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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGCSVL = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0003 # this is what it makes available
0004     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGCSVL'),
0005 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0006     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGCSVLtable_v8_offline'),
0007     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGCSVLwp_v8_offline')
0008 )
0009 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGCSVM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0010 # this is what it makes available
0011     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGCSVM'),
0012 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0013     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGCSVMtable_v8_offline'),
0014     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGCSVMwp_v8_offline')
0015 )
0016 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGCSVT = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0017 # this is what it makes available
0018     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGCSVT'),
0019 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0020     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGCSVTtable_v8_offline'),
0021     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGCSVTwp_v8_offline')
0022 )
0023 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGJPL = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0024 # this is what it makes available
0025     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGJPL'),
0026 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0027     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJPLtable_v8_offline'),
0028     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJPLwp_v8_offline')
0029 )
0030 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGJPM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0031 # this is what it makes available
0032     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGJPM'),
0033 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0034     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJPMtable_v8_offline'),
0035     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJPMwp_v8_offline')
0036 )
0037 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGJPT = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0038 # this is what it makes available
0039     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGJPT'),
0040 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0041     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJPTtable_v8_offline'),
0042     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJPTwp_v8_offline')
0043 )
0044 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGJBPL = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0045 # this is what it makes available
0046     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGJBPL'),
0047 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0048     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJBPLtable_v8_offline'),
0049     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJBPLwp_v8_offline')
0050 )
0051 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGJBPM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0052 # this is what it makes available
0053     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGJBPM'),
0054 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0055     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJBPMtable_v8_offline'),
0056     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJBPMwp_v8_offline')
0057 )
0058 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGJBPT = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0059 # this is what it makes available
0060     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGJBPT'),
0061 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0062     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJBPTtable_v8_offline'),
0063     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGJBPTwp_v8_offline')
0064 )
0065 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGSSVHEM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0066 # this is what it makes available
0067     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGSSVHEM'),
0068 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0069     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGSSVHEMtable_v8_offline'),
0070     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGSSVHEMwp_v8_offline')
0071 )
0072 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGSSVHPT = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0073 # this is what it makes available
0074     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGSSVHPT'),
0075 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0076     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGSSVHPTtable_v8_offline'),
0077     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGSSVHPTwp_v8_offline')
0078 )
0079 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGTCHEL = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0080 # this is what it makes available
0081     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGTCHEL'),
0082 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0083     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHELtable_v8_offline'),
0084     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHELwp_v8_offline')
0085 )
0086 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGTCHEM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0087 # this is what it makes available
0088     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGTCHEM'),
0089 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0090     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHEMtable_v8_offline'),
0091     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHEMwp_v8_offline')
0092 )
0093 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGTCHPM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0094 # this is what it makes available
0095     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGTCHPM'),
0096 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0097     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHPMtable_v8_offline'),
0098     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHPMwp_v8_offline')
0099 )
0100 BtagPerformanceESProducer_MUJETSWPBTAGTCHPT = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0101 # this is what it makes available
0102     ComponentName = cms.string('MUJETSWPBTAGTCHPT'),
0103 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0104     PayloadName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHPTtable_v8_offline'),
0105     WorkingPointName = cms.string('BTagMUJETSWPBTAGTCHPTwp_v8_offline')
0106 )