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0001 /*
0002 TICL plugin for electron superclustering in HGCAL using a DNN. 
0003 DNN designed by Alessandro Tarabini.
0005 Inputs are CLUE3D EM tracksters. Outputs are superclusters (as vectors of IDs of trackster)
0006 "Seed trackster" : seed of supercluster, always highest pT trackster of supercluster, normally should be an electron
0007 "Candidate trackster" : trackster that is considered for superclustering with a seed
0009 Algorithm description :
0010 1) Tracksters are ordered by decreasing pT.
0011 2) We iterate over candidate tracksters, then over seed tracksters with higher pT than the candidate.
0012    If the pair seed-candidate is in a compatible eta-phi window and passes some selections (seed pT, energy, etc), then we add the DNN features of the pair to a tensor for later inference.
0013 3) We run the inference with the DNN on the pairs (in minibatches to reduce memory usage)
0014 4) We iterate over candidate and seed pairs inference results. For each candidate, we take the seed for which the DNN score for the seed-candidate score is best.
0015    If the score is also above a working point, then we add the candidate to the supercluster of the seed, and mask the candidate so it cannot be considered as a seed further
0017 The loop is first on candidate, then on seeds as it is more efficient for step 4 to find the best seed for each candidate.
0019 Authors : Theo Cuisset <>, Shamik Ghosh <>
0020 Date : 11/2023
0021 */
0023 #include <string>
0024 #include <memory>
0025 #include <algorithm>
0026 #include <vector>
0028 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0029 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
0030 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/allowedValues.h"
0031 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0032 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/FileInPath.h"
0033 #include "PhysicsTools/ONNXRuntime/interface/ONNXRuntime.h"
0035 #include "DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/TICLLayerTile.h"
0036 #include "DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/Trackster.h"
0037 #include "RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN.h"
0039 using namespace ticl;
0041 TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN::TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN(const edm::ParameterSet& ps,
0042                                                                            edm::ConsumesCollector iC,
0043                                                                            cms::Ort::ONNXRuntime const* onnxRuntime)
0044     : TracksterLinkingAlgoBase(ps, iC, onnxRuntime),
0045       dnnInputs_(makeSuperclusteringDNNInputFromString(ps.getParameter<std::string>("dnnInputsVersion"))),
0046       inferenceBatchSize_(ps.getParameter<unsigned int>("inferenceBatchSize")),
0047       nnWorkingPoint_(ps.getParameter<double>("nnWorkingPoint")),
0048       deltaEtaWindow_(ps.getParameter<double>("deltaEtaWindow")),
0049       deltaPhiWindow_(ps.getParameter<double>("deltaPhiWindow")),
0050       seedPtThreshold_(ps.getParameter<double>("seedPtThreshold")),
0051       candidateEnergyThreshold_(ps.getParameter<double>("candidateEnergyThreshold")),
0052       explVarRatioCut_energyBoundary_(ps.getParameter<double>("candidateEnergyThreshold")),
0053       explVarRatioMinimum_lowEnergy_(ps.getParameter<double>("explVarRatioMinimum_lowEnergy")),
0054       explVarRatioMinimum_highEnergy_(ps.getParameter<double>("explVarRatioMinimum_highEnergy")),
0055       filterByTracksterPID_(ps.getParameter<bool>("filterByTracksterPID")),
0056       tracksterPIDCategoriesToFilter_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("tracksterPIDCategoriesToFilter")),
0057       PIDThreshold_(ps.getParameter<double>("PIDThreshold")) {
0058   assert(onnxRuntime_ &&
0059          "TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN : ONNXRuntime was not provided, the model should have been set in "
0060          "onnxModelPath in the plugin config");
0061 }
