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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:25:24
0001 import math 0002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0003 0004 from RecoJets.FFTJetProducers.fftjetcommon_cfi import * 0005 0006 fftjet_default_recombination_scale = 0.5 0007 0008 # FFTJet jet producer configuration 0009 fftjetJetMaker = cms.EDProducer( 0010 "FFTJetProducer", 0011 # 0012 # Label for the input clustering tree (must be sparse) 0013 treeLabel = cms.InputTag("fftjetpatreco", "FFTJetPatternRecognition"), 0014 # 0015 # Do we have the complete event at the lowest clustering tree scale? 0016 # Note that sparse clustering tree removes it by default, even if 0017 # it is inserted by the pattern recognition module. 0018 insertCompleteEvent = cms.bool(fftjet_insert_complete_event), 0019 completeEventScale = cms.double(fftjet_complete_event_scale), 0020 # 0021 # The initial set of scales used by the pattern recognition stage. 0022 # This is also the final set unless clustering tree construction 0023 # is adaptive. Needed here for reading back non-adaptive trees. 0024 InitialScales = fftjet_patreco_scales_50, 0025 # 0026 # Label for the produced objects 0027 outputLabel = cms.string("MadeByFFTJet"), 0028 # 0029 # Label for the input collection of Candidate objects 0030 src = cms.InputTag("towerMaker"), 0031 # 0032 # Type of the jets which will be produced (should be consistent with 0033 # the input collection). Valid types are "BasicJet", "GenJet", "CaloJet", 0034 # "PFJet", and "TrackJet". The algorithm might do different things 0035 # depending on the type. In particular, vertex correction may be done 0036 # for "CaloJet". 0037 jetType = cms.string("CaloJet"), 0038 # 0039 # Perform vertex correction? 0040 doPVCorrection = cms.bool(False), 0041 # 0042 # Label for the input collection of vertex objects. Meaningful 0043 # only when "doPVCorrection" is True 0044 srcPVs = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"), 0045 # 0046 # Anomalous calo tower definition (comes from RecoJets default) 0047 anomalous = fftjet_anomalous_tower_default, 0048 # 0049 # Magnitude correction factors (used only with gridded algorithms) 0050 etaDependentMagnutideFactors = cms.vdouble(), 0051 # 0052 # If a gridded algorithm is used, do we want to pick up the discretized 0053 # energy flow grid from the event record? 0054 reuseExistingGrid = cms.bool(False), 0055 # 0056 # If we do not reuse an existing grid, we need to provide 0057 # the grid configuration 0058 GridConfiguration = fftjet_grid_256_128, 0059 # 0060 # Maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative jet 0061 # fitting. One-shot method is used if this number is 0 or 1. 0062 maxIterations = cms.uint32(1), 0063 # 0064 # Number of leading jets for which the iterative jet fitting must 0065 # converge before iterations are declared successful. This parameter 0066 # is not terribly meaningfule unless you know how many jets you expect 0067 # to get. 0068 nJetsRequiredToConverge = cms.uint32(10), 0069 # 0070 # The distance cutoff for the convergence. The distance between 0071 # the jets on two subsequent iterations must be less than this 0072 # cutoff in order to declare that the jet reconstruction has 0073 # converged. The distance function is defined by the "jetDistanceCalc" 0074 # parameter. Used only if "maxIterations" is larger than 1. 0075 convergenceDistance = cms.double(1.0e-6), 0076 # 0077 # Are we going to produce the set of constituents for each jet? 0078 # If we are not doing this, the code will run faster. 0079 assignConstituents = cms.bool(True), 0080 # 0081 # Are we going to resum constituents to calculate jet 4-vectors? 