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0001 # FFTJet pile-up processor module configuration for PFJets
0003 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0005 from RecoJets.FFTJetProducers.fftjetcommon_cfi import *
0006 import RecoJets.FFTJetProducers.pileup_shape_Summer11_PF_v1_cfi as pf_ps
0008 # A good ratio is about 1.1 for PFJets, could be larger for CaloJets
0009 fftjet_pileup_phi_to_eta_ratio = 1.1
0011 # Note that for the grid below we do not really care that
0012 # convolution results will wrap around in eta
0013 fftjet_pileup_grid_pf = cms.PSet(
0014     nEtaBins = cms.uint32(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_eta_bins),
0015     etaMin = cms.double(-pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_eta_max),
0016     etaMax = cms.double(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_eta_max),
0017     nPhiBins = cms.uint32(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_phi_bins),
0018     phiBin0Edge = cms.double(0.0),
0019     title = cms.untracked.string("FFTJet Pileup Grid")
0020 )
0022 fftjetPileupProcessorPf = cms.EDProducer(
0023     "FFTJetPileupProcessor",
0024     #
0025     # The main eta and phi scale factors for the filters
0026     kernelEtaScale = cms.double(1.0),
0027     kernelPhiScale = cms.double(fftjet_pileup_phi_to_eta_ratio),
0028     #
0029     # Label for the produced objects
0030     outputLabel = cms.string("FFTJetPileupPF"),
0031     #
0032     # Label for the input collection of Candidate objects
0033     src = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),
0034     #
0035     # Label for the jets. Vertex correction may be done for "CaloJet" only.
0036     jetType = cms.string("PFJet"),
0037     #
0038     # Perform vertex correction?
0039     doPVCorrection = cms.bool(False),
0040     #
0041     # Label for the input collection of vertex objects. Meaningful
0042     # only when "doPVCorrection" is True
0043     srcPVs = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0044     #
0045     # Eta-dependent magnitude factors for the data (applied before filtering)
0046     etaDependentMagnutideFactors = cms.vdouble(),
0047     #
0048     # Eta-dependent magnitude factors for the data (applied after filtering)
0049     etaFlatteningFactors = cms.vdouble(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_magnitude_factors),
0050     #
0051     # Configuration for the energy discretization grid
0052     GridConfiguration = fftjet_pileup_grid_pf,
0053     #
0054     # Convolution range
0055     convolverMinBin = cms.uint32(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_min_eta_bin),
0056     convolverMaxBin = cms.uint32(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_max_eta_bin),
0057     #
0058     # Conversion factor from the Et sum to the Et density
0059     pileupEtaPhiArea = cms.double(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_eta_phi_area),
0060     #
0061     # The set of scales used by the filters. Here, just one scale
0062     # is configured
0063     nScales = cms.uint32(1),
0064     minScale = cms.double(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_bandwidth),
0065     maxScale = cms.double(pf_ps.fftjet_pileup_bandwidth),
0066     #
0067     # The number of percentile points to use
0068     nPercentiles = cms.uint32(51),
0069     #
0070     # Files for mixing in external grids
0071     externalGridFiles = cms.vstring(),
0072     #
0073     # Energy cutoff for external grids (removes some crazy grids)
0074     externalGridMaxEnergy = cms.double(20000.0),
0075     #
0076     # Anomalous calo tower definition (comes from JetProducers default)
0077     anomalous = fftjet_anomalous_tower_default,
0078     #
0079     # Some parameters inherited from FFTJetInterface which no longer
0080     # play any role
0081     insertCompleteEvent = cms.bool(fftjet_insert_complete_event),
0082     completeEventScale = cms.double(fftjet_complete_event_scale),
0083     #
0084     # Parameters related to accessing the table of flattening factors from DB
0085     flatteningTableRecord = cms.string("flatteningTableRecord"),
0086     flatteningTableName = cms.string("flatteningTableName"),
0087     flatteningTableCategory = cms.string("flatteningTableCategory"),
0088     loadFlatteningFactorsFromDB = cms.bool(False)
0089 )