File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:24:54
0001 #ifndef EgammaIsolationAlgos_EgammaHcalIsolation_h
0002 #define EgammaIsolationAlgos_EgammaHcalIsolation_h
0012 #include <array>
0015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0016 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/RecoCandidate.h"
0017 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/GlobalPoint.h"
0019 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/GlobalVector.h"
0021 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/SuperCluster.h"
0022 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/SuperClusterFwd.h"
0024 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HcalRecHitCollections.h"
0025 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/HcalTopology.h"
0026 #include "RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecAlgos/interface/HcalSeverityLevelComputer.h"
0027 #include "RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecAlgos/interface/HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd.h"
0028 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/HcalPFCutsRcd.h"
0029 #include "CondTools/Hcal/interface/HcalPFCutsHandler.h"
0030 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalChannelQuality.h"
0031 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/HcalChannelQualityRcd.h"
0033 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/CaloTowerConstituentsMap.h"
0034 #include "RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/interface/EgammaHadTower.h"
0037 double scaleToE(const double &eta);
0038 double scaleToEt(const double &eta);
0040 class EgammaHcalIsolation {
0041 public:
0042 enum class InclusionRule : int { withinConeAroundCluster = 0, isBehindClusterSeed = 1 };
0043 using arrayHB = std::array<double, 4>;
0044 using arrayHE = std::array<double, 7>;
0047 EgammaHcalIsolation(InclusionRule extIncRule,
0048 double extRadius,
0049 InclusionRule intIncRule,
0050 double intRadius,
0051 const arrayHB &eThresHB,
0052 const arrayHB &etThresHB,
0053 int maxSeverityHB,
0054 const arrayHE &eThresHE,
0055 const arrayHE &etThresHE,
0056 int maxSeverityHE,
0057 const HBHERecHitCollection &mhbhe,
0058 edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> caloGeometry,
0059 edm::ESHandle<HcalTopology> hcalTopology,
0060 edm::ESHandle<HcalChannelQuality> hcalChStatus,
0061 edm::ESHandle<HcalSeverityLevelComputer> hcalSevLvlComputer,
0062 edm::ESHandle<CaloTowerConstituentsMap> towerMap);
0064 EgammaHcalIsolation(InclusionRule extIncRule,
0065 double extRadius,
0066 InclusionRule intIncRule,
0067 double intRadius,
0068 const arrayHB &eThresHB,
0069 const arrayHB &etThresHB,
0070 int maxSeverityHB,
0071 const arrayHE &eThresHE,
0072 const arrayHE &etThresHE,
0073 int maxSeverityHE,
0074 const HBHERecHitCollection &mhbhe,
0075 const CaloGeometry &caloGeometry,
0076 const HcalTopology &hcalTopology,
0077 const HcalChannelQuality &hcalChStatus,
0078 const HcalSeverityLevelComputer &hcalSevLvlComputer,
0079 const CaloTowerConstituentsMap &towerMap);
0081 double getHcalESum(const reco::Candidate *c, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0082 return getHcalESum(c->get<reco::SuperClusterRef>().get(), depth, hcalCuts);
0083 }
0084 double getHcalEtSum(const reco::Candidate *c, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0085 return getHcalEtSum(c->get<reco::SuperClusterRef>().get(), depth, hcalCuts);
0086 }
0087 double getHcalESum(const reco::SuperCluster *sc, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0088 return getHcalESum(sc->position(), depth, hcalCuts);
0089 }
0090 double getHcalEtSum(const reco::SuperCluster *sc, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0091 return getHcalEtSum(sc->position(), depth, hcalCuts);
0092 }
0093 double getHcalESum(const math::XYZPoint &p, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0094 return getHcalESum(GlobalPoint(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), depth, hcalCuts);
0095 }
0096 double getHcalEtSum(const math::XYZPoint &p, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0097 return getHcalEtSum(GlobalPoint(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), depth, hcalCuts);
0098 }
0099 double getHcalESum(const GlobalPoint &pclu, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0100 return getHcalSum(pclu, depth, 0, 0, 0, &scaleToE, hcalCuts);
