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0001 #ifndef RecoBTag_SecondaryVertex_CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer_h
0002 #define RecoBTag_SecondaryVertex_CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer_h
0004 #include "DataFormats/BTauReco/interface/CandSoftLeptonTagInfo.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/BTauReco/interface/TaggingVariable.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/BTauReco/interface/TemplatedSoftLeptonTagInfo.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/BTauReco/interface/VertexTypes.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0012 #include "RecoBTag/SecondaryVertex/interface/CombinedSVComputer.h"
0014 class CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer : public CombinedSVComputer {
0015 public:
0016   explicit CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer(const edm::ParameterSet &params);
0017   ~CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer() override = default;
0018   double flipSoftLeptonValue(double value) const;
0020   template <class IPTI, class SVTI>
0021   reco::TaggingVariableList operator()(const IPTI &ipInfo,
0022                                        const SVTI &svInfo,
0023                                        const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo &muonInfo,
0024                                        const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo &elecInfo) const;
0026 private:
0027   bool SoftLeptonFlip;
0028 };
0030 inline double CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer::flipSoftLeptonValue(double value) const {
0031   return SoftLeptonFlip ? -value : value;
0032 }
0034 template <class IPTI, class SVTI>
0035 reco::TaggingVariableList CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer::operator()(const IPTI &ipInfo,
0036                                                                    const SVTI &svInfo,
0037                                                                    const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo &muonInfo,
0038                                                                    const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo &elecInfo) const {
0039   using namespace reco;
0041   // call the inherited operator()
0042   TaggingVariableList vars = CombinedSVComputer::operator()(ipInfo, svInfo);
0044   //Jets with vtxCategory 99 cause problems
0045   unsigned int vtxType =
0046       (vars.checkTag(reco::btau::vertexCategory) ? (unsigned int)(vars.get(reco::btau::vertexCategory)) : 99);
0047   if (vtxType == 99)
0048     return vars;
0050   // the following is specific to soft leptons
0051   int leptonCategory = 0;  // 0 = no lepton, 1 = muon, 2 = electron
0053   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < muonInfo.leptons();
0054        ++i)  // loop over all muons, not optimal -> find the best or use ranking from best to worst
0055   {
0056     leptonCategory = 1;  // muon category
0057     const SoftLeptonProperties &propertiesMuon =;
0058     vars.insert(btau::leptonPtRel, propertiesMuon.ptRel, true);
0059     vars.insert(btau::leptonSip3d, flipSoftLeptonValue(propertiesMuon.sip3d), true);
0060     vars.insert(btau::leptonDeltaR, propertiesMuon.deltaR, true);
0061     vars.insert(btau::leptonRatioRel, propertiesMuon.ratioRel, true);
0062     vars.insert(btau::leptonEtaRel, propertiesMuon.etaRel, true);
0063     vars.insert(btau::leptonRatio, propertiesMuon.ratio, true);
0064   }
0066   if (leptonCategory != 1)  // no soft muon found, try soft electron
0067   {
0068     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elecInfo.leptons();
0069          ++i)  // loop over all electrons, not optimal -> find the best or use ranking from best to worst
0070     {
0071       leptonCategory = 2;  // electron category
0072       const SoftLeptonProperties &propertiesElec =;
0073       vars.insert(btau::leptonPtRel, propertiesElec.ptRel, true);
0074       vars.insert(btau::leptonSip3d, flipSoftLeptonValue(propertiesElec.sip3d), true);
0075       vars.insert(btau::leptonDeltaR, propertiesElec.deltaR, true);
0076       vars.insert(btau::leptonRatioRel, propertiesElec.ratioRel, true);
0077       vars.insert(btau::leptonEtaRel, propertiesElec.etaRel, true);
0078       vars.insert(btau::leptonRatio, propertiesElec.ratio, true);
0079     }
0080   }
0082   // set the default value for vertexLeptonCategory to 2 (= NoVertexNoSoftLepton)
0083   int vertexLepCat = 2;
0085   if (leptonCategory == 0)  // no soft lepton
0086   {
0087     if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::RecoVertex))
0088       vertexLepCat = 0;
0089     else if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex))
0090       vertexLepCat = 1;
0091     else
0092       vertexLepCat = 2;
0093   } else if (leptonCategory == 1)  // soft muon
0094   {
0095     if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::RecoVertex))
0096       vertexLepCat = 3;
0097     else if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex))
0098       vertexLepCat = 4;
0099     else
0100       vertexLepCat = 5;
0101   } else if (leptonCategory == 2)  // soft electron
0102   {
0103     if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::RecoVertex))
0104       vertexLepCat = 6;
0105     else if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex))
0106       vertexLepCat = 7;
0107     else
0108       vertexLepCat = 8;
0109   }
0110   vars.insert(btau::vertexLeptonCategory, vertexLepCat, true);
0112   vars.finalize();
0113   return vars;
0114 }
0116 #endif  // RecoBTag_SecondaryVertex_CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer_h