083 process.maxEvents.input = 10 0084 # ## 0085 # process.out.outputCommands = [ ... ] ## (e.g. taken from PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/patEventContent_cff.py) 0086 # ## 0087 process.out.fileName = 'patTuple_PATandPF2PAT.root' 0088 # ## 0089 # process.options.wantSummary = False ## (to suppress the long output at the end of the job) 0090 0091 #process.prune(verbose=True)
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