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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:24:03

0001 // name of analyzer
0002 static const char *directory = "analyzeBJetTracks";
0004 static const char *plots[] = {
0005     "allIP", "allIPErr", "allIPSig",
0006     "trackIP", "trackIPErr", "trackIPSig",
0007     "negativeIP", "negativeIPErr", "negativeIPSig",
0008     "allDeltaR", "nTracks",
0009     0
0010 };
0012 static const char *flavours[] = { "b", "c", "udsg", 0 };
0014 void patBJetTracks_showPlots()
0015 {
0016     // define proper canvas style
0017     setNiceStyle();
0018     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0020     // open file
0021     TFile* file = new TFile("analyzePatBJetTracks.root");
0023     // draw canvas with track observables
0024     unsigned int i = 3;
0025     unsigned int j = 0;
0026     TCanvas *canv;
0027     for(const char **plot = plots; *plot; plot++) {
0028         if (i >= 3) {
0029             canv = new TCanvas(Form("canv%d", j++), "track counting variables", 800, 400);
0030             canv->Divide(3, 2);
0031             i -= 3;
0032         }
0034         canv->cd(i + 1);
0035         if (TString(*plot).Contains("IP"))
0036             gPad->SetLogy(1);
0037         TH1 *h = (TH1*)file->Get(Form("%s/%s_all", directory, *plot));
0038         TString title = h->GetTitle();
0039         if (TString(*plot).Contains("IP") || TString(*plot).Contains("nTrack"))
0040             title.Resize(title.Index(" in "));
0041         else if (TString(*plot).Contains("DeltaR")) {
0042             title.Resize(title.Index(" and "));
0043             title += " and jet";
0044         }
0045         h->SetTitle(title);
0046         setHistStyle(h);
0047         h->Draw();
0048         TLegend *l = new TLegend(0.6, 0.75, 0.85, 0.85);
0049         l->AddEntry(h, "all");
0050         l->Draw();
0052         canv->cd(i + 4);
0053         unsigned int k = 1;
0054         if (TString(*plot).Contains("IP"))
0055             gPad->SetLogy(1);
0056         l = new TLegend(0.5, 0.6, 0.85, 0.85);
0057         for(const char **flavour = flavours; *flavour; flavour++) {
0058             h = (TH1*)file->Get(Form("%s/%s_%s", directory, *plot, *flavour));
0059             title = h->GetTitle();
0060             if (TString(*plot).Contains("IP") || TString(*plot).Contains("nTrack"))
0061                 title.Resize(title.Index(" in "));
0062             else if (TString(*plot).Contains("DeltaR")) {
0063                 title.Resize(title.Index(" and "));
0064                 title += " and jet";
0065             }
0066             h->SetTitle(title);
0067             setHistStyle(h);
0068             h->SetMarkerColor(k);
0069             h->SetLineColor(k++);
0070             h->DrawNormalized(k > 1 ? "same" : "");
0071             l->AddEntry(h, *flavour);
0072         }
0073         l->Draw();
0074         i++;
0075     }
0077     canv->cd(3);
0078     TH1 *h = (TH1*)file->Get(Form("%s/flavours", directory));
0079     setHistStyle(h);
0080     h->Draw();
0081 }
0083 void setAxisStyle(TH1 *hist) {
0084     // --------------------------------------------------
0085     // define proper axsis style for a given histogram
0086     // --------------------------------------------------
0087     hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.06);
0088     hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor( 1);
0089     hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 0.8);
0090     hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont( 62);
0091     hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize( 0.05);
0092     hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont( 62);
0093     hist->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
0094     hist->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions( 505);
0096     hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.07);
0097     hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor( 1);
0098     hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 0.5);
0099     hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont( 62);
0100     hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize( 0.05);
0101     hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont( 62);
0102 }
0104 void setHistStyle(TH1 *hist)
0105 {
0106     // --------------------------------------------------
0107     // define proper histogram style
0108     // --------------------------------------------------
0109     setAxisStyle(hist);
0110     hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(hist->GetTitle());
0111     hist->SetTitle();
0112     hist->SetLineColor(4.);
0113     hist->SetLineWidth(2.);
0114     hist->SetMarkerSize(0.75);
0115     hist->SetMarkerColor(4.);
0116     hist->SetMarkerStyle(20.);
0117 }
0119 void setNiceStyle() 
0120 {
0121     gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
0123     // --------------------------------------------------
0124     // define proper canvas style
0125     // --------------------------------------------------
0126     TStyle *MyStyle = new TStyle ("MyStyle", "My style for nicer plots");
0128     Float_t xoff = MyStyle->GetLabelOffset("X"),
0129             yoff = MyStyle->GetLabelOffset("Y"),
0130             zoff = MyStyle->GetLabelOffset("Z");
0132     MyStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode ( 0 );
0133     MyStyle->SetPadBorderMode    ( 0 );
0134     MyStyle->SetPadColor         ( 0 );
0135     MyStyle->SetCanvasColor      ( 0 );
0136     MyStyle->SetTitleColor       ( 0 );
0137     MyStyle->SetStatColor        ( 0 );
0138     MyStyle->SetTitleBorderSize  ( 0 );
0139     MyStyle->SetTitleFillColor   ( 0 );
0140     MyStyle->SetTitleH        ( 0.07 );
0141     MyStyle->SetTitleW        ( 1.00 );
0142     MyStyle->SetTitleFont     (  132 );
0144     MyStyle->SetLabelOffset (1.5*xoff, "X");
0145     MyStyle->SetLabelOffset (1.5*yoff, "Y");
0146     MyStyle->SetLabelOffset (1.5*zoff, "Z");
0148     MyStyle->SetTitleOffset (0.9,      "X");
0149     MyStyle->SetTitleOffset (0.9,      "Y");
0150     MyStyle->SetTitleOffset (0.9,      "Z");
0152     MyStyle->SetTitleSize   (0.045,    "X");
0153     MyStyle->SetTitleSize   (0.045,    "Y");
0154     MyStyle->SetTitleSize   (0.045,    "Z");
0156     MyStyle->SetLabelFont   (132,      "X");
0157     MyStyle->SetLabelFont   (132,      "Y");
0158     MyStyle->SetLabelFont   (132,      "Z");
0160     MyStyle->SetPalette(1);
0162     MyStyle->cd();
0163 }