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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:23:59

0001 #!/usr/bin/env perl
0002 use warnings;
0003 use strict;
0004 use threads;
0005 use threads::shared;
0007 my $dir = $ENV{'CMSSW_BASE'} . "/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test";
0008 chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir to $dir.\n Check that CMSSW_BASE variable is set correcly, and that you have checked out PhysicsTools/PatAlgos.\n";
0010 my %done   :shared = ();
0011 my $fake   :shared = 0;
0012 my $repdef :shared = "";
0014 use Getopt::Long;
0015 my ($help,$base,$extra,$all,$shy,$obj);
0016 my @summary :shared;
0017 GetOptions( 'h|?|help' => \$help,
0018             'n|dry-run' => \$fake,
0019             'b|base' => \$base,
0020             'o|obj' => \$obj,
0021             'a|all' => \$all,
0022             'e|extra' => \$extra,
0023             's|summary=s' => \@summary,
0024             'q|quiet' => \$shy);
0025 @summary = split(/,/, join(',',@summary));
0026 if ($help) {
0027     my $name = `basename $0`; chomp $name;
0028     print "Usage: perl $name [-n|--dry-run] [cfg.pys]\n" .
0029           "   -n or --dry-run: just read the output, don't run cmsRun\n".
0030           "   -h or --help:    print this help\n".
0031           "   -b or --base:    add base standard PAT config files to the jobs to run\n".
0032           "   -o or --obj:     add PAT config files for single physics objecs to the jobs to run\n".
0033           "   -e or --extra:   add the extra standard PAT config files to the jobs to run (that is, those not in base)\n".
0034           "   -a or --all:     add all standard PAT config files to the jobs to run\n".
0035           "   -s or --summary: print summary table of objects (argument can be 'aod', 'allLayer1', 'selectedLayer1', ...)\n".
0036           "   -q or --quiet:   print summary tables only if there are warnings/errors in that table.\n";
0037     exit(0);
0038 }
0039 if ($fake) {
0040     print "=== NOT ACTUALLLY RUNNING cmsRun, JUST READING OUTPUT LOGS ===\n";
0041 }
0043 my @CFGs = map({$_ =~ /\.py$|\*$/ ? $_ : "*$_*"}   @ARGV);
0046 my @anyCFGs    = glob("pat*[._]");
0047 my @baseCFGs   = grep($_ =~ /standard|fastSim|data|PF2PAT/, @anyCFGs);
0048 my @objCFGs   = grep($_ =~ /only/, @anyCFGs);
0049 my @extraCFGs  = grep($_ =~ /add|metUncertainties|userData/, @anyCFGs);
0050 if ($base ) { push @CFGs, @baseCFGs;  }
0051 if ($obj )  { push @CFGs, @objCFGs;  }
0052 if ($all  ) { push @CFGs, @anyCFGs;   }
0053 if ($extra) { push @CFGs, @extraCFGs; }
0054 if (@CFGs) {
0055     #pass through a hash, to remove duplicates
0056     my %allCFGs = ();
0057     foreach my $cfg (@CFGs) {
0058         foreach my $cfgfile (grep(/cfg\.py$/, glob($cfg))) { $allCFGs{$cfgfile} = 1; }
0059     }
0060     @CFGs = sort(keys(%allCFGs));
0061 } else {
0062     print STDERR "Please specify a cfg, or use --one, --base, --all, --extra to select the standard ones\n"; exit(0);
0063 }
0065 print "Will run " . scalar(@CFGs) . " config files: " . join(' ', @CFGs) . "\n\n";
0067 foreach my $cfg (@CFGs) {
0068     unless (-f $cfg) {  die "Config file $cfg does not exist in $dir\n"; }
0069 }
0071 sub cmsRun {
0072     my ($f, $o) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
0073     unless ($fake) {
0074         system("sh -c 'cmsRun $f > $o 2>&1 '");
0075     } else {
0076         #system("sh -c 'sleep ". int(rand(5)+2) ."'");
0077         system("sh -c 'sleep 1'");
0078     }
0079     $done{$f} = time();
0080 }
0082 my %info = ();
0084 my @txt = ("Jobs starting:");
0085 foreach my $f (@CFGs) {
0086     my $o = $f; $o =~ s/[\._]cfg\.py$/.log/;
0088     my $max = -1;
0089     open CFG, $f;
0090     foreach(<CFG>) {
0091         m/maxEvents\s*=\s*cms\.untracked\.PSet/ and $max = 0;
0092         if ($max == 0) { m/input\s*=\s*cms\.untracked\.int32\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)/ and $max = $1; }
0093         if ($max == -1) {
0094           m/process\.maxEvents\.input\s*=\s*/ and $max = 0;
0095           if ($max == 0) { m/process\.maxEvents\.input\s*=\s*(\d+)/ and $max = $1; }
0096         }
0097     }
0098     close CFG;
0100     push @txt, "   \e[32;1m$f\e[37;0m: starting (on $max events total)";
0101     $info{$f} = { 'out' => $o, 'start' => time(), 'max'=>$max };
0102     my $thr = threads->create(\&cmsRun, $f, $o);
0103 }
0104 print join("\n", @txt), "\n";
0106 sub printDone {
0107     my $f = shift(@_);
0108     my $lines = 0; my $last = 0;
0109     my ($excep, $exbody) = (0,"");
0110     open LOG, $info{$f}->{'out'};
0111     while (<LOG>) {
0112         $lines++;
0113         m/Begin processing the (\d+)\S* record\./ and $last = $1;
0114         if (m/---- (.*?) BEGIN/) {
0115             my $exname = $1;
0116             $excep++;
0117             if ($excep == 1) { $exbody .= "\t" . $_; }
0118             while ($_ = <LOG>) {
0119                 $lines++;
0120                 if ($excep == 1) { $exbody .= "\t" . $_; }
0121                 last if (m/---- $exname END/);
0122             }
0123         }
0124     };
0125     close LOG;
0127     $info{$f}->{'last'}  = $last;
0128     $info{$f}->{'lines'} = $lines;
0129     $info{$f}->{'excep'} = $excep;
0130     $info{$f}->{'exbody'}= $exbody;
0131     return "\e[32;1m$f\e[37;0m: \e[;;1mdone\e[m events " . $info{$f}->{'last'} . "/" . $info{$f}->{'max'} .
