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0001 #ifndef PhysicsTools_Utilities_interface_LumiReWeighting_h
0002 #define PhysicsTools_Utilities_interface_LumiReWeighting_h
0004 /**
0005   \class    LumiReWeighting LumiReWeighting.h "PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/LumiReWeighting.h"
0006   \brief    Class to provide lumi weighting for analyzers to weight "flat-to-N" MC samples to data
0008   This class will trivially take two histograms:
0009   1. The generated "flat-to-N" distributions from a given processing
0010   2. A histogram generated from the "estimatePileup" macro here:
0012    -- This is the Stand-Alone version that doesn't use any CMS classes --
0016   \authors Salvatore Rappoccio, Mike Hildreth
0017 */
0019 #include "TH1F.h"
0020 #include "TH3.h"
0021 #include "TFile.h"
0022 #include "TRandom1.h"
0023 #include "TRandom2.h"
0024 #include "TRandom3.h"
0025 #include "TStopwatch.h"
0026 #include <string>
0027 #include <vector>
0028 #include <cmath>
0029 #include <algorithm>
0030 #include <iostream>
0032 namespace reweight {
0034   // add a class to shift the mean of a poisson-like luminosity distribution by an arbitrary amount.
0035   // Only valid for small (<1.5) shifts about the 2011 lumi distribution for now, because shifts are non-linear
0036   // Each PoissonMeanShifter does one shift, so defining multiples can give you an arbitrary collection
0038   class PoissonMeanShifter {
0039   public:
0040     PoissonMeanShifter() {}
0042     PoissonMeanShifter(float Shift) {
0043       // these are the polynomial or exponential coefficients for each bin of a 25-bin sequence that
0044       // convert the Distribution of the 2011 luminosity to something with a lower or higher peak luminosity.
0045       // The distributions aren't quite poisson because they model luminosity decreasing during a fill. This implies that
0046       // they do get wider as the mean increases, so the weights are not linear with increasing mean.
0048       static const double p0_minus[20] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
0049                                           1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.};
0050       static const double p1_minus[20] = {-0.677786, -0.619614, -0.49465, -0.357963, -0.238359, -0.110002, 0.0348629,
0051                                           0.191263,  0.347648,  0.516615, 0.679646,  0.836673,  0.97764,   1.135,
0052                                           1.29922,   1.42467,   1.55901,  1.61762,   1.67275,   1.96008};
0053       static const double p2_minus[20] = {
0054           0.526164, 0.251816, 0.11049,  0.026917, -0.0464692, -0.087022, -0.0931581, -0.0714295, -0.0331772, 0.0347473,
0055           0.108658, 0.193048, 0.272314, 0.376357, 0.4964,     0.58854,   0.684959,   0.731063,   0.760044,   1.02386};
0057       static const double p1_expoM[5] = {1.63363e-03, 6.79290e-04, 3.69900e-04, 2.24349e-04, 9.87156e-06};
0059       static const double p2_expoM[5] = {2.64692, 3.26585, 3.53229, 4.18035, 5.64027};
0061       static const double p0_plus[20] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
0062                                          1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.};
0063       static const double p1_plus[20] = {-0.739059, -0.594445, -0.477276, -0.359707, -0.233573, -0.103458, 0.0373401,
0064                                          0.176571,  0.337617,  0.499074,  0.675126,  0.840522,  1.00917,   1.15847,
0065                                          1.23816,   1.44271,   1.52982,   1.46385,   1.5802,    0.988689};
0066       static const double p2_plus[20] = {0.208068,    0.130033,   0.0850356,  0.0448344,  0.000749832,
0067                                          -0.0331347,  -0.0653281, -0.0746009, -0.0800667, -0.0527636,
0068                                          -0.00402649, 0.103338,   0.261261,   0.491084,   0.857966,
0069                                          1.19495,     1.75071,    2.65559,    3.35433,    5.48835};
0071       static const double p1_expoP[5] = {1.42463e-01, 4.18966e-02, 1.12697e-01, 1.66197e-01, 1.50768e-01};
0073       static const double p2_expoP[5] = {1.98758, 2.27217, 2.26799, 2.38455, 2.52428};
0075       // initialize weights based on desired Shift
0077       for (int ibin = 0; ibin < 20; ibin++) {
0078         if (Shift < .0) {
0079           Pweight_[ibin] = p0_minus[ibin] + p1_minus[ibin] * Shift + p2_minus[ibin] * Shift * Shift;
0080         } else {
0081           Pweight_[ibin] = p0_plus[ibin] + p1_plus[ibin] * Shift + p2_plus[ibin] * Shift * Shift;
0082         }
0083       }
0085       // last few bins fit better to an exponential...
