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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 #
0004 #
0005 # Moved to Multi5x5SuperCluster producer
0006 cosmicSuperClusters = cms.EDProducer("Multi5x5SuperClusterProducer",
0008     VerbosityLevel = cms.string('ERROR'),
0009     endcapClusterTag = cms.InputTag('cosmicBasicClusters',
0010                                     'CosmicEndcapBasicClusters'),
0011     barrelClusterTag = cms.InputTag('cosmicBasicClusters',
0012                                     'CosmicBarrelBasicClusters'),
0013     endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string('CosmicEndcapSuperClusters'),
0014     barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string('CosmicBarrelSuperClusters'),
0015     barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double(0.20),
0016     barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double(0.55),                                 
0017     endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double(0.14),
0018     endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double(0.6),
0019     seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double(0.0),
0020     doBarrel = cms.bool(True),
0021     doEndcaps = cms.bool(True),
0023     # if dynamicPhiRoad is set to false the parameters below
0024     # are not used and the standard fixed phi roads are used
0025     dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool(False),
0026     bremRecoveryPset = cms.PSet(
0027         barrel = cms.PSet(
0028             cryVec = cms.vint32(16, 13, 11, 10, 9,
0029                 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,
0030                 3),
0031             cryMin = cms.int32(2),
0032             etVec = cms.vdouble(5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0,
0033                 40.0, 45.0, 55.0, 135.0, 195.0,
0034                 225.0)
0035         ),
0036         endcap = cms.PSet(
0037             a = cms.double(47.85),
0038             c = cms.double(0.1201),
0039             b = cms.double(108.8)
0040         )
0041     )
0044 )