0132           ", total time " . ($done{$f} - $info{$f}->{'start'}) . "s, " .
0133           $info{$f}->{'lines'} . " output lines, " .
0134           ($info{$f}->{'excep'} ? "\e[1;31m" . $info{$f}->{'excep'} . " exceptions\e[0m" : "\e[32mno exceptions\e[0m" );
0135 }
0137 sub printRunning {
0138     my $f = shift(@_);
0139     my $lines = 0; my $last = 0;
0140     my ($excep, $exbody) = (0,"");
0141     open LOG, $info{$f}->{'out'};
0142     while (<LOG>) {
0143         $lines++;
0144         m/Begin processing the (\d+)\S* record\./ and $last = $1;
0145         if (m/---- (.*?) BEGIN/) {
0146             my $exname = $1;
0147             $excep++;
0148             if ($excep == 1) { $exbody .= "\t" . $_; }
0149             while ($_ = <LOG>) {
0150                 $lines++;
0151                 if ($excep == 1) { $exbody .= "\t" . $_; }
0152                 last if (m/---- $exname END/);
0153             }
0154         }
0155     };
0156     close LOG;
0158     my $secs = time() - $info{$f}->{'start'};
0159     $info{$f}->{'time'}  = $secs;
0160     $info{$f}->{'last'}  = $last;
0161     $info{$f}->{'lines'} = $lines;
0162     $info{$f}->{'excep'} = $excep;
0163     $info{$f}->{'exbody'}= $exbody;
0164     return "\e[32;1m$f\e[37;0m: event $last/" . $info{$f}->{'max'} ." (time ${secs}s, ${lines} output lines, " .
0165         ($excep ? "\e[1;31m$excep exceptions\e[0m" : "\e[32mno exceptions yet\e[0m" ) . ")...";
0166 }
0168 while (scalar(keys(%done)) < scalar(@CFGs)) {
0169     sleep 1;
0171     foreach my $f (@txt) { print "\e[F\e[M"; };  @txt = ();
0173     my @run = (); my @done = ();
0174     foreach my $f (@CFGs) {
0175         if (defined($done{$f}) and defined($info{$f}->{'last'})) {
0176            push @done, "   " . printDone($f);
0177         } else {
0178            push @run,  "   " . printRunning($f);
0179         }
0180     }
0181     push @txt, ("Jobs running:", @run);
0182     if (@done) { push @txt, ("Jobs done:", @done) };
0183     push @txt, "";
0184     print join("\n", @txt), "\n";
0185 }
0187 foreach my $f (@txt) { print "\e[F\e[M"; }
0189 print "All jobs done.\n";
0191 sub redIf($$) {
0192     return ($_[1] ? "\e[1;31m E> " . $_[0] . "\e[0m" : "    ".$_[0]);
0193 }
0194 foreach my $f (@CFGs) {
0195     print printDone ($f), "\n";
0196     if ($info{$f}->{'excep'}) { print "\e[1;31m" . $info{$f}->{'exbody'} . "\e[0m"; }
0198     open LOG, $info{$f}->{'out'}; my @log = <LOG>; close LOG;
0199     my $log = join('',@log);
0200     foreach my $table (@summary) {
0201         if ($log =~ m/(^Summary Table\s+$table.*\n(^    .*\n)*)/m) {
0202             my $info = $1;
0203             $info =~ s/^    (.*present\s+\d+\s+\(\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s*%\).*)$/redIf($1,$2 ne '100')/meg;
0204             $info =~ s/^    (.*total\s+0\s.*)$/\e[1;31m E> $1\e[0m/mg;
0205             if (!$shy or ($info =~ /\e\[1;31m E>/)) {
0206                 print "  ".$info;
0207             }
0208         }
0209     }
0210     foreach my $l (grep(/TrigReport Events total =/, @log)) { print "  \e[1m$l\e[0m"; }
0212     print "\n";
0213 }