0087       for (int ibin = 20; ibin < 25; ibin++) {
0088         if (Shift < 0.) {
0089           Pweight_[ibin] = p1_expoM[ibin - 20] * exp(p2_expoM[ibin - 20] * Shift);
0090         } else {
0091           Pweight_[ibin] = p1_expoP[ibin - 20] * exp(p2_expoP[ibin - 20] * Shift);
0092         }
0093       }
0094     };
0096     double ShiftWeight(int ibin) {
0097       if (ibin < 25 && ibin >= 0) {
0098         return Pweight_[ibin];
0099       } else {
0100         return 0;
0101       }
0102     };
0104     double ShiftWeight(float pvnum) {
0105       int ibin = int(pvnum);
0107       if (ibin < 25 && ibin >= 0) {
0108         return Pweight_[ibin];
0109       } else {
0110         return 0;
0111       }
0112     };
0114   private:
0115     double Pweight_[25];
0116   };
0118   class LumiReWeighting {
0119   public:
0120     LumiReWeighting() {}
0122     LumiReWeighting(std::string generatedFile, std::string dataFile, std::string GenHistName, std::string DataHistName)
0123         : generatedFileName_(generatedFile),
0124           dataFileName_(dataFile),
0125           GenHistName_(GenHistName),
0126           DataHistName_(DataHistName) {
0127       generatedFile_ = new TFile(generatedFileName_.c_str());  //MC distribution
0128       dataFile_ = new TFile(dataFileName_.c_str());            //Data distribution
0130       Data_distr_ = new TH1F(*(static_cast<TH1F*>(dataFile_->Get(DataHistName_.c_str())->Clone())));
0131       MC_distr_ = new TH1F(*(static_cast<TH1F*>(generatedFile_->Get(GenHistName_.c_str())->Clone())));
0133       // normalize both histograms first
0135       Data_distr_->Scale(1.0 / Data_distr_->Integral());
0136       MC_distr_->Scale(1.0 / MC_distr_->Integral());
0138       weights_ = new TH1F(*(Data_distr_));
0140       // MC * data/MC = data, so the weights are data/MC:
0142       weights_->SetName("lumiWeights");
0144       TH1F* den = new TH1F(*(MC_distr_));
0146       weights_->Divide(den);  // so now the average weight should be 1.0
0148       std::cout << " Lumi/Pileup Reweighting: Computed Weights per In-Time Nint " << std::endl;
0150       int NBins = weights_->GetNbinsX();
0152       for (int ibin = 1; ibin < NBins + 1; ++ibin) {
0153         std::cout << "   " << ibin - 1 << " " << weights_->GetBinContent(ibin) << std::endl;
0154       }
0156       weightOOT_init();
0158       FirstWarning_ = true;
0159     }
0161     LumiReWeighting(const std::vector<float>& MC_distr, const std::vector<float>& Lumi_distr) {
0162       // no histograms for input: use vectors
0164       // now, make histograms out of them:
0166       // first, check they are the same size...
