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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from RecoJets.FFTJetProducers.fftjetcommon_cfi import *
0005 fftjetPfPileupCleaner = cms.EDProducer(
0006     "FFTJetPFPileupCleaner",
0007     #
0008     # Label for the input collection of PFCandidate objects
0009     PFCandidates = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),
0010     #
0011     # Label for the collection of primary vertices
0012     Vertices = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0013     #
0014     # Info about fake primary vertices
0015     useFakePrimaryVertex = cms.bool(False),
0016     FakePrimaryVertices = cms.InputTag("vertexadder", "FFTJetFudgedVertices"),
0017     #
0018     # Find the closest vertex even if the track is not associated
0019     # with any good vertex?
0020     checkClosestZVertex = cms.bool(True),
0021     #
0022     # Associate all tracks neigboring the main vertex with it?
0023     # This switch is meaningful only if "checkClosestZVertex" it true.
0024     keepIfPVneighbor = cms.bool(True),
0025     #
0026     # Remove the objects associated with the main primary vertex?
0027     removeMainVertex = cms.bool(False),
0028     #
0029     # Remove the objects not associated with any primary vertex?
0030     removeUnassociated = cms.bool(False),
0031     #
0032     # Overall flag to invert the decision
0033     reverseRemovalDecision = cms.bool(False),
0034     #
0035     # Various removal flags by object type. See PFCandidate header
0036     # for object type details.
0037     remove_X = cms.bool(False),
0038     remove_h = cms.bool(True),
0039     remove_e = cms.bool(True),
0040     remove_mu = cms.bool(True),
0041     remove_gamma = cms.bool(False),
0042     remove_h0 = cms.bool(False),
0043     remove_h_HF = cms.bool(False),
0044     remove_egamma_HF = cms.bool(False),
0045     #
0046     # Minimum and maximum allowed eta
0047     etaMin = cms.double(-fftjet_standard_eta_range),
0048     etaMax = cms.double(fftjet_standard_eta_range),
0049     #
0050     # Vertex quality cuts
0051     vertexNdofCut = cms.double(4.0),
0052     vertexZmaxCut = cms.double(24.0),
0053     vertexRhoCut = cms.double(1.0e20)
0054 )