0063 void TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN::initialize(const HGCalDDDConstants* hgcons,
0064                                                       const hgcal::RecHitTools rhtools,
0065                                                       const edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> bfieldH,
0066                                                       const edm::ESHandle<Propagator> propH) {}
0068 /** 
0069  * Check if trackster passes cut on explained variance ratio. The DNN is trained only on pairs where both seed and candidate pass this cut
0070  * Explained variance ratio is (largest PCA eigenvalue) / (sum of PCA eigenvalues)
0071 */
0072 bool TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN::checkExplainedVarianceRatioCut(ticl::Trackster const& ts) const {
0073   float explVar_denominator =
0074       std::accumulate(std::begin(ts.eigenvalues()), std::end(ts.eigenvalues()), 0.f, std::plus<float>());
0075   if (explVar_denominator != 0.) {
0076     float explVarRatio = ts.eigenvalues()[0] / explVar_denominator;
0077     if (ts.raw_energy() > explVarRatioCut_energyBoundary_)
0078       return explVarRatio >= explVarRatioMinimum_highEnergy_;
0079     else
0080       return explVarRatio >= explVarRatioMinimum_lowEnergy_;
0081   } else
0082     return false;
0083 }
0085 bool TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN::trackstersPassesPIDCut(const Trackster& tst) const {
0086   if (filterByTracksterPID_) {
0087     float probTotal = 0.0f;
0088     for (int cat : tracksterPIDCategoriesToFilter_) {
0089       probTotal += tst.id_probabilities(cat);
0090     }
0091     return probTotal >= PIDThreshold_;
0092   } else
0093     return true;
0094 }
0096 /**
0097  * resultTracksters : superclusters as tracksters (ie merging of tracksters that have been superclustered together)
0098  * outputSuperclusters : same as linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId. Probably should use only one of the two.
0099  * linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId : maps indices from resultTracksters back into input tracksters.
0100  *    resultTracksters[i] has seed input.tracksters[linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId[i][0]], linked with tracksters input.tracksters[linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId[i][1..N]]
0101 */
0102 void TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN::linkTracksters(
0103     const Inputs& input,
0104     std::vector<Trackster>& resultTracksters,
0105     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>& outputSuperclusters,
0106     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>& linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId) {
0107   // For now we use all input tracksters for superclustering. At some point there might be a filter here for EM tracksters (electromagnetic identification with DNN ?)
0108   auto const& inputTracksters = input.tracksters;
0109   const unsigned int tracksterCount = inputTracksters.size();
0111   /* Sorting tracksters by decreasing order of pT (out-of-place sort). 
0112   inputTracksters[trackstersIndicesPt[0]], ..., inputTracksters[trackstersIndicesPt[N]] makes a list of tracksters sorted by decreasing pT
0113   Indices into this pT sorted collection will have the suffix _pt. Thus inputTracksters[index] and inputTracksters[trackstersIndicesPt[index_pt]] are correct
0114   */
0115   std::vector<unsigned int> trackstersIndicesPt(inputTracksters.size());
0116   std::iota(trackstersIndicesPt.begin(), trackstersIndicesPt.end(), 0);
0117   std::stable_sort(
0118       trackstersIndicesPt.begin(), trackstersIndicesPt.end(), [&inputTracksters](unsigned int i1, unsigned int i2) {
0119         return inputTracksters[i1].raw_pt() > inputTracksters[i2].raw_pt();
0120       });
0122   /* Evaluate in minibatches since running with trackster count = 3000 leads to a short-lived ~15GB memory allocation
0123   Also we do not know in advance how many superclustering candidate pairs there are going to be
0124   The batch size needs to be rounded to featureCount
0125   */
0126   const unsigned int miniBatchSize =