0168       if (MC_distr.size() != Lumi_distr.size()) {
0169         std::cerr << "ERROR: LumiReWeighting: input vectors have different sizes. Quitting... \n";
0170         return;
0171       }
0173       Int_t NBins = MC_distr.size();
0175       MC_distr_ = new TH1F("MC_distr", "MC dist", NBins, -0.5, float(NBins) - 0.5);
0176       Data_distr_ = new TH1F("Data_distr", "Data dist", NBins, -0.5, float(NBins) - 0.5);
0178       weights_ = new TH1F("luminumer", "luminumer", NBins, -0.5, float(NBins) - 0.5);
0179       TH1F* den = new TH1F("lumidenom", "lumidenom", NBins, -0.5, float(NBins) - 0.5);
0181       for (int ibin = 1; ibin < NBins + 1; ++ibin) {
0182         weights_->SetBinContent(ibin, Lumi_distr[ibin - 1]);
0183         Data_distr_->SetBinContent(ibin, Lumi_distr[ibin - 1]);
0184         den->SetBinContent(ibin, MC_distr[ibin - 1]);
0185         MC_distr_->SetBinContent(ibin, MC_distr[ibin - 1]);
0186       }
0188       // check integrals, make sure things are normalized
0190       float deltaH = weights_->Integral();
0191       if (fabs(1.0 - deltaH) > 0.02) {  //*OOPS*...
0192         weights_->Scale(1.0 / deltaH);
0193         Data_distr_->Scale(1.0 / deltaH);
0194       }
0195       float deltaMC = den->Integral();
0196       if (fabs(1.0 - deltaMC) > 0.02) {
0197         den->Scale(1.0 / deltaMC);
0198         MC_distr_->Scale(1.0 / deltaMC);
0199       }
0201       weights_->Divide(den);  // so now the average weight should be 1.0
0203       std::cout << " Lumi/Pileup Reweighting: Computed Weights per In-Time Nint " << std::endl;
0205       for (int ibin = 1; ibin < NBins + 1; ++ibin) {
0206         std::cout << "   " << ibin - 1 << " " << weights_->GetBinContent(ibin) << std::endl;
0207       }
0209       weightOOT_init();
0211       FirstWarning_ = true;
0212     }
0214     void weight3D_init(float ScaleFactor, std::string WeightOutputFile = "") {
0215       //create histogram to write output weights, save pain of generating them again...
0217       TH3D* WHist = new TH3D("WHist", "3D weights", 50, 0., 50., 50, 0., 50., 50, 0., 50.);
0218       TH3D* DHist = new TH3D("DHist", "3D weights", 50, 0., 50., 50, 0., 50., 50, 0., 50.);
0219       TH3D* MHist = new TH3D("MHist", "3D weights", 50, 0., 50., 50, 0., 50., 50, 0., 50.);
0221       using std::min;
0223       if (MC_distr_->GetEntries() == 0) {
0224         std::cout << " MC and Data distributions are not initialized! You must call the LumiReWeighting constructor. "
0225                   << std::endl;
0226       }
0228       // arrays for storing number of interactions
0230       double MC_ints[50][50][50];
0231       double Data_ints[50][50][50];
0233       for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
0234         for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
0235           for (int k = 0; k < 50; k++) {
0236             MC_ints[i][j][k] = 0.;
0237             Data_ints[i][j][k] = 0.;
0238           }
0239         }
0240       }
0242       double factorial[50];
0243       double PowerSer[50];
0244       double base = 1.;
0246       factorial[0] = 1.;
0247       PowerSer[0] = 1.;
0249       for (int i = 1; i < 50; ++i) {
0250         base = base * float(i);
0251         factorial[i] = base;
0252       }
0254       double x;
0255       double xweight;
0256       double probi, probj, probk;
0257       double Expval, mean;
0258       int xi;
0260       // Get entries for Data, MC, fill arrays:
0261       int NMCbin = MC_distr_->GetNbinsX();
0263       for (int jbin = 1; jbin < NMCbin + 1; jbin++) {
0264         x = MC_distr_->GetBinCenter(jbin);
0265         xweight = MC_distr_->GetBinContent(jbin);  //use as weight for matrix
0267         //for Summer 11, we have this int feature:
0268         xi = int(x);
0270         // Generate Poisson distribution for each value of the mean
0271         mean = double(xi);
0273         if (mean < 0.) {
0274           std::cout << "LumiReweighting:BadInputValue"
0275                     << " Your histogram generates MC luminosity values less than zero!"
