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0001 #ifndef ConversionHitChecker_H
0002 #define ConversionHitChecker_H
0004 /** \class ConversionHitChecker
0005  *
0006  *
0007  * \author J.Bendavid
0008  *
0009  * \version   
0010  * Check hits along a Trajectory and count how many are before
0011  * the vertex position. (taking into account the uncertainty in the vertex
0012  * and hit positions.  Also returns a the signed decay length
0013  * and uncertainty from the closest hit on the track to the vertex position.
0014  *
0015  ************************************************************/
0017 //
0018 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
0019 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackExtra.h"
0020 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/Vertex.h"
0021 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/VertexFwd.h"
0022 #include "DataFormats/GeometryCommonDetAlgo/interface/Measurement1DFloat.h"
0023 //
0024 //
0025 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0026 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0027 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0028 #include <utility>
0030 class Trajectory;
0031 class ConversionHitChecker {
0032 public:
0033   ConversionHitChecker() {}
0034   ~ConversionHitChecker() {}
0036   std::pair<uint8_t, Measurement1DFloat> nHitsBeforeVtx(const reco::TrackExtra &track,
0037                                                         const reco::Vertex &vtx,
0038                                                         float sigmaTolerance = 3.0) const;
0040   uint8_t nSharedHits(const reco::Track &trk1, const reco::Track &trk2) const;
0041 };
0043 #endif  // ConversionHitChecker_H