0082 # This only makes sense when a gridded algorithm is used in the 0083 # crisp 4-vector recombination mode to determine jet areas (note 0084 # that "recombinationDataCutoff" parameter should be negative), 0085 # and resumming is used to emulate vector algorithm recombination. 0086 resumConstituents = cms.bool(False), 0087 # 0088 # Noise sigma parameter for the background functor (the interface 0089 # to noise modeling is likely to be changed in the future) 0090 noiseLevel = cms.double(0.15), 0091 # 0092 # Number of clusters requested. Works with both "locallyAdaptive" 0093 # and "globallyAdaptive" resolution schemes. 0094 nClustersRequested = cms.uint32(4), 0095 # 0096 # Maximum eta for gridded recombination algorithms. Grid cells 0097 # with eta values ou t 0098 gridScanMaxEta = cms.double(fftjet_standard_eta_range), 0099 # 0100 # Are we going to use gridded or vector algorithm? Vector algoritms 0101 # are slightly more precise (no binning uncertainty introduced). However, 0102 # jet-by-jet jet areas can be calculated only by gridded algorithms. 0103 useGriddedAlgorithm = cms.bool(False), 0104 # 0105 # The recombination algorithm used. For vector algorithms, possible 0106 # specifications are: 0107 # "Kernel" -- use 4-vector recombination scheme 0108 # "EtCentroid" -- use Et centroid (or "original Snowmass") scheme 0109 # "EtSum" -- set the jet direction to the precluster direction 0110 # For gridded algorithms additional specifications are available: 0111 # "FasterKernel", "FasterEtCentroid", and "FasterEtSum". See the 0112 # comments in the "FasterKernelRecombinationAlg.hh" header of the 0113 # FFTJet package for limitations of those faster algorithms. 0114 recombinationAlgorithm = cms.string("Kernel"), 0115 # 0116 # Are we going to utilize crisp or fuzzy clustering? 0117 isCrisp = cms.bool(True), 0118 # 0119 # A parameter which defines when we will attempt to split the energy 0120 # of a calorimeter cell if it is unlikely to belong to any jet and 0121 # to the noise. Works with Et-dependent membership functions only. 0122 # The default value of 0 means don't split, just assign this energy 0123 # deposition to the unclustered energy. 0124 unlikelyBgWeight = cms.double(0.0), 0125 # 0126 # The data cutoff for the gridded algorithms. Set this cutoff 0127 # to some negative number if you want to calculate jet areas 0128 # (this can also be done by turning on pile-up calculation 0129 # as a separate step.) Set it to 0 or some positive number 0130 # if you want to improve the code speed. 0131 recombinationDataCutoff = cms.double(0.0), 0132 # 0133 # The built-in precluster selection for subsequent jet reconstruction 0134 # can be performed according to the following schemes which, basically, 0135 # describe how the resolution of the Gaussian filter is chosen: 0136 # "fixed" -- use the same user-selected resolution across 0137 # the whole eta-phi space 0138 # "maximallyStable" -- pick up a single resolution according to 0139 # a jet configuration stability criterion 0140 # "globallyAdaptive" -- pick up a single resolution which gives 0141 # a desired number of jets 0142 # "locallyAdaptive" -- use different resolutions in different parts 0143 # of the eta-phi space in order to maximize 0144 # a certain optimization criterion 0145 resolution = cms.string("fixed"), 0146 # 0147 # Scale parameter for the "fixed" and "locallyAdaptive" resolution schemes 0148 fixedScale = cms.double(0.15), 0149 # 0150 # Minimum and maximum stable scales for the "maximallyStable" 0151 # resolution scheme. Value of 0 means there is no limit, and 0152 # all scales in the clustering tree are considered. 