0276                     << " Please Check.  Terminating." << std::endl;
0277         }
0279         if (mean == 0.) {
0280           Expval = 1.;
0281         } else {
0282           Expval = exp(-1. * mean);
0283         }
0285         base = 1.;
0287         for (int i = 1; i < 50; ++i) {
0288           base = base * mean;
0289           PowerSer[i] = base;  // PowerSer is mean^i
0290         }
0292         // compute poisson probability for each Nvtx in weight matrix
0293         for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
0294           probi = PowerSer[i] / factorial[i] * Expval;
0295           for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
0296             probj = PowerSer[j] / factorial[j] * Expval;
0297             for (int k = 0; k < 50; k++) {
0298               probk = PowerSer[k] / factorial[k] * Expval;
0299               // joint probability is product of event weights multiplied by weight of input distribution bin
0300               MC_ints[i][j][k] = MC_ints[i][j][k] + probi * probj * probk * xweight;
0301             }
0302           }
0303         }
0304       }
0306       int NDatabin = Data_distr_->GetNbinsX();
0308       for (int jbin = 1; jbin < NDatabin + 1; jbin++) {
0309         mean = (Data_distr_->GetBinCenter(jbin)) * ScaleFactor;
0310         xweight = Data_distr_->GetBinContent(jbin);
0312         // Generate poisson distribution for each value of the mean
0313         if (mean < 0.) {
0314           std::cout << "LumiReweighting:BadInputValue"
0315                     << " Your histogram generates MC luminosity values less than zero!"
0316                     << " Please Check.  Terminating." << std::endl;
0317         }
0319         if (mean == 0.) {
0320           Expval = 1.;
0321         } else {
0322           Expval = exp(-1. * mean);
0323         }
0325         base = 1.;
0327         for (int i = 1; i < 50; ++i) {
0328           base = base * mean;
0329           PowerSer[i] = base;
0330         }
0332         // compute poisson probability for each Nvtx in weight matrix
0334         for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
0335           probi = PowerSer[i] / factorial[i] * Expval;
0336           for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
0337             probj = PowerSer[j] / factorial[j] * Expval;
0338             for (int k = 0; k < 50; k++) {
0339               probk = PowerSer[k] / factorial[k] * Expval;
0340               // joint probability is product of event weights multiplied by weight of input distribution bin
0341               Data_ints[i][j][k] = Data_ints[i][j][k] + probi * probj * probk * xweight;
0342             }
0343           }
0344         }
0345       }
0347       for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
0348         //if(i<5) std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
0349         for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
0350           for (int k = 0; k < 50; k++) {
0351             if ((MC_ints[i][j][k]) > 0.) {
0352               Weight3D_[i][j][k] = Data_ints[i][j][k] / MC_ints[i][j][k];
0353             } else {
0354               Weight3D_[i][j][k] = 0.;
0355             }
0356             WHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, Weight3D_[i][j][k]);
0357             DHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, Data_ints[i][j][k]);
0358             MHist->SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, MC_ints[i][j][k]);
0359             //      if(i<5 && j<5 && k<5) std::cout << Weight3D_[i][j][k] << " " ;
0360           }
0361           //      if(i<5 && j<5) std::cout << std::endl;
0362         }
0363       }
0365       if (!WeightOutputFile.empty()) {
0366         std::cout << " 3D Weight Matrix initialized! " << std::endl;
0367         std::cout << " Writing weights to file " << WeightOutputFile << " for re-use...  " << std::endl;
0369         TFile* outfile = new TFile(WeightOutputFile.c_str(), "RECREATE");
0370         WHist->Write();
0371         MHist->Write();
0372         DHist->Write();
0373         outfile->Write();
0374         outfile->Close();
0375         outfile->Delete();
0376       }
0378       return;
0379     }
0381     void weight3D_set(std::string WeightFileName) {
0382       TFile* infile = new TFile(WeightFileName.c_str());
0383       TH1F* WHist = (TH1F*)infile->Get("WHist");
0385       // Check if the histogram exists
0386       if (!WHist) {
0387         std::cout << " Could not find the histogram WHist in the file "
0388                   << "in the file " << WeightFileName << "." << std::endl;
0389         return;
0390       }
0392       for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
0393         for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
0394           for (int k = 0; k < 50; k++) {
0395             Weight3D_[i][j][k] = WHist->GetBinContent(i, j, k);
0396           }
0397         }
0398       }
0400       std::cout << " 3D Weight Matrix initialized! " << std::endl;
0402       return;
0403     }
0405     void weightOOT_init() {
0406       // The following are poisson distributions with different means, where the maximum
0407       // of the function has been normalized to weight 1.0
0408       // These are used to reweight the out-of-time pileup to match the in-time distribution.
