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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # This computer counts the number of PROMPT tracks in a jet.
0004 # i.e. The tagging variable it calculates is equal to this number.
0005 # Its main use it for exotica physics, not b tagging.
0006 # It counts tracks with impact parameter significance less than some cut.
0007 # If you also wish to apply a cut on the maximum allowed impact parameter,
0008 # you can do this in the TagInfoProducer.
0010 promptTrackCountingComputer = cms.ESProducer("PromptTrackCountingESProducer",
0011     impactParameterType = cms.int32(0), ## 0 = 3D, 1 = 2D
0012     minimumImpactParameter = cms.double(-1),                                     
0013     useSignedImpactParameterSig = cms.bool(True), 
0014     maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double(999999.0),
0015     deltaR = cms.double(-1.0), ## maximum deltaR of track to jet. If -ve just use cut from JTA
0016     deltaRmin = cms.double(0.0), ## minimum deltaR of track to jet.                                     
0018     maximumDecayLength = cms.double(999999.0),
0019     # These cuts on absolute impact parameter and its significance
0020     maxImpactParameter    = cms.double(0.1),
0021     maxImpactParameterSig = cms.double(999999.0),
0022     trackQualityClass = cms.string("any"),
0024     # This parameter is not used. 
0025     nthTrack = cms.int32(-1)                                    
0026 )