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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("Test")
0005 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patInputFiles_cff import filesRelValTTbarGENSIMRECO
0006 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0007   fileNames = filesRelValTTbarGENSIMRECO
0008 )
0009 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(100) )
0011 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger")
0013 ## ---
0014 ## This is an example of the use of the EDFilterObjectWrapper to exploit C++ selector classes as defined
0015 ## in the PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils package wrapping them into an EDFilter that in addition creates a
0016 ## collection of objects passing the selection criteria. You can find the implementation of the EDProducer
0017 ## in PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/plugins/ You can find the EDfilterWrapper class in
0018 ## PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/EDFilterObjectWrapper.h. The class that has been exploited here is
0019 ## the PVObjectSelector class of the PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils package.You cna find the input parameters
0020 ## there.
0021 process.primaryVertexObjectFilter = cms.EDFilter("PrimaryVertexObjectFilter",
0022   src   = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0023   filterParams = cms.PSet(
0024     minNdof = cms.double( 4 ),
0025     maxZ    = cms.double( 2 ),
0026     maxRho  = cms.double(0.2)
0027   )
0028 )
0030 process.p = cms.Path(process.primaryVertexObjectFilter)