0409       // The total event weight is the product of the in-time weight, the out-of-time weight,
0410       // and a residual correction to fix the distortions caused by the fact that the out-of-time
0411       // distribution is not flat.
0413       static const double weight_24[25] = {0,           0,           0,           0,          2.46277e-06,
0414                                            2.95532e-05, 0.000104668, 0.000401431, 0.00130034, 0.00342202,
0415                                            0.00818132,  0.0175534,   0.035784,    0.0650836,  0.112232,
0416                                            0.178699,    0.268934,    0.380868,    0.507505,   0.640922,
0417                                            0.768551,    0.877829,    0.958624,    0.99939,    1};
0419       static const double weight_23[25] = {0,           1.20628e-06, 1.20628e-06, 2.41255e-06, 1.20628e-05,
0420                                            6.39326e-05, 0.000252112, 0.000862487, 0.00244995,  0.00616527,
0421                                            0.0140821,   0.0293342,   0.0564501,   0.100602,    0.164479,
0422                                            0.252659,    0.36268,     0.491427,    0.627979,    0.75918,
0423                                            0.873185,    0.957934,    0.999381,    1,           0.957738};
0425       static const double weight_22[25] = {
0426           0,         0,         0,         5.88636e-06, 3.0609e-05, 0.000143627, 0.000561558, 0.00173059, 0.00460078,
0427           0.0110616, 0.0238974, 0.0475406, 0.0875077,   0.148682,   0.235752,    0.343591,    0.473146,   0.611897,
0428           0.748345,  0.865978,  0.953199,  0.997848,    1,          0.954245,    0.873688};
0430       static const double weight_21[25] = {
0431           0,         0,         1.15381e-06, 8.07665e-06, 7.1536e-05, 0.000280375, 0.00107189, 0.00327104, 0.00809396,
0432           0.0190978, 0.0401894, 0.0761028,   0.13472,     0.216315,   0.324649,    0.455125,   0.598241,   0.739215,
0433           0.861866,  0.953911,  0.998918,    1,           0.956683,   0.872272,    0.76399};
0435       static const double weight_20[25] = {
0436           0,         0,         1.12532e-06, 2.58822e-05, 0.000145166, 0.000633552, 0.00215048, 0.00592816, 0.0145605,
0437           0.0328367, 0.0652649, 0.11893,     0.19803,     0.305525,    0.436588,    0.581566,   0.727048,   0.8534,
0438           0.949419,  0.999785,  1,           0.953008,    0.865689,    0.753288,    0.62765};
0439       static const double weight_19[25] = {
0440           0,         0,        1.20714e-05, 5.92596e-05, 0.000364337, 0.00124994, 0.00403953, 0.0108149, 0.025824,
0441           0.0544969, 0.103567, 0.17936,     0.283532,    0.416091,    0.562078,   0.714714,   0.846523,  0.947875,
0442           1,         0.999448, 0.951404,    0.859717,    0.742319,    0.613601,   0.48552};
0444       static const double weight_18[25] = {
0445           0,         3.20101e-06, 2.88091e-05, 0.000164319, 0.000719161, 0.00250106, 0.00773685, 0.0197513, 0.0443693,
0446           0.0885998, 0.159891,    0.262607,    0.392327,    0.543125,    0.69924,    0.837474,   0.943486,  0.998029,
0447           1,         0.945937,    0.851807,    0.729309,    0.596332,    0.467818,   0.350434};
0449       static const double weight_17[25] = {
0450           1.03634e-06, 7.25437e-06, 4.97443e-05, 0.000340956, 0.00148715, 0.00501485, 0.0143067, 0.034679, 0.0742009,
0451           0.140287,    0.238288,    0.369416,    0.521637,    0.682368,   0.828634,   0.939655,  1,        0.996829,
0452           0.94062,     0.841575,    0.716664,    0.582053,    0.449595,   0.331336,   0.234332};
0454       static const double weight_16[25] = {
0455           4.03159e-06, 2.41895e-05, 0.000141106, 0.00081942, 0.00314565, 0.00990662, 0.026293, 0.0603881, 0.120973,
0456           0.214532,    0.343708,    0.501141,    0.665978,   0.820107,   0.938149,   1,        0.99941,   0.940768,
