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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 from PhysicsTools.SelectorUtils.centralIDRegistry import central_id_registry
0004 # Common functions and classes for ID definition are imported here:
0005 from RecoEgamma.ElectronIdentification.Identification.heepElectronID_tools import HEEP_WorkingPoint_V1,configureHEEPElectronID_V71
0006 from RecoEgamma.ElectronIdentification.Identification.heepElectronID_HEEPV70_cff import WP_HEEP70_EB,WP_HEEP70_EE
0007 import copy
0008 #the same HEEP V70 but now has calo et cut of >5 GeV and isolation cut is relaxed vs calo et
0010 # The cut values for the  Barrel and Endcap
0011 idName = "heepElectronID-HEEPV71"
0012 WP_HEEP71_EB = copy.deepcopy(WP_HEEP70_EB)
0013 WP_HEEP71_EB.idName = str(idName)
0014 WP_HEEP71_EE = copy.deepcopy(WP_HEEP70_EE)
0015 WP_HEEP71_EE.idName = str(idName)
0016 #
0017 # Finally, set up VID configuration for all cuts
0018 #
0019 heepElectronID_HEEPV71  = configureHEEPElectronID_V71 (idName, WP_HEEP71_EB, WP_HEEP71_EE, 5. )
0021 #
0022 # The MD5 sum numbers below reflect the exact set of cut variables
0023 # and values above. If anything changes, one has to 
0024 # 1) comment out the lines below about the registry, 
0025 # 2) run "calculateMD5 <this file name> <one of the VID config names just above>
0026 # 3) update the MD5 sum strings below and uncomment the lines again.
0027 #
0029 #central_id_registry.register(heepElectronID_HEEPV71.idName,"49b6b60e9f16727f241eb34b9d345a8f")
0030 heepElectronID_HEEPV71.isPOGApproved = cms.untracked.bool(True)