0101 }
0102 double getHcalEtSum(const GlobalPoint &pclu, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0103 return getHcalSum(pclu, depth, 0, 0, 0, &scaleToEt, hcalCuts);
0104 }
0106 double getHcalESumBc(const reco::Candidate *c, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0107 return getHcalESumBc(c->get<reco::SuperClusterRef>().get(), depth, hcalCuts);
0108 }
0109 double getHcalEtSumBc(const reco::Candidate *c, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0110 return getHcalEtSumBc(c->get<reco::SuperClusterRef>().get(), depth, hcalCuts);
0111 }
0112 double getHcalESumBc(const reco::SuperCluster *sc, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0113 const auto tower = egamma::towerOf(*(sc->seed()), towerMap_);
0115 if (extIncRule_ == InclusionRule::isBehindClusterSeed and intIncRule_ == InclusionRule::withinConeAroundCluster)
0116 return getHcalESumBc(sc->position(), depth, tower.ieta(), tower.iphi(), -1, hcalCuts);
0117 else if (extIncRule_ == InclusionRule::withinConeAroundCluster and
0118 intIncRule_ == InclusionRule::isBehindClusterSeed)
0119 return getHcalESumBc(sc->position(), depth, tower.ieta(), tower.iphi(), 1, hcalCuts);
0121 return getHcalESumBc(sc->position(), depth, tower.ieta(), tower.iphi(), 0, hcalCuts);
0122 }
0123 double getHcalEtSumBc(const reco::SuperCluster *sc, int depth, const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0124 const auto tower = egamma::towerOf(*(sc->seed()), towerMap_);
0126 if (extIncRule_ == InclusionRule::isBehindClusterSeed and intIncRule_ == InclusionRule::withinConeAroundCluster)
0127 return getHcalEtSumBc(sc->position(), depth, tower.ieta(), tower.iphi(), -1, hcalCuts);
0128 else if (extIncRule_ == InclusionRule::withinConeAroundCluster and
0129 intIncRule_ == InclusionRule::isBehindClusterSeed)
0130 return getHcalEtSumBc(sc->position(), depth, tower.ieta(), tower.iphi(), 1, hcalCuts);
0132 return getHcalEtSumBc(sc->position(), depth, tower.ieta(), tower.iphi(), 0, hcalCuts);
0133 }
0134 double getHcalESumBc(const math::XYZPoint &p,
0135 int depth,
0136 int ieta,
0137 int iphi,
0138 int include_or_exclude,
0139 const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0140 return getHcalESumBc(GlobalPoint(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), depth, ieta, iphi, include_or_exclude, hcalCuts);
0141 }
0142 double getHcalEtSumBc(const math::XYZPoint &p,
0143 int depth,
0144 int ieta,
0145 int iphi,
0146 int include_or_exclude,
0147 const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0148 return getHcalEtSumBc(GlobalPoint(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), depth, ieta, iphi, include_or_exclude, hcalCuts);
0149 }
0150 double getHcalESumBc(const GlobalPoint &pclu,
0151 int depth,
0152 int ieta,
0153 int iphi,
0154 int include_or_exclude,
0155 const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0156 return getHcalSum(pclu, depth, ieta, iphi, include_or_exclude, &scaleToE, hcalCuts);
0157 }
0158 double getHcalEtSumBc(const GlobalPoint &pclu,
0159 int depth,
0160 int ieta,
0161 int iphi,
0162 int include_or_exclude,
0163 const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const {
0164 return getHcalSum(pclu, depth, ieta, iphi, include_or_exclude, &scaleToEt, hcalCuts);
0165 }
0167 private:
0168 double goodHitEnergy(float pcluEta,
0169 float pcluPhi,
0170 const HBHERecHit &hit,
0171 int depth,
0172 int ieta,
0173 int iphi,
0174 int include_or_exclude,
0175 double (*scale)(const double &),
0176 const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const;
0178 double getHcalSum(const GlobalPoint &pclu,
0179 int depth,
0180 int ieta,
0181 int iphi,
0182 int include_or_exclude,
0183 double (*scale)(const double &),
0184 const HcalPFCuts *hcalCuts) const;
0186 InclusionRule extIncRule_;
0187 double extRadius_;
0188 InclusionRule intIncRule_;
0189 double intRadius_;
0191 arrayHB eThresHB_;
0192 arrayHB etThresHB_;
0193 int maxSeverityHB_;
0195 arrayHE eThresHE_;
0196 arrayHE etThresHE_;
0197 int maxSeverityHE_;
0199 const HBHERecHitCollection &mhbhe_;
0200 const CaloGeometry &caloGeometry_;
0201 const HcalTopology &hcalTopology_;
0202 const HcalChannelQuality &hcalChStatus_;
0203 const HcalSeverityLevelComputer &hcalSevLvlComputer_;
0204 const CaloTowerConstituentsMap &towerMap_;
0205 };
0207 #endif