0457           0.837813,    0.703086,    0.564023,    0.42928,    0.312515,   0.216251,   0.14561};
0459       static const double weight_15[25] = {
0460           9.76084e-07, 5.07564e-05, 0.000303562, 0.00174036, 0.00617959, 0.0188579, 0.047465, 0.101656, 0.189492,
0461           0.315673,    0.474383,    0.646828,    0.809462,   0.934107,   0.998874,  1,        0.936163, 0.827473,
0462           0.689675,    0.544384,    0.40907,     0.290648,   0.198861,   0.12951,   0.0808051};
0464       static const double weight_14[25] = {
0465           1.13288e-05, 0.000124617, 0.000753365, 0.00345056, 0.0123909, 0.0352712, 0.0825463, 0.16413,  0.287213,
0466           0.44615,     0.625826,    0.796365,    0.930624,   0.999958,  1,         0.934414,  0.816456, 0.672939,
0467           0.523033,    0.386068,    0.269824,    0.180342,   0.114669,  0.0698288, 0.0406496};
0469       static const double weight_13[25] = {
0470           2.54296e-05, 0.000261561, 0.00167018, 0.00748083, 0.0241308, 0.0636801, 0.138222, 0.255814, 0.414275,
0471           0.600244,    0.779958,    0.92256,    0.999155,   1,         0.927126,  0.804504, 0.651803, 0.497534,
0472           0.35976,     0.245834,    0.160904,   0.0991589,  0.0585434, 0.0332437, 0.0180159};
0474       static const double weight_12[25] = {
0475           5.85742e-05, 0.000627706, 0.00386677, 0.0154068, 0.0465892, 0.111683,  0.222487,  0.381677, 0.5719,
0476           0.765001,    0.915916,    1,          0.999717,  0.921443,  0.791958,  0.632344,  0.475195, 0.334982,
0477           0.223666,    0.141781,    0.0851538,  0.048433,  0.0263287, 0.0133969, 0.00696683};
0479       static const double weight_11[25] = {
0480           0.00015238, 0.00156064, 0.00846044, 0.0310939, 0.0856225, 0.187589,   0.343579,  0.541892, 0.74224,
0481           0.909269,   0.998711,   1,          0.916889,  0.77485,   0.608819,   0.447016,  0.307375, 0.198444,
0482           0.121208,   0.070222,   0.0386492,  0.0201108, 0.0100922, 0.00484937, 0.00222458};
0484       static const double weight_10[25] = {
0485           0.000393044, 0.00367001, 0.0179474, 0.060389,   0.151477,   0.302077,   0.503113,   0.720373, 0.899568,
0486           1,           0.997739,   0.909409,  0.75728,    0.582031,   0.415322,   0.277663,   0.174147, 0.102154,
0487           0.0566719,   0.0298642,  0.0147751, 0.00710995, 0.00319628, 0.00140601, 0.000568796};
0489       static const double weight_9[25] = {
0490           0.00093396, 0.00854448, 0.0380306,  0.113181,  0.256614,    0.460894,    0.690242,   0.888781,  1,
0491           0.998756,   0.899872,   0.735642,   0.552532,  0.382726,    0.246114,    0.147497,   0.0825541, 0.0441199,
0492           0.0218157,  0.0103578,  0.00462959, 0.0019142, 0.000771598, 0.000295893, 0.000111529};
0494       static const double weight_8[25] = {
0495           0.00240233, 0.0192688, 0.0768653,  0.205008,    0.410958,    0.65758,     0.875657,   0.999886,  1,
0496           0.889476,   0.711446,  0.517781,   0.345774,    0.212028,    0.121208,    0.0644629,  0.0324928, 0.0152492,
0497           0.00673527, 0.0028547, 0.00117213, 0.000440177, 0.000168471, 5.80689e-05, 1.93563e-05};
0499       static const double weight_7[25] = {0.00617233,  0.0428714,   0.150018,    0.350317,    0.612535,
0500                                           0.856525,    0.999923,    1,           0.87544,     0.679383,
0501                                           0.478345,    0.303378,    0.176923,    0.0950103,   0.0476253,
0502                                           0.0222211,   0.00972738,  0.00392962,  0.0015258,   0.000559168,
0503                                           0.000183928, 6.77983e-05, 1.67818e-05, 7.38398e-06, 6.71271e-07};
0505       static const double weight_6[25] = {0.0154465,   0.0923472,   0.277322,    0.55552,     0.833099,
