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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # global tracking region for primary pixel tracks
0004 from RecoTracker.TkTrackingRegions.globalTrackingRegionWithVertices_cfi import globalTrackingRegionWithVertices as _globalTrackingRegionWithVertices
0005 hiTrackingRegionWithVertex = _globalTrackingRegionWithVertices.clone(RegionPSet = dict(
0006     ptMin         = 1.5,      
0007     originRadius  = 0.2,
0008     nSigmaZ       = 3.0,        
0009     beamSpot      = "offlineBeamSpot",
0010     precise       = True,       
0011     useMultipleScattering = False,
0012     useFakeVertices       = False,
0013     useFoundVertices = True,
0014     VertexCollection = "hiSelectedPixelVertex",     
0015     useFixedError = True,
0016     fixedError    = 0.2,
0017     sigmaZVertex  = 3.0     
0018 ))
0020 # global tracking region for low-pt pixel tracks
0021 HiLowPtTrackingRegionWithVertexBlock = cms.PSet(
0022     ptMin         = cms.double(0.25),
0023     originRadius  = cms.double(0.2),
0024     nSigmaZ       = cms.double(3.0),
0025     beamSpot      = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
0026     precise       = cms.bool(True),
0027     useMultipleScattering = cms.bool(False),
0028     useFakeVertices       = cms.bool(False),
0029     useFoundVertices = cms.bool(True),
0030     VertexCollection = cms.InputTag("hiSelectedPixelVertex"),
0031     useFixedError = cms.bool(True),
0032     fixedError    = cms.double(0.2),
0033     sigmaZVertex  = cms.double(3.0)
0034     )
0036 # limited tracking region for pixel proto-tracks passed to vertexing
0037 HiTrackingRegionForPrimaryVertexBlock = cms.PSet( 
0038     ptMin = cms.double( 0.7 ),
0039     doVariablePtMin = cms.bool ( True ),
0040     originRadius = cms.double( 0.1 ),   
0041     nSigmaZ = cms.double(3.0),
0042     beamSpot = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"), 
0043     precise = cms.bool( True ),
0044     useMultipleScattering = cms.bool(False),
0045     useFakeVertices       = cms.bool(False),
0046     siPixelRecHits = cms.InputTag( "siPixelRecHits" ),
0047     directionXCoord = cms.double( 1.0 ),
0048     directionYCoord = cms.double( 1.0 ),
0049     directionZCoord = cms.double( 0.0 )
0050     )
0052 # limited tracking region for pixel proto-tracks (using cluster vtx input)
0053 from RecoHI.HiTracking.hiTrackingRegionFromClusterVtx_cfi import hiTrackingRegionFromClusterVtx
0056 # limited jet-seeded tracking region
0057 from RecoTauTag.HLTProducers.TauRegionalPixelSeedGenerator_cfi import tauRegionalPixelSeedGenerator
0058 HiTrackingRegionFactoryFromJetsBlock = tauRegionalPixelSeedGenerator.RegionFactoryPSet.clone(
0059     RegionPSet = dict(
0060     JetSrc    = "iterativeConePu5CaloJets",
0061     vertexSrc = "hiSelectedPixelVertex")
0062 )
0063 # limited stand-alone muon-seeded tracking region
0064 from RecoMuon.TrackingTools.MuonServiceProxy_cff import MuonServiceProxy
0065 from RecoMuon.GlobalTrackingTools.MuonTrackingRegionCommon_cff import MuonTrackingRegionCommon