0127       static_cast<unsigned int>(inferenceBatchSize_) / dnnInputs_->featureCount() * dnnInputs_->featureCount();
0129   std::vector<std::vector<float>>
0130       inputTensorBatches;  // DNN input features tensors, in minibatches. Outer array : minibatches, inner array : 2D (flattened) array of features (indexed by batchIndex, featureId)
0131   // How far along in the latest tensor of inputTensorBatches are we. Set to miniBatchSize to trigger the creation of the tensor batch on first run
0132   unsigned int candidateIndexInCurrentBatch = miniBatchSize;
0133   // List of all (ts_seed_id; ts_cand_id) selected for DNN inference (same layout as inputTensorBatches)
0134   // Index is in global trackster collection (not pt ordered collection)
0135   std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>> tracksterIndicesUsedInDNN;
0137   // Use TracksterTiles to speed up search of tracksters in eta-phi window. One per endcap
0138   std::array<TICLLayerTile, 2> tracksterTilesBothEndcaps_pt;  // one per endcap
0139   for (unsigned int i_pt = 0; i_pt < trackstersIndicesPt.size(); ++i_pt) {
0140     Trackster const& ts = inputTracksters[trackstersIndicesPt[i_pt]];
0141     tracksterTilesBothEndcaps_pt[ts.barycenter().eta() > 0.].fill(ts.barycenter().eta(), ts.barycenter().phi(), i_pt);
0142   }
0144   // First loop on candidate tracksters (start at 1 since the highest pt trackster can only be a seed, not a candidate)
0145   for (unsigned int ts_cand_idx_pt = 1; ts_cand_idx_pt < tracksterCount; ts_cand_idx_pt++) {
0146     Trackster const& ts_cand = inputTracksters[trackstersIndicesPt[ts_cand_idx_pt]];
0148     if (ts_cand.raw_energy() < candidateEnergyThreshold_ ||
0149         !checkExplainedVarianceRatioCut(ts_cand))  // || !trackstersPassesPIDCut(ts_cand)
0150       continue;
0152     auto& tracksterTiles = tracksterTilesBothEndcaps_pt[ts_cand.barycenter().eta() > 0];
0153     std::array<int, 4> search_box = tracksterTiles.searchBoxEtaPhi(ts_cand.barycenter().Eta() - deltaEtaWindow_,
0154                                                                    ts_cand.barycenter().Eta() + deltaEtaWindow_,
0155                                                                    ts_cand.barycenter().Phi() - deltaPhiWindow_,
0156                                                                    ts_cand.barycenter().Phi() + deltaPhiWindow_);
0157     // Look for seed trackster
0158     for (int eta_i = search_box[0]; eta_i <= search_box[1]; ++eta_i) {
0159       for (int phi_i = search_box[2]; phi_i <= search_box[3]; ++phi_i) {
0160         for (unsigned int ts_seed_idx_pt :
0161              tracksterTiles[tracksterTiles.globalBin(eta_i, (phi_i % TileConstants::nPhiBins))]) {
0162           if (ts_seed_idx_pt >= ts_cand_idx_pt)
0163             continue;  // Look only at seed tracksters with higher pT than the candidate
0165           Trackster const& ts_seed = inputTracksters[trackstersIndicesPt[ts_seed_idx_pt]];
0167           if (ts_seed.raw_pt() < seedPtThreshold_)
0168             break;  // All further seeds will have lower pT than threshold (due to pT sorting)
0170           if (!checkExplainedVarianceRatioCut(ts_seed) || !trackstersPassesPIDCut(ts_seed))
0171             continue;
0173           // Check that the two tracksters are geometrically compatible for superclustering
0174           if (std::abs(ts_seed.barycenter().Eta() - ts_cand.barycenter().Eta()) < deltaEtaWindow_ &&
0175               std::abs(deltaPhi(ts_seed.barycenter().Phi(), ts_cand.barycenter().Phi())) < deltaPhiWindow_) {
0176             if (candidateIndexInCurrentBatch >= miniBatchSize) {
0177               // Create new minibatch
0178               assert(candidateIndexInCurrentBatch == miniBatchSize);
0180               /* Estimate how many seed-candidate pairs are remaining and don't allocate a full batch in this case. Use worst-case scenario of all pairs passing geometrical window
0181               Also assume ts_seed_idx_pt=0 (worst case) 
0182               The last tensor of inputTensorBatches will be larger than necessary. The end of it will be uninitialized, then passed to the DNN.