0506                                           0.999035,    1,           0.855183,    0.641976,    0.428277,
0507                                           0.256804,    0.139798,    0.0700072,   0.0321586,   0.0137971,
0508                                           0.00544756,  0.00202316,  0.000766228, 0.000259348, 8.45836e-05,
0509                                           1.80362e-05, 8.70713e-06, 3.73163e-06, 6.21938e-07, 0};
0511       static const double weight_5[25] = {0.0382845,   0.191122,    0.478782,    0.797314,    1,
0512                                           0.997148,    0.831144,    0.59461,     0.371293,    0.205903,
0513                                           0.103102,    0.0471424,   0.0194997,   0.00749415,  0.00273709,
0514                                           0.000879189, 0.000286049, 0.000102364, 1.70606e-05, 3.98081e-06,
0515                                           2.27475e-06, 0,           0,           0,           0};
0517       static const double weight_4[25] = {0.0941305,   0.373824,    0.750094,    1,           0.997698,
0518                                           0.800956,    0.532306,    0.304597,    0.152207,    0.0676275,
0519                                           0.0270646,   0.00975365,  0.00326077,  0.00101071,  0.000301781,
0520                                           7.41664e-05, 1.58563e-05, 3.58045e-06, 1.02299e-06, 0,
0521                                           5.11493e-07, 0,           0,           0,           0};
0523       static const double weight_3[25] = {0.222714,    0.667015,    1,           0.999208,    0.750609,
0524                                           0.449854,    0.224968,    0.0965185,   0.0361225,   0.012084,
0525                                           0.00359618,  0.000977166, 0.000239269, 6.29422e-05, 1.16064e-05,
0526                                           1.78559e-06, 0,           4.46398e-07, 0,           0,
0527                                           0,           0,           0,           0,           0};
0529       static const double weight_2[25] = {
0530           0.499541,   0.999607,    1,           0.666607,    0.333301,    0.13279, 0.0441871, 0.0127455, 0.00318434,
0531           0.00071752, 0.000132204, 2.69578e-05, 5.16999e-06, 2.21571e-06, 0,       0,         0,         0,
0532           0,          0,           0,           0,           0,           0,       0};
0534       static const double weight_1[25] = {
0535           0.999165,    1,           0.499996,    0.166868, 0.0414266, 0.00831053, 0.00137472, 0.000198911, 2.66302e-05,
0536           2.44563e-06, 2.71737e-07, 2.71737e-07, 0,        0,         0,          0,          0,           0,
0537           0,           0,           0,           0,        0,         0,          0};
0539       static const double weight_0[25] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
0541       //WeightOOTPU_ = {0};
0543       const double* WeightPtr = nullptr;
0545       for (int iint = 0; iint < 25; ++iint) {
0546         if (iint == 0)
0547           WeightPtr = weight_0;
0548         if (iint == 1)
0549           WeightPtr = weight_1;
0550         if (iint == 2)
0551           WeightPtr = weight_2;
0552         if (iint == 3)
0553           WeightPtr = weight_3;
0554         if (iint == 4)
0555           WeightPtr = weight_4;
0556         if (iint == 5)
0557           WeightPtr = weight_5;
0558         if (iint == 6)
0559           WeightPtr = weight_6;
0560         if (iint == 7)
0561           WeightPtr = weight_7;
0562         if (iint == 8)
0563           WeightPtr = weight_8;
0564         if (iint == 9)
0565           WeightPtr = weight_9;
0566         if (iint == 10)
0567           WeightPtr = weight_10;
0568         if (iint == 11)
0569           WeightPtr = weight_11;
0570         if (iint == 12)
0571           WeightPtr = weight_12;
0572         if (iint == 13)
0573           WeightPtr = weight_13;
0574         if (iint == 14)
