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0001 ## import skeleton process
0002 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patTemplate_cfg import *
0004 ## ---
0005 ## This is an example of the use of the plain edm::Tuple dumper to analyze pat::Muons
0006 process.patMuonAnalyzer = cms.EDProducer(
0007     "CandViewNtpProducer", 
0008     src = cms.InputTag("cleanPatMuons"),
0009     lazyParser = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0010     prefix = cms.untracked.string(""),
0011     eventInfo = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0012     variables = cms.VPSet(
0013         cms.PSet(
0014             tag = cms.untracked.string("pt"),
0015             quantity = cms.untracked.string("pt")
0016         ),
0017         cms.PSet(
0018             tag = cms.untracked.string("eta"),
0019             quantity = cms.untracked.string("eta")
0020         ),
0021         cms.PSet(
0022             tag = cms.untracked.string("phi"),
0023             quantity = cms.untracked.string("phi")
0024         ),
0025     )  
0026 )
0028 ## let it run
0029 process.p = cms.Path(
0030     process.patDefaultSequence
0031   * process.patMuonAnalyzer
0032     )
0034 process.out.fileName = "edmTuple.root"
0035 process.out.outputCommands = ['drop *', 'keep *_patMuonAnalyzer_*_*']