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0001 # This is an example PAT configuration showing the usage of PAT on full sim samples
0003 # Starting with a skeleton process which gets imported with the following line
0004 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patTemplate_cfg import *
0006 # note that you can use a bunch of core tools of PAT 
0007 # to taylor your PAT configuration; for a few examples
0008 # uncomment the following lines
0010 from import *
0011 #restrictInputToAOD(process)
0012 #removeMCMatching(process, ['Muons'])
0013 #removeAllPATObjectsBut(process, ['Muons'])
0014 #removeSpecificPATObjects(process, ['Electrons', 'Muons', 'Taus'])
0016 #switch off new tau features introduced in 33X to restore 31X defaults
0017 # new feaures: - shrinkingConeTaus instead of fixedCone ones
0018 #              - TaNC discriminants attached for shrinkingConeTaus
0019 #              - default preselection on cleaningLayer1
0020 from import *
0021 switchTo31Xdefaults(process)
0023 # let it run
0024 process.p = cms.Path(
0025     process.patDefaultSequence
0026     )
0028 # In addition you usually want to change the following parameters:
0029 #
0030 #   process.GlobalTag.globaltag =  ...    ##  (according to
0031 #   process.source.fileNames = [
0032 #     '/store/relval/CMSSW_3_1_1/RelValCosmics/GEN-SIM-RECO/STARTUP31X_V1-v2/0002/7625DA7D-E36B-DE11-865A-000423D174FE.root'
0033 #                               ]         ##  (e.g. 'file:AOD.root')
0034 #   process.maxEvents.input = ...         ##  (e.g. -1 to run on all events)
0035 #   process.out.outputCommands = [ ... ]  ##  (e.g. taken from PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/
0036 #   process.out.fileName = ...            ##  (e.g. 'myTuple.root')
0037 process.options.wantSummary = True        ##  (to suppress the long output at the end of the job)