File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:25:11
0001 #include "HGCDoublet.h"
0003 bool HGCDoublet::checkCompatibilityAndTag(std::vector<HGCDoublet> &allDoublets,
0004 const std::vector<int> &innerDoublets,
0005 const GlobalVector &refDir,
0006 float minCosTheta,
0007 float minCosPointing,
0008 bool debug) {
0009 int nDoublets = innerDoublets.size();
0010 int constexpr VSIZE = 4;
0011 int ok[VSIZE];
0012 double xi[VSIZE];
0013 double yi[VSIZE];
0014 double zi[VSIZE];
0015 int seedi[VSIZE];
0016 bool siblingsClusters[VSIZE];
0017 auto xo = outerX();
0018 auto yo = outerY();
0019 auto zo = outerZ();
0020 unsigned int doubletId = theDoubletId_;
0022 auto loop = [&](int i, int vs) {
0023 for (int j = 0; j < vs; ++j) {
0024 auto otherDoubletId = innerDoublets[i + j];
0025 auto &otherDoublet = allDoublets[otherDoubletId];
0026 xi[j] = otherDoublet.innerX();
0027 yi[j] = otherDoublet.innerY();
0028 zi[j] = otherDoublet.innerZ();
0029 seedi[j] = otherDoublet.seedIndex();
0030 siblingsClusters[j] = otherDoublet.areSiblingClusters();
0031 if (debug) {
0032 LogDebug("HGCDoublet") << i + j << " is doublet " << otherDoubletId << std::endl;
0033 }
0034 }
0035 for (int j = 0; j < vs; ++j) {
0036 if (seedi[j] != seedIndex_) {
0037 ok[j] = 0;
0038 continue;
0039 }
0040 if (areSiblingClusters_ and siblingsClusters[j]) {
0041 ok[j] = 1;
0042 continue;
0043 }
0044 ok[j] = areAligned(xi[j], yi[j], zi[j], xo, yo, zo, minCosTheta, minCosPointing, refDir, debug);
0045 if (debug) {
0046 LogDebug("HGCDoublet") << "Are aligned for InnerDoubletId: " << i + j << " is " << ok[j] << std::endl;
0047 }
0048 }
0049 for (int j = 0; j < vs; ++j) {
0050 auto otherDoubletId = innerDoublets[i + j];
0051 auto &otherDoublet = allDoublets[otherDoubletId];
0052 if (ok[j]) {
0053 otherDoublet.tagAsOuterNeighbor(doubletId);
0054 allDoublets[doubletId].tagAsInnerNeighbor(otherDoubletId);
0055 }
0056 }
0057 };
0058 auto lim = VSIZE * (nDoublets / VSIZE);
0059 for (int i = 0; i < lim; i += VSIZE)
0060 loop(i, VSIZE);
0061 loop(lim, nDoublets - lim);
0063 if (debug) {
0064 LogDebug("HGCDoublet") << "Found " << innerNeighbors_.size() << " compatible doublets out of " << nDoublets
0065 << " considered" << std::endl;
0066 }
0067 return innerNeighbors_.empty();
0068 }
0070 int HGCDoublet::areAligned(double xi,
0071 double yi,
0072 double zi,
0073 double xo,
0074 double yo,
0075 double zo,
0076 float minCosTheta,
0077 float minCosPointing,
0078 const GlobalVector &refDir,
0079 bool debug) const {
0080 auto dx1 = xo - xi;
0081 auto dy1 = yo - yi;
0082 auto dz1 = zo - zi;
0084 auto dx2 = innerX() - xi;
0085 auto dy2 = innerY() - yi;
0086 auto dz2 = innerZ() - zi;
0089 auto dot = dx1 * dx2 + dy1 * dy2 + dz1 * dz2;
0090 auto dotsq = dot * dot;
0092 auto mag1sq = dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1 + dz1 * dz1;
0093 auto mag2sq = dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2 + dz2 * dz2;
0095 auto minCosTheta_sq = minCosTheta * minCosTheta;
0096 bool isWithinLimits = (dotsq > minCosTheta_sq * mag1sq * mag2sq);
0098 if (debug) {
0099 LogDebug("HGCDoublet") << "-- Are Aligned -- dotsq: " << dotsq << " mag1sq: " << mag1sq << " mag2sq: " << mag2sq
0100 << "minCosTheta_sq:" << minCosTheta_sq << " isWithinLimits: " << isWithinLimits << std::endl;
0101 }
0110 const GlobalVector firstDoublet(dx2, dy2, dz2);
0111 const GlobalVector pointingDir = (seedIndex_ == -1) ? GlobalVector(innerX(), innerY(), innerZ()) : refDir;
0113 auto dot_pointing =;
0114 auto dot_pointing_sq = dot_pointing * dot_pointing;
0115 auto mag_pointing_sq = pointingDir.mag2();
0116 auto minCosPointing_sq = minCosPointing * minCosPointing;
0117 bool isWithinLimitsPointing = (dot_pointing_sq > minCosPointing_sq * mag_pointing_sq * mag2sq);
0118 if (debug) {
0119 LogDebug("HGCDoublet") << "Pointing direction: " << pointingDir << std::endl;
0120 LogDebug("HGCDoublet") << "-- Are Aligned -- dot_pointing_sq: " << dot_pointing_sq
0121 << " mag_pointing_sq: " << mag_pointing_sq << " mag2sq: " << mag2sq
0122 << " isWithinLimitsPointing: " << isWithinLimitsPointing << std::endl;
0123 }
0126 return isWithinLimits && isWithinLimitsPointing;
0127 }
0129 void HGCDoublet::findNtuplets(std::vector<HGCDoublet> &allDoublets,
0130 HGCntuplet &tmpNtuplet,
0131 int seedIndex,
0132 const bool outInDFS,
0133 const unsigned int outInHops,
0134 const unsigned int maxOutInHops,
0135 std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > &outInToVisit) {
0136 if (!alreadyVisited_ && seedIndex == seedIndex_) {
0137 alreadyVisited_ = true;
0138 tmpNtuplet.push_back(theDoubletId_);
0139 unsigned int numberOfOuterNeighbors = outerNeighbors_.size();
0140 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfOuterNeighbors; ++i) {
0141 allDoublets[outerNeighbors_[i]].findNtuplets(
0142 allDoublets, tmpNtuplet, seedIndex, outInDFS, outInHops, maxOutInHops, outInToVisit);
0143 }
0144 if (outInDFS && outInHops < maxOutInHops) {
0145 for (auto inN : innerNeighbors_) {
0146 outInToVisit.emplace_back(inN, outInHops + 1);
0147 }
0148 }
0149 }
0150 }