0183               We do not look at the output of the DNN on this section, so it will have no consequences.
0184               */
0185               inputTensorBatches.emplace_back(
0186                   std::min(miniBatchSize,
0187                            (tracksterCount * (tracksterCount - 1) - ts_cand_idx_pt * (ts_cand_idx_pt - 1)) / 2) *
0188                   dnnInputs_->featureCount());
0190               candidateIndexInCurrentBatch = 0;
0191               tracksterIndicesUsedInDNN.emplace_back();
0192             }
0194             std::vector<float> features = dnnInputs_->computeVector(ts_seed, ts_cand);  // Compute DNN features
0195             assert(features.size() == dnnInputs_->featureCount());
0196             assert((candidateIndexInCurrentBatch + 1) * dnnInputs_->featureCount() <= inputTensorBatches.back().size());
0197             // Copy the features into the batch (TODO : could probably avoid the copy and fill straight in the batch vector)
0198             std::copy(features.begin(),
0199                       features.end(),
0200                       inputTensorBatches.back().begin() + candidateIndexInCurrentBatch * dnnInputs_->featureCount());
0201             candidateIndexInCurrentBatch++;
0202             tracksterIndicesUsedInDNN.back().emplace_back(trackstersIndicesPt[ts_seed_idx_pt],
0203                                                           trackstersIndicesPt[ts_cand_idx_pt]);
0204           }
0205         }
0206       }
0207     }
0208   }
0210   if (inputTensorBatches.empty()) {
0211     LogDebug("HGCalTICLSuperclustering")
0212         << "No superclustering candidate pairs passed preselection before DNN. There are " << tracksterCount
0213         << " tracksters in this event.";
0214   }
0216 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0217   if (!inputTensorBatches.empty()) {
0218     std::ostringstream s;
0219     // Print the first 20 seed-cndidate pairs sent for inference
0220     for (unsigned int i = 0;
0221          i < std::min(dnnInputs_->featureCount() * 20, static_cast<unsigned int>(inputTensorBatches[0].size()));
0222          i++) {
0223       s << inputTensorBatches[0][i] << " ";
0224       if (i != 0 && i % dnnInputs_->featureCount() == 0)
0225         s << "],\t[";
0226     }
0227     LogDebug("HGCalTICLSuperclustering") << inputTensorBatches.size()
0228                                          << " batches were created. First batch starts as follows : [" << s.str()
0229                                          << "]";
0230   }
0231 #endif
0233   // Run the DNN inference
0234   std::vector<std::vector<float>>
0235       batchOutputs;  // Outer index : minibatch, inner index : inference index in minibatch, value : DNN score
0236   for (std::vector<float>& singleBatch : inputTensorBatches) {
0237     // ONNXRuntime takes std::vector<std::vector<float>>& as input (non-const reference) so we have to make a new vector
0238     std::vector<std::vector<float>> inputs_for_onnx{{std::move(singleBatch)}};
0239     std::vector<float> outputs = onnxRuntime_->run(
0240         {"input"}, inputs_for_onnx, {}, {}, inputs_for_onnx[0].size() / dnnInputs_->featureCount())[0];
0241     batchOutputs.push_back(std::move(outputs));
0242   }
0244   /* Build mask of tracksters already superclustered as candidates (to avoid using a trackster superclustered as candidate as a seed in further iterations).