0153 minStableScale = cms.double(0.0), 0154 maxStableScale = cms.double(0.0), 0155 # 0156 # Stability exponent for the "maximallyStable" resolution scheme 0157 stabilityAlpha = cms.double(0.5), 0158 # 0159 # The precluster discriminator which works together with the 0160 # resolution selection scheme 0161 PeakSelectorConfiguration = cms.PSet( 0162 Class = cms.string("SimplePeakSelector"), 0163 magCut = cms.double(0.1), 0164 driftSpeedCut = cms.double(1.0e100), 0165 magSpeedCut = cms.double(-1.0e100), 0166 lifeTimeCut = cms.double(-1.0e100), 0167 NNDCut = cms.double(-1.0e100), 0168 etaCut = cms.double(1.0e100), 0169 splitTimeCut = cms.double(-1.0e100), 0170 mergeTimeCut = cms.double(-1.0e100) 0171 ), 0172 # 0173 # The jet membership function 0174 jetMembershipFunction = fftjet_jet_membership_cone, 0175 # 0176 # The noise membership function 0177 bgMembershipFunction = fftjet_noise_membership_smallconst, 0178 # 0179 # The recombination scale function 0180 recoScaleCalcPeak = cms.PSet( 0181 Class = cms.string("ConstDouble"), 0182 value = cms.double(fftjet_default_recombination_scale) 0183 ), 0184 # 0185 # The function which calculates eta-to-phi bandwidth ratio 0186 # for the jet membership function. If the ratio is set to 0, 0187 # the "setScaleRatio" membership function method will never 0188 # be called, and the default ratio built into the membership 0189 # functionwill be used instead. 0190 recoScaleRatioCalcPeak = fftjet_peakfunctor_const_zero, 0191 # 0192 # The function which calculates the factor to be multiplied by 0193 # the membership function 0194 memberFactorCalcPeak = fftjet_peakfunctor_const_one, 0195 # 0196 # The following parameters must be specified if "maxIterations" value 0197 # is larger than 1. They are used in the iterative mode only. 0198 # recoScaleCalcJet = , 0199 # recoScaleRatioCalcJet = , 0200 # memberFactorCalcJet = , 0201 # jetDistanceCalc = , 0202 # 0203 recoScaleCalcJet = cms.PSet( 0204 Class = cms.string("ConstDouble"), 0205 value = cms.double(fftjet_default_recombination_scale) 0206 ), 0207 recoScaleRatioCalcJet = fftjet_peakfunctor_const_one, 0208 memberFactorCalcJet = fftjet_peakfunctor_const_one, 0209 jetDistanceCalc = fftjet_convergence_jet_distance, 0210 # 0211 # Are we going to estimate the pile-up using actual jet shapes? 0212 # Note that the following _must_ be defined if we want to do this: 0213 # recoScaleCalcJet, recoScaleRatioCalcJet, memberFactorCalcJet, 0214 # PileupGridConfiguration, and pileupDensityCalc 0215 calculatePileup = cms.bool(False), 0216 # 0217 # If the pile-up is estimated, do we want to subtract it? 0218 subtractPileup = cms.bool(False), 0219 # 0220 # If the pile-up is both estimated and subtracted, do we want to use 0221 # the 4-vector pile-up subtraction scheme? (The alternative is based 0222 # on scaling the jet Pt). 0223 subtractPileupAs4Vec = cms.bool(False), 0224 # 0225 # Source of the pile-up energy flow data 0226 pileupLabel = cms.InputTag("pileupestimator", "FFTJetPileupEstimatePF"), 0227 # 0228 # Label for GenJet collection in the "fromGenJets" resolution mode 0229 genJetsLabel = cms.InputTag("fftgenjetproducer", "MadeByFFTJet"), 0230 # 0231 # Max number of preclusters. Does not take into account the possibility 0232 # of further precluster removal by setting its membership factor to 0. 0233 maxInitialPreclusters = cms.uint32(2147483647), 0234 # 0235 # Parameters related to pileup shape fetching from DB 0236 pileupTableRecord = cms.string("pileupTableRecord"), 0237 pileupTableName = cms.string("pileupTableName"), 0238 pileupTableCategory = cms.string("pileupTableCategory"), 0239 loadPileupFromDB = cms.bool(False) 0240 )
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