File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:24:31
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 process = cms.Process("myprocess") 0004 process.load("CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBCommon_cfi") 0005 0006 process.CondDBCommon.connect = 'sqlite_file:../DBs/NAME.db' 0007 0008 process.load ("Pool_NAME") 0009 process.load ("Btag_NAME") 0010 # 0011 # change inside the source 0012 # 0013 0014 #BtagPerformanceESProducer_mistagJPL = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer", 0015 # # this is what it makes available 0016 # ComponentName = cms.string('Mistag_JPL'), 0017 # # this is where it gets the payload from 0018 # PayloadName = cms.string('MISTAGJPL_T'), 0019 # WorkingPointName = cms.string('MISTAGJPL_WP') 0020 # ) 0021 #BtagPerformanceESProducer_mistagJPM = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer", 0022 # # this is what it makes available 0023 # ComponentName = cms.string('Mistag_JPM'), 0024 # # this is where it gets the payload from 0025 # PayloadName = cms.string('MISTAGJPM_T'), 0026 # WorkingPointName = cms.string('MISTAGJPM_WP') 0027 # ) 0028 #BtagPerformanceESProducer_mistagJPT = cms.ESProducer("BtagPerformanceESProducer", 0029 # # this is what it makes available 0030 # ComponentName = cms.string('Mistag_JPT'), 0031 # # this is where it gets the payload from 0032 # PayloadName = cms.string('MISTAGJPT_T'), 0033 # WorkingPointName = cms.string('MISTAGJPT_WP') 0034 # ) 0035 # 0036 0037 0038 0039 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( 0040 input = cms.untracked.int32(1) 0041 ) 0042 process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource") 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 process.demo = cms.EDAnalyzer('validateBTagDB', 0048 CalibrationForBEfficiency = cms.string('MISTAGSSVM'), 0049 CalibrationForCEfficiency = cms.string('MISTAGSSVM'), 0050 CalibrationForMistag = cms.string('MISTAGSSVM'), 0051 algoNames = cms.vstring("NAME"), 0052 fileList = cms.vstring("../FILE"), 0053 ) 0054 0055 process.p = cms.Path(process.demo) 0056 0057 # 0058
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