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0001 # Uncalibrated pile-up estimator for PFJets
0003 import math
0004 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0006 dummy_functor = cms.PSet(
0007     Class = cms.string("Polynomial"),
0008     c0 = cms.double(-1.0)
0009 )
0011 # FFTJet puleup estimator module configuration
0012 fftjetPileupEstimatorPf_uncal = cms.EDProducer(
0013     "FFTJetPileupEstimator",
0014     #
0015     # Label for the input info
0016     inputLabel = cms.InputTag("pileupprocessor", "FFTJetPileupPF"),
0017     #
0018     # Label for the produced objects
0019     outputLabel = cms.string("FFTJetPileupEstimatePFUncalib"),
0020     #
0021     # Conversion factor from total pile-up pt to its density
0022     # (don't care for uncalibrated run)
0023     ptToDensityFactor = cms.double(1.0),
0024     #
0025     # Fixed cdf value (optimized for PFJets)
0026     cdfvalue = cms.double(0.5),
0027     #
0028     # Filter number (there is only one filter for production runs)
0029     filterNumber = cms.uint32(0),
0030     #
0031     # Uncertainty zones for the Neyman belt (don't care for uncalibrated run)
0032     uncertaintyZones = cms.vdouble(),
0033     #
0034     # Calibration and uncertainty curves (don't care for uncalibrated run)
0035     calibrationCurve = dummy_functor,
0036     uncertaintyCurve = dummy_functor,
0037     #
0038     # Parameters related to calibration curve access from DB
0039     calibTableRecord = cms.string("calibTableRecord"),
0040     calibTableCategory = cms.string("calibTableCategory"),
0041     uncertaintyZonesName = cms.string("uncertaintyZonesName"),
0042     calibrationCurveName = cms.string("calibrationCurveName"),
0043     uncertaintyCurveName = cms.string("uncertaintyCurveName"),
0044     loadCalibFromDB = cms.bool(False)
0045 )