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0001 ## import skeleton process
0002 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patTemplate_cfg import *
0004 #process.Tracer = cms.Service("Tracer")
0006 process.load("PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.producersLayer1.patCandidates_cff")
0007 patAlgosToolsTask.add(process.patCandidatesTask)
0008 #Temporary customize to the unit tests that fail due to old input samples
0009 process.patTaus.skipMissingTauID = True
0011 process.load("PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.selectionLayer1.selectedPatCandidates_cff")
0012 patAlgosToolsTask.add(process.selectedPatCandidatesTask)
0014 ## add track candidates
0015 from import *
0017 makeTrackCandidates(process,
0018     label        = 'TrackCands',
0019     tracks       = cms.InputTag('generalTracks'),
0020     particleType = 'pi+',
0021     preselection = 'pt > 10',
0022     selection    = 'pt > 10',
0023     isolation    = {'tracker':0.3}, ##, 'ecalTowers':0.3, 'hcalTowers':0.3}, ## no caloTowers in the event content any more
0024     isoDeposits  = [],
0025     mcAs         = 'muon'
0026 )
0028 ## select best vertex
0029 process.bestVertex = cms.EDFilter(
0030     "PATSingleVertexSelector",
0031     mode      = cms.string("nearestToCandidate"),
0032     fallbacks = cms.vstring("fromCandidate", "beamSpot"),
0033     vertices              = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVerticesWithBS"),
0034     vertexPreselection    = cms.vstring("(chi2prob(chi2,ndf) > 0.01) && (trackSize >= 3)"),
0035     candidates            = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag('gedGsfElectrons'), cms.InputTag('muons')),
0036     candidatePreselection = cms.string("pt > 5"),
0037     beamSpot              = cms.InputTag('offlineBeamSpot'),
0038 )
0039 patAlgosToolsTask.add(process.bestVertex)
0041 ## produce vertex associations
0042 process.patTrackVertexInfo = cms.EDProducer(
0043     "PATVertexAssociationProducer",
0044     candidates = cms.VInputTag(
0045     cms.InputTag('gedGsfElectrons'),
0046     cms.InputTag('muons'),
0047     cms.InputTag('patAODTrackCands'),
0048     ),
0049     useTracks = cms.bool(True),
0050     vertices  = cms.InputTag('bestVertex'),
0051 )
0052 patAlgosToolsTask.add(process.patTrackVertexInfo)
0054 ## add it to the track candidates
0055 process.patTrackCands.vertexing = cms.PSet(
0056     vertexAssociations = cms.InputTag("patTrackVertexInfo"),
0057 )
0059 ## add generic tracks to the output file
0060 process.out.outputCommands.append('keep *_selectedPatTrackCands_*_*')
0061 process.out.outputCommands.append('keep *_patTrackVertexInfo_*_*')
0062 process.out.outputCommands.append('keep *_bestVertex_*_*')
0064 ## ------------------------------------------------------
0065 #  In addition you usually want to change the following
0066 #  parameters:
0067 ## ------------------------------------------------------
0068 #
0069 #   process.GlobalTag.globaltag =  ...    ##  (according to
0070 #                                         ##
0071 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patInputFiles_cff import filesRelValProdTTbarAODSIM
0072 process.source.fileNames = filesRelValProdTTbarAODSIM
0073 #                                         ##
0074 process.maxEvents.input = 10
0075 #                                         ##
0076 #   process.out.outputCommands = [ ... ]  ##  (e.g. taken from PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/
0077 #                                         ##
0078 process.out.fileName = 'patTuple_addVertexInfo.root'
0079 #                                         ##
0080 #   process.options.wantSummary = False   ##  (to suppress the long output at the end of the job)