0245   Also mask seeds (only needed to add tracksters not in a supercluster to the output). */
0246   std::vector<bool> tracksterMask(tracksterCount, false);
0248   /* Index of the seed trackster of the previous iteration 
0249   Initialized with an id that cannot be obtained in input */
0250   unsigned int previousCandTrackster_idx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
0251   unsigned int bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
0252   float bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_dnnScore = nnWorkingPoint_;
0254   // Lambda to be called when there is a transition from one candidate to the next (as well as after the last iteration)
0255   // Does the actual supercluster creation
0256   auto onCandidateTransition = [&](unsigned ts_cand_idx) {
0257     if (bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx <
0258         std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) {  // At least one seed can be superclustered with the candidate
0259       tracksterMask[ts_cand_idx] = true;  // Mask the candidate so it is not considered as seed in later iterations
0261       // Look for a supercluster of the seed
0262       std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>::iterator seed_supercluster_it =
0263           std::find_if(outputSuperclusters.begin(),
0264                        outputSuperclusters.end(),
0265                        [bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx](std::vector<unsigned int> const& sc) {
0266                          return sc[0] == bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx;
0267                        });
0269       if (seed_supercluster_it == outputSuperclusters.end()) {  // No supercluster exists yet for the seed. Create one.
0270         outputSuperclusters.emplace_back(std::initializer_list<unsigned int>{bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx});
0271         resultTracksters.emplace_back(inputTracksters[bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx]);
0272         linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId.emplace_back(
0273             std::initializer_list<unsigned int>{bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx});
0274         seed_supercluster_it = outputSuperclusters.end() - 1;
0275         tracksterMask[bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx] =
0276             true;  // mask the seed as well (needed to find tracksters not in any supercluster)
0277       }
0278       // Index of the supercluster into resultTracksters, outputSuperclusters and linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId collections (the indices are the same)
0279       unsigned int indexIntoOutputTracksters = seed_supercluster_it - outputSuperclusters.begin();
0280       seed_supercluster_it->push_back(ts_cand_idx);
0281       resultTracksters[indexIntoOutputTracksters].mergeTracksters(inputTracksters[ts_cand_idx]);
0282       linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId[indexIntoOutputTracksters].push_back(ts_cand_idx);
0284       assert(outputSuperclusters.size() == resultTracksters.size() &&
0285              outputSuperclusters.size() == linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId.size());
0286       assert(seed_supercluster_it->size() == linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId[indexIntoOutputTracksters].size());
0288       bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
0289       bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_dnnScore = nnWorkingPoint_;
0290     }
0291   };
0293   //Iterate over minibatches
0294   for (unsigned int batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < batchOutputs.size(); batchIndex++) {
0295     std::vector<float> const& currentBatchOutputs = batchOutputs[batchIndex];  // DNN score outputs
0296     // Iterate over seed-candidate pairs inside current minibatch
0297     for (unsigned int indexInBatch = 0; indexInBatch < tracksterIndicesUsedInDNN[batchIndex].size(); indexInBatch++) {
0298       assert(indexInBatch < static_cast<unsigned int>(batchOutputs[batchIndex].size()));
0300       const unsigned int ts_seed_idx = tracksterIndicesUsedInDNN[batchIndex][indexInBatch].first;
0301       const unsigned int ts_cand_idx = tracksterIndicesUsedInDNN[batchIndex][indexInBatch].second;
0302       const float currentDnnScore = currentBatchOutputs[indexInBatch];
0304       if (previousCandTrackster_idx != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() &&
0305           ts_cand_idx != previousCandTrackster_idx) {
0306         // There is a transition from one seed to the next (don't make a transition for the first iteration)
0307         onCandidateTransition(previousCandTrackster_idx);