0575           WeightPtr = weight_14;
0576         if (iint == 15)
0577           WeightPtr = weight_15;
0578         if (iint == 16)
0579           WeightPtr = weight_16;
0580         if (iint == 17)
0581           WeightPtr = weight_17;
0582         if (iint == 18)
0583           WeightPtr = weight_18;
0584         if (iint == 19)
0585           WeightPtr = weight_19;
0586         if (iint == 20)
0587           WeightPtr = weight_20;
0588         if (iint == 21)
0589           WeightPtr = weight_21;
0590         if (iint == 22)
0591           WeightPtr = weight_22;
0592         if (iint == 23)
0593           WeightPtr = weight_23;
0594         if (iint == 24)
0595           WeightPtr = weight_24;
0597         for (int ibin = 0; ibin < 25; ++ibin) {
0598           WeightOOTPU_[iint][ibin] = *(WeightPtr + ibin);
0599         }
0600       }
0601     }
0603     double ITweight(int npv) {
0604       int bin = weights_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(npv);
0605       return weights_->GetBinContent(bin);
0606     }
0608     double ITweight3BX(float ave_int) {
0609       int bin = weights_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(ave_int);
0610       return weights_->GetBinContent(bin);
0611     }
0613     double weight(float n_int) {
0614       int bin = weights_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(n_int);
0615       return weights_->GetBinContent(bin);
0616     }
0618     double weight3D(int pv1, int pv2, int pv3) {
0619       using std::min;
0621       int npm1 = min(pv1, 34);
0622       int np0 = min(pv2, 34);
0623       int npp1 = min(pv3, 34);
0625       return Weight3D_[npm1][np0][npp1];
0626     }
0628     double weightOOT(int npv_in_time, int npv_m50nsBX) {
0629       static const double Correct_Weights2011[25] = {
0630           // residual correction to match lumi spectrum
0631           5.30031,  2.07903,  1.40729,  1.27687, 1.0702, 0.902094, 0.902345, 0.931449, 0.78202,
0632           0.824686, 0.837735, 0.910261, 1.01394, 1.1599, 1.12778,  1.58423,  1.78868,  1.58296,
0633           2.3291,   3.86641,  0,        0,       0,      0,        0};
0635       if (FirstWarning_) {
0636         std::cout << " **** Warning: Out-of-time pileup reweighting appropriate only for PU_S3 **** " << std::endl;
0637         std::cout << " ****                          will be applied                           **** " << std::endl;
0639         FirstWarning_ = false;
0640       }
0642       // Note: for the "uncorrelated" out-of-time pileup, reweighting is only done on the 50ns
0643       // "late" bunch (BX=+1), since that is basically the only one that matters in terms of
0644       // energy deposition.
0646       if (npv_in_time < 0) {
0647         std::cerr << " no in-time beam crossing found\n! ";
0648         std::cerr << " Returning event weight=0\n! ";
0649         return 0.;
0650       }
0651       if (npv_m50nsBX < 0) {
0652         std::cerr << " no out-of-time beam crossing found\n! ";
0653         std::cerr << " Returning event weight=0\n! ";
0654         return 0.;
0655       }
0657       int bin = weights_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(npv_in_time);
0659       double inTimeWeight = weights_->GetBinContent(bin);
0661       double TotalWeight = 1.0;
0663       TotalWeight = inTimeWeight * WeightOOTPU_[bin - 1][npv_m50nsBX] * Correct_Weights2011[bin - 1];
0665       return TotalWeight;
0666     }
0668   protected:
0669     std::string generatedFileName_;
0670     std::string dataFileName_;
0671     std::string GenHistName_;
0672     std::string DataHistName_;
0673     TFile* generatedFile_;
0674     TFile* dataFile_;
0675     TH1F* weights_;
0677     //keep copies of normalized distributions:
0678     TH1F* MC_distr_;
0679     TH1F* Data_distr_;
0681     double WeightOOTPU_[25][25];
0682     double Weight3D_[50][50][50];
0684     bool FirstWarning_;
0685   };
0686 }  // namespace reweight
0688 #endif