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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 BtagPerformanceESProducer_TTBARDISCRIMBTAGCSV = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0004 # this is what it makes available
0005     ComponentName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGCSV'),
0006 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0007     PayloadName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGCSV_T'),
0008     WorkingPointName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGCSV_WP')
0009 )
0011 BtagPerformanceESProducer_TTBARDISCRIMBTAGJP = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0012 # this is what it makes available
0013     ComponentName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGJP'),
0014 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0015     PayloadName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGJP_T'),
0016     WorkingPointName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGJP_WP')
0017 )
0019 BtagPerformanceESProducer_TTBARDISCRIMBTAGTCHP = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer",
0020 # this is what it makes available
0021     ComponentName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGTCHP'),
0022 # this is where it gets the payload from                                                
0023     PayloadName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGTCHP_T'),
0024     WorkingPointName = cms.string('TTBARDISCRIMBTAGTCHP_WP')
0025 )