0308       }
0310       if (currentDnnScore > bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_dnnScore && !tracksterMask[ts_seed_idx]) {
0311         // Check that the DNN suggests superclustering, that this seed-candidate assoc is better than previous ones, and that the seed is not already in a supercluster as candidate
0312         bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_idx = ts_seed_idx;
0313         bestSeedForCurrentCandidate_dnnScore = currentDnnScore;
0314       }
0315       previousCandTrackster_idx = ts_cand_idx;
0316     }
0317   }
0318   onCandidateTransition(previousCandTrackster_idx);
0320   // Adding one-trackster superclusters for all tracksters not in a supercluster already that pass the seed threshold
0321   for (unsigned int ts_id = 0; ts_id < tracksterCount; ts_id++) {
0322     if (!tracksterMask[ts_id] && inputTracksters[ts_id].raw_pt() >= seedPtThreshold_) {
0323       outputSuperclusters.emplace_back(std::initializer_list<unsigned int>{ts_id});
0324       resultTracksters.emplace_back(inputTracksters[ts_id]);
0325       linkedTracksterIdToInputTracksterId.emplace_back(std::initializer_list<unsigned int>{ts_id});
0326     }
0327   }
0329 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0330   for (std::vector<unsigned int> const& sc : outputSuperclusters) {
0331     std::ostringstream s;
0332     for (unsigned int trackster_id : sc)
0333       s << trackster_id << " ";
0334     LogDebug("HGCalTICLSuperclustering") << "Created supercluster of size " << sc.size()
0335                                          << " holding tracksters (first one is seed) " << s.str();
0336   }
0337 #endif
0338 }
0340 void TracksterLinkingbySuperClusteringDNN::fillPSetDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription& desc) {
0341   TracksterLinkingAlgoBase::fillPSetDescription(desc);  // adds algo_verbosity
0342   desc.add<edm::FileInPath>("onnxModelPath")->setComment("Path to DNN (as ONNX model)");
0343   desc.ifValue(edm::ParameterDescription<std::string>("dnnInputsVersion", "v2", true),
0344                edm::allowedValues<std::string>("v1", "v2"))
0345       ->setComment(
0346           "DNN inputs version tag. Defines which set of features is fed to the DNN. Must match with the actual DNN.");
0347   desc.add<unsigned int>("inferenceBatchSize", 1e5)
0348       ->setComment(
0349           "Size of inference batches fed to DNN. Increasing it should produce faster inference but higher memory "
0350           "usage. "
0351           "Has no physics impact.");
0352   desc.add<double>("nnWorkingPoint")
0353       ->setComment("Working point of DNN (in [0, 1]). DNN score above WP will attempt to supercluster.");
0354   desc.add<double>("deltaEtaWindow", 0.1)
0355       ->setComment(
0356           "Size of delta eta window to consider for superclustering. Seed-candidate pairs outside this window "
0357           "are not considered for DNN inference.");
0358   desc.add<double>("deltaPhiWindow", 0.5)
0359       ->setComment(
0360           "Size of delta phi window to consider for superclustering. Seed-candidate pairs outside this window "
0361           "are not considered for DNN inference.");
0362   desc.add<double>("seedPtThreshold", 4.)
0363       ->setComment("Minimum transverse energy of trackster to be considered as seed of a supercluster");
0364   desc.add<double>("candidateEnergyThreshold", 2.)
0365       ->setComment("Minimum energy of trackster to be considered as candidate for superclustering");
0366   desc.add<double>("explVarRatioCut_energyBoundary", 50.)
0367       ->setComment("Boundary energy between low and high energy explVarRatio cut threshold");
0368   desc.add<double>("explVarRatioMinimum_lowEnergy", 0.92)
0369       ->setComment(
0370           "Cut on explained variance ratio of tracksters to be considered as candidate, "
0371           "for trackster raw_energy < explVarRatioCut_energyBoundary");
0372   desc.add<double>("explVarRatioMinimum_highEnergy", 0.95)
0373       ->setComment(
0374           "Cut on explained variance ratio of tracksters to be considered as candidate, "
0375           "for trackster raw_energy > explVarRatioCut_energyBoundary");
0376   desc.add<bool>("filterByTracksterPID", true)->setComment("Filter tracksters before superclustering by PID score");
0377   desc.add<std::vector<int>>(
0378           "tracksterPIDCategoriesToFilter",
0379           {static_cast<int>(Trackster::ParticleType::photon), static_cast<int>(Trackster::ParticleType::electron)})
0380       ->setComment("List of PID particle types (ticl::Trackster::ParticleType enum) to consider for PID filtering");
0381   desc.add<double>("PIDThreshold", 0.8)->setComment("